The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 2023 Losing the Hostage

"I'm fine, I'll be there soon, follow her!" Unexpectedly, Martinez had already opened the lock and told the girls inside to come out quickly.

Then the girls inside ran out of the cage one after another.

At this time, the kidnapper who was struggling with Stonebridge took the opportunity to escape, and immediately got on a motorcycle as soon as he got outside.

When Stonebridge chased out, he could only see his back.

Stonebridge quickly observed the surrounding geographical environment to see if he could take a shortcut to catch up.

But this villa is all crooked and twisted, which makes it quite difficult to get there.

At this time, a villager happened to be riding a motorcycle towards me.

He is the same as Long Zhan, but his way of expression is not as reckless.

He pointed a gun at the villagers and threatened them: "Get off my bike! I want to requisition your motorcycle!"

In order to save their lives, the villagers will give you anything, immediately abandon the motorcycle and run away.

The ship that Long Zhan was chasing was getting closer and closer.

But the other party took a gun and shot at Long Zhan.

Since Long Zhan had to drive the motorboat alone, he couldn't free his hands to shoot.

The only way to avoid the bullets is to make an S-shaped route in the water.

Martinez was quickly clearing the girls.

Let them all out.

When they all escaped, Martinez reported to Stonebridge: "B1, the girl is safe!"

"Roger that!" said Stonebridge.

Then he rode his motorcycle to continue chasing the leader.

Martinez also quickly escaped.

As soon as all these people came out, the whole place exploded.

Almost, all those girls died in there.

In this way, Long Zhan and Stonebridge split their forces into two groups.

Stonebridge chased the kidnapper along the village path.

Long Zhan was in the river, driving a motorboat to chase the girl's boat.

But what is more dangerous for him is that he needs to dodge the bullets fired by the other side.

If you don't shoot well, you might get shot.

This intense chase was really exciting. Previously, two people had driven together to chase.

This time they are separated and each pursues their own.

Stonebridge couldn't take care of so many things, there were some crops on the road and some goods in the market.

They all drove past, shouting as they rushed over: "Get out of the way, don't block the road."

The kidnapper didn't know that he had run into a tough guy today, and that's why he was so relentless in pursuing him.

The kidnapper leader is quite familiar with the route here.

And he drove so fast that he thought he would be able to escape successfully.

But he didn't expect that when he turned around, he saw Stonebridge following him.

"Get out of the way!" Stonebridge didn't want to hurt anyone on the road.

Chasing and shouting all the way.

And Long Zhan also met a boatman in front of him in the river, who was rowing there with a boat full of fruits.

"Be careful, get out of the way!" Long Zhan had no time to dodge because he was moving too fast.

The fisherman's boat was stuck in the middle.

With a "bang", the motorboat and the boat collided, and sparks were generated instantly.

Long Zhan had no choice but to fall into the river.

Fortunately, I fell into the river and my life is still there.

"What the fuck!"

Watching the kidnappers' boat still moving forward arrogantly.

I have to complain.

"The target is approaching you, Gibran, prepare for an ambush!" At this time, Stonebridge sent a message to Long Zhan.

The route that the motorcycle kidnapper drove was along the road along the river.

He was heading in the same direction as the vessel.

Long Zhan was not far from him, one on the shore and the other in the river.

Long Zhan listened to Stonebridge's report.

He immediately swam to the shore and picked up a bamboo pole.

Aim for that motorcycle coming over here.

Use the pole to insert into the wheel of the motorcycle.

He said proudly, "I'll let you try this."

Sure enough, the motorcycle flipped into the river.

"Is he still alive?" Stonebridge stopped the car immediately.

Asked Long Zhan.

Because the kidnapper had already fallen into the water.

There was blood all over his forehead.

Head up, floating on the water.

"Damn it." Long Zhan looked at it and said.

"B1, B2 report the situation!" Locke asked immediately.

"Kahlil Gibran, they knew we were coming!" Stonebridge said to Long Zhan.

Because they ran away so fast.

And knew to take the girl away.

The others were not taken away.

Otherwise, there would be no way they could escape if they were to launch a surprise attack.

"Headquarters, the hostages are lost. I repeat, the hostages are lost!" Long Zhan reported to the headquarters as he looked at the ship sailing away.

“Good afternoon, ambassadors, members of the delegation, and ladies and gentlemen from the media!”

That Thailand conference is still going on there.

After the mission was completed, Long Zhan, Stonebridge and Martinez returned to the headquarters together to summarize the work.

"How did they know we would appear?" Long Zhan asked Locke.

"This should be a secret operation!" Long Zhan said, staring at Locke.

"Why, do you think he would risk his daughter's life?"

Locke replied.

  But this matter is indeed very strange. Why could the kidnapper leader receive mobile phone message notifications?

So who revealed it?

"Only a handful of people know we are here!" Stonebridge said.

Locke didn't know the reason either.

He said: "Foster is very tight-lipped, I assure you!"

"It's not airtight. Someone leaked the information!" said Long Zhan.

"Our rescue operation has therefore failed!" Stonebridge added.

"I have known Robin Foster for more than ten years, and he has watched Chloe grow up, which is why he came to me first. I promised him that I would rescue his daughter! So it's better to find a way to make up for this failure!" Locke also explained to everyone.

"Rim, have you found anything?" Locke was also a little puzzled.

See if Rim has any new discoveries.

Rim had no choice but to conduct a detailed analysis based on the surveillance on the computer.

At this time, the head of the kidnapper leader appeared in the surveillance video. He was very big and muscular.

Based on his profile picture, a scan match was performed.

But the scan failed.

"He's not in the Thai police system," Rim said, looking at the empty red outline.

"So our mission this time is a waste of time." Martinez said in frustration. "It's not that we didn't get anything out of it. I have a brother who is a former military intelligence officer! He has a bar, which is actually a safe house for mercenaries. He has many burrows, so he might know where this guy came from!" Stonebridge thought for a moment and said to everyone.

"Good job, I will talk to Foster. Go find out who this mysterious man is?" Locke instructed everyone.

"Now, he is our only clue to finding Chloe." Locke said and left.

Foster was on the balcony, looking at the reporters in the square below and flattering him: "Ambassador Foster has made outstanding achievements in peace negotiations. He once served as the British representative at an international conference in the former Yugoslavia."

Locke came and found Foster.

Foster saw Locke and said to him in dissatisfaction: "We are simply a failure!"

Locke sighed and said, "No, it was almost there. The intelligence was very accurate! You made a wise choice!"

When the lady beside him heard what Foster said, she objected in surprise: "How can you say that?"

"May!" Foster walked up to the lady, wanting her to stop talking.

"No, this is about Chloe," May wanted to continue.

Foster stopped him and said, "May, I know!"

"I understand. But involving Section 20 would put Chloe in danger!"

May said to Foster.

They both feel weird.

But Locke didn't think too much about it. He just wanted to help them find their daughter.

Locke interrupted them and said, "Remember our first meeting? Robin!"

Foster responded: "In Rwanda!"

"You walked into the warlord's camp, unarmed and unprepared, yet you managed to convince them to release me and my men! And you showed a level of composure I have never seen before."

"Yes, but the situation was different then!"

When he said this, Locke carefully observed Foster's expression.

Foster looked back at Locke and replied, "I didn't have Chloe yet."

"If you think we should continue the investigation, Philip! Then let's go on." Foster said to Locke.

It turns out that the two of them are old acquaintances.

"Sir, the North Korean delegation is waiting for you. Do you need to be received by the deputy ambassador?"

At this time, Foster's assistant walked out of the room to the balcony and asked Foster.

"No need." Foster replied without hesitation.

"Honey, wait a minute!" His wife Mei straightened his collar, and it seemed that they were very much in love.

Locke saw it all.

"It took me years to get them to the negotiating table! What would I have done without you!" Foster pulled his intelligent wife into his arms and hugged her for a few seconds.

Then I went.

That left May and Locke on the balcony.

"He respects you very much." Locke said to Mei.

"Well, it's always been like this!"

"Losing his first wife almost broke him. Losing Chloe."

May said to Locke.

"May, we have a lead, and my guys are looking for help right now. We will get Chloe back. I promise you."

Locke said to Mei very seriously.

Mei looked at Locke and still trusted him quite a bit.

"We must recognize that only we can help North Korea break the vicious cycle of agreeing to participate in judgments about its nuclear weapons program but never getting any results," Foster continued at the conference.

Obviously, they cannot continue to sell nuclear technology to countries like Iran, Syria, Pakistan, etc.

The importance of these negotiations lies not only in bringing the two sides together but also in improving their standing in the international community.”

After reaching a consensus at the meeting outside, they all came indoors again.

Continue negotiations.

Foster said to the representatives of various countries: "Ladies and gentlemen, I propose that we get down to business now as we discuss such an important issue."

It can be seen that Foster still has a high status and voice in the international arena.

Long Zhan and Stonebridge took a local car to visit Stonebridge's friend to inquire about the news.

This place is quite backward and the buildings are very old.

"We have 48 hours to rescue the girl alive." After getting off the taxi, Long Zhan counted the money and said to Stonebridge.

"Well, I hope Garland can help." Stonebridge replied.

This Garland should be Stonebridge's friend.

"I understand! Who would kidnap an ambassador's daughter if it wasn't to catch a bigger fish?"

"Are you seeking revenge or ransom?" Stonebridge and Long Zhan came here to discuss.

"Well, let the boss think about these issues! We just need to focus on finding the girl."

Long Zhan replied.

That's right, they just have to carry out their mission.

After walking through a street and an alley, they arrived at the door of a store.

"That's it," said Stonebridge.

"Bang Bang Club?" Long Zhan read when he saw the sign above.

"That's right," Stonebridge confirmed.

"It's a double entendre, hahaha, I like it!" Long Zhan said with a smile.

Then two people walked in.

At this time, an equally young and handsome man was making cocktails there.

Stonebridge called after him, "Hey, Private Garland, do you need any help?"

Garland turned around with a smile on his face, very excited: "Sergeant Stonebridge."

"Come here!" Stonebridge hugged Garland.

The two grown men couldn't help but hug each other.

It can be seen that their friendship is really deep.

"It's good to see you, buddy!"

Garland couldn't help but say.

"Me too!"

Long Zhan looked at the surrounding environment.

His battle sand paintings are also hung on the wall.

Stonebridge was in there too.

Long Zhan couldn't help but praise: "You did a good job here."

But Garland shook his head and said, "It's just a shabby bar! There are gangs and transvestites everywhere!"

It seems that Garland is not very satisfied with this bar either.

"But you know, it's not bad to buy this place with the money of sacrificing an arm for the British government."

At this point, he showed his arms.

Only then did they discover that his other hand was broken.

Long Zhan was a little embarrassed at this time, but Stonebeach smiled and comforted him: "Well, not bad, not bad."

"Would you like a beer?" Garland knew that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so in order to ease it, he immediately asked them.

"Okay, thank you!" Long Zhan replied.

Then Garland brought out two bottles of beer and gave each of them a glass.

"I have to remind you that we are here on business!" Stonebridge said to him.

"Understood, boss!" Garland replied.

Stonebridge took out his phone, found the photo of the kidnapper, gave it to Garland, and introduced him to him: "He is a member of the local gang. He carried out a high-profile kidnapping. We have to find him as soon as possible."

Garland took the phone, enlarged the photo and looked at it carefully.

"Can you think of anything?" asked Stonebridge.

"I know him!" Garland looked and confirmed. (End of this chapter)

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