The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 2024 We Won’t Leave

Chapter 2024 We Won’t Leave

Stonebridge smiled, it seemed that there was hope for this mission.

"Aaron is the thug of his cousin Ray McQueen!" Garland continued.

"Ray McQueen? Do you know where to find him?"

Long Zhan asked.

Garland looked at the two of them, and the smile on his face seemed to have disappeared.

He replied, “I’ll make some phone calls.”

While they were looking for clues, Chloe had been taken to Ray McQueen's residence by his thug Aaron.

They first locked Chloe in a cellar.

McQueen and his wife were enjoying each other's company by the lake.

His wife was also pregnant and had a big belly.

They are all still very young.

McQueen looked at his wife's belly with satisfaction and said, "Is this kid kicking you again? He must be very naughty!"

His wife responded, "What if it's a girl?"

"A girl should be as pretty as her mother."

McQueen replied calmly.

"The boy is as good as his father, awesome, and the girl is as smart as her mother, hahahaha!"

It seems that they are very satisfied with their current life.

His wife smiled, handed him a bag and said, "This is for you!"

McQueen took it.

Just then, Aaron came over and said to McQueen, "The girl has been put in."

So they all went to the cellar and opened the lid.

Chloe, whose head was covered with cloth, was so frightened that she was covered in sweat.

Huddled up in a hole in the ground.

McQueen looked her up and down, and was very excited when he saw her shaking body.

Then he ordered the servants to carry her up and handcuff her hands on the table.

Aaron took her hood off.

Chloe was so scared that she kept trembling and shouting: "I'm not looking at you, I don't see anything, I don't see anything, I haven't seen any of your faces!"

"Don't be afraid, Chloe, it's okay, it doesn't matter, you'll know what's next. You can open your eyes and look at me!"

McQueen said as he sat across from Chloe with his sinister smile.

Chloe looked around and saw the pregnant woman, sitting on the couch.

On the right, she saw a big guy staring at her fiercely.

He asked timidly, "What are you going to do?"

Instead of answering her, McQueen asked him, "Do you live with your dad?"

"What?" Chloe asked curiously.

"Do you live with your dad?" McQueen repeated, placing the bag his wife had brought him on the table.

"No, I'm at university in England and I just came to visit him," Chloe replied.

"So you live in England with your mother?" McQueen asked, pulling out another tin box from the bag.

"No, my mother died when I was ten," Chloe replied with a choked voice.

He looked at the pregnant woman with fear again.

"It's terrible, I'm so sorry, my parents died when I was a kid, it has a terrible effect on you because your family isn't around. Once I had a kid I thought, I have to make sure I'm always with him," McQueen replied with a smile as he looked at his wife's belly.

The woman also revealed a strange smile.

"But I have to say, considering all aspects, I don't think I have become that bad, really." As he spoke, he took out a small pair of curved scissors from the iron box.

And use laser fire to heat and burn the scissors opening.

Chloe sobbed as she watched him holding the scissors.

He even pretended to advise: "You have to be strong, Chloe!"

"Be resilient for your father's sake."

"Please, don't!" Chloe seemed to realize that something was wrong and pleaded with him.

"Please, don't hurt me, please, don't!"

"Please, no!"

  But how could he let it go?

Pretend to hold her hand.

Chloe struggled, "Please, don't hurt me!"

Seeing that Chloe was disobedient, McQueen slapped her in the face.

She could only look at him with horror in her eyes.

He teased her instead: "Your eyes are so beautiful! Maybe you should close your eyes!"

"This is going to hurt!" Chloe was so scared that she kept shaking her head.

But she couldn't move either.

McQueen held out her little finger with nail polish on it.

And cruelly said to Chloe: "I hope my daughter can be as strong as you when she grows up!"

After saying that, he held the scissors, pinched her little finger, and cut it. With a terrifying scream, she fainted from the pain.

What McQueen did was even more outrageous. He put the cut little finger in an iron box and mailed it to Foster.

Foster didn't dare to open it alone, so he called his wife and Locke over. He had a bad feeling.

But I still plucked up the courage to open the iron box.

Sure enough, when he opened it, he saw his daughter's little finger.

Drenched with blood.

I also deliberately put a few white petals in it.

It was also dyed some red and some white.

When the wife saw that moment, she screamed in fright.

Didn't dare to look directly.

Locke came in and took a look, feeling sad as well.

Foster had no choice but to take out his anger on him.

"This is all your fault. It's the fault of your men and your tactics."

"Robin, please listen to me!" Locke wanted to continue persuading him.

"He listened, and this is what happened. You promised Chloe would be safe, and you should leave here!"

His wife May was very angry and no longer trusted Locke.

He was also ordered to leave.

"No, we can't leave!" Locke saw this scene and didn't know how to comfort.

"My daughter's finger appeared in this damn box because of you, Philip, so don't... don't tell me I can't leave. This is my fucking embassy! You can come here only because of my invitation!" Foster said to him.

"I'm sorry, Robin, you misunderstood! It's not that we don't want to leave, it's that we won't leave! You said it yourself, these people will give you orders, they should ask for money, or something else!" Locke explained to him.

At this time, his wife and assistant were listening nearby.

"So no matter what the purpose of this kidnapping is, it is far more important than Chloe's life! You know it in your heart."

Locke still analyzed to Foster very rationally.

After hearing this, Foster thought it made sense. If they didn't follow Locke's advice, they wouldn't know what to do.

I can only continue to listen to Locke.

Locke asked Foster to give him the phone so that the staff of Branch 20 could monitor it.

Foster had no choice but to give it to him.

After getting his phone, Locke brought it back to headquarters and gave it to Martinez, saying to her, "Martinez, monitor Foster's phone, emails, everything! I want to know who he's contacting and who's contacting him!"

"Got it!" Martinez immediately logged into the computer and started to check. Long Zhan and Stonebeach also returned to the headquarters with the information.

Locke was also ready to continue discussing and planning the next plan with them.

  Long Zhan said to Locke:

"I thought you two were good buddies, that's why we came here!"

"McQueen's men just mailed him a piece of his daughter's finger." Locke reported his information to them.

"Did they ask for it?" asked Stonebridge.

"Not yet!" Locke replied.

This is also the most strange thing about this matter.

There is no way to negotiate.

"Then why kidnap his daughter and then do nothing?" Martinez asked curiously after listening to their conversation.

"It's not that they won't do it. They are just waiting for the right time. They are increasing their bargaining chips until he agrees to any conditions. I am sure that this matter is related to his negotiations with North Korea!"

Locke made his analysis based on what he saw and heard at the embassy and combined with Foster's identity.

"Do you know where McQueen is?"

Locke asked.

"Yes, my buddy has made some progress. He said that Ray will go to his own nightclub to collect the money. Rim, if you can put a tracker on him, maybe you can find Chloe."

Stonebridge said to Rim.

"Okay!" Rim replied.

"Great, time is running out, rescue her quickly!" Locke was very satisfied with the news after hearing it.

Foster suddenly heard his cell phone ringing in his office.

It turned out that there was a mobile phone hidden inside the iron box.

Foster trembled as he pulled out his phone, which contained a message that read: "Nine fingers left, no more warnings, instructions will be sent to you."

It seems that Locke's guess was correct.

They are going to make a long-term threat to Chloe.

Long Zhan and Stonebridge were going to the bar to wait for McQueen.

At night, McQueen drove a convertible, listening to music, and driving on the road in a cool manner.

When he drove onto a bridge, he saw a police car overtaking him.

But he didn't show any fear at all.

After a while, a police car followed him.

Soon, his car was forced to stop on the side.

But he was also very calm, as if he was used to such things and the police would not arrest him.

Sure enough, after the car was stopped, an older police officer wearing a hat took a large bag and put it on his car.

And said to him: "Can't you just call?"

"What do you want to do? Shamra!" McQueen asked the officer.

"The fight at the floating market has caused concern among friends!" Shamra replied.

"So you think I'm sitting comfortably on a bed of roses? No one told me that soldiers would show up and kill my men!" said McQueen.

But Shamra showed no emotion.

"They said the job was easy, just kidnap the girl and Foster would be obedient," McQueen said dissatisfiedly.

"No one thought he would bring these people here!" Shamla replied arrogantly.

"Maybe they should have done a little more research before letting me kidnap that girl!" McQueen said without even looking at him.

But this Shamra said to McQueen in a greasy way: "Do you want to call them to complain?"

"I think we'd better not do that! Make sure Foster drops him off at the designated location at the agreed time," Shamra continued to tell him.

"I don't know what your plan is, but I haven't seen a penny yet!"

McQueen said.

"Lei, stop thinking about money. You're going to be a father soon. When will the baby be born?" It's obvious that Shamla is not a good person.

Worse than this McQueen.

It turns out that McQueen was also working for them.

He also expressed helplessness.

He retorted to Xia Mula: "None of your business!"

"Hahaha, being a father is a gift from God. It can change you forever, but the weeks before delivery are very dangerous for both mother and child!" Shamla deliberately threatened him.

"You threatened me again, try threatening me again!"

But Xiamla opened the car door and left without stopping.

It can be seen that Shamra is also very arrogant and has McQueen under his control.

In fact, McQueen didn't dare to offend him.

After looking at the handbag he left behind, I had no choice but to continue.

Long Zhan, Stonebridge, and Rhame had been driving around the nightclub waiting for McQueen, but after waiting for a long time, they didn't see him.

Because McQueen was stopped by the so-called police officer halfway.

"Have you seen him, Mike?" After waiting for so long, Long Zhan became a little impatient and asked Stonebridge.

"Not yet!" replied Stonebridge.

So Long Zhan immediately reported to the headquarters: "Headquarters, this is Team B, and they still haven't found McQueen!"

"Got it! We're recording the surveillance video that connects you to the nightclub!" Martinez said to them while watching the surveillance video.

"Roger that!" Stonebridge replied.

"The signal is good, keep on waiting!"

Long Zhan said.

"Roger that!" Martinez replied.

They looked around and watched the surveillance video.

Long Zhan was bored, so he started to touch Rim in the car.

And winked at her.

A moment later, McQueen drove past their car in his convertible and went straight to the nightclub.

At this time, Long Zhan was concentrating on teasing Rim.

But Stonebridge saw McQueen.

"Attention, comrades!" Stonebridge reminded immediately.

McQueen got out of the car, carrying the handbag, and walked towards the nightclub.

Aaron had been waiting at the entrance of the nightclub for a long time.

Seeing that he arrived late, she asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"Give this to Foster!" McQueen raised his hand and threw it to Aaron, saying to him.

"Okay, no problem," Aaron replied as he took the handbag.

"Tell me when it's delivered!" McQueen specifically instructed.

"Okay!" Aaron took it and prepared to put it in the car.

"Hey, this is important!" McQueen continued to emphasize to him.

"Don't worry!" Aaron answered confidently.

Stonebridge took pictures of the entire scene.

McQueen is getting ready to go into the club.

Everyone inside was very respectful to him.

"Hello, boss!"

"Hello, brothers!"

McQueen went in amidst the shouts of "Boss".

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