The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 21 What Will He Do?

Chapter 21 What Will He Do? (Thank you for the monthly and recommendation votes from all the good brothers.)
Although CQC is an indoor close combat technique, it is essentially different from CQB indoor close combat, but the former also uses close weapons such as pistols and daggers, and some techniques and tactics can also be used in CQB.

Wide field of vision, fast response, fast shooting, high chance of first attack in indoor combat, etc., are all advantages of the CAR shooting system.

The advantages are obvious, but there are also disadvantages.

First of all, this system belongs to CQC. It was originally designed to manipulate pistols, which are better-controlled close-range combat weapons.

If you switch to using a rifle to operate, many places need to be changed accordingly, and the difficulty of operation will increase exponentially.

Ordinary soldiers can't control it at all.

And because the modified CAR is difficult to get started, although there are some advantages in close combat, it is limited by the fact that soldiers have just started to practice CQB, and there is no need to pursue extreme operations.

The advantages are not so obvious, and they can't even be felt.

This has led many soldiers to learn CQB combat for street fighting, but they will not give up other CQB techniques and tactics that are easier to use and have a wider range of practicality for the sake of a small improvement that is not obvious.

To add unnecessary difficulty to myself, I went to a variant technology of CQC.

After the CQB technology and tactics are basically mature, I found that the CAR shooting system is very good for rifles, and has certain advantages in indoor close-range combat, and then I want to turn to practice the center axis relock system.

Due to the unique action of the CAR system, it needs special long-term training to form muscle memory in order to exert its greatest advantages.

In addition, this is a shooting system, covering everything from gun control, aiming, shooting to various evasive actions and so on.

If you want to change it, you have to change it all.

The action of the standard rifle CQB system that has formed muscle memory will conflict with the unique action of the variant CAR shooting system.

It will cause them to practice the variant CAR system, how to practice how awkward, it is difficult to adapt.

On the one hand, it is an old partner who has been used to it for many years and has formed muscle memory in the body. On the other hand, there is a little improvement, but the price is a new combat system that needs to be retrained from scratch.

There is no need to think about how to choose between the two.

Basically it's all over in the end.

This has led to the SEAL level, there are very few people who use rifles to use the CAR shooting system, and it can even be said that there are almost none.

Among all the first-level combatants in the entire DG, Jason is using a variant of the rifle-type central axis relocking system.

Now, among the newcomers of the green team, he suddenly found someone of the same kind as himself. It was hard not to attract Jason's attention.

The CAR shooting system is very difficult to get started, which is the main reason why most soldiers are prevented from learning.

Secondly, there is the disadvantage of unstable shooting accuracy. The impact within 5 meters is relatively small. Once it exceeds 5 meters, it depends on the personal gun feel.

If it is a person with a slightly weak gun feel, it is very likely to become a master of human body strokes.

This is why Long Zhan personally created a new way, integrating the Mozambique shooting method into the CAR shooting system, and using two guns to control the target.

Unlike Clay, who only uses one shot to control.

With the standard CQB gun posture adopted by Clay, the line of sight and the scope will always be basically in line during the battle. Every time you shoot, the crosshairs are aimed at the target, and the accuracy will be a little higher.

But the disadvantage is just the opposite.

In indoor combat, the control of the surrounding situation and the speed of responding to lock the target in time will be much slower than the CAR system of Long Zhan.

As for who is better and who is worse, it is still an old saying.

It varies from person to person, depending on personal habits.

People who have inherently poor gun feel will not improve by forcing the CAR shooting system. Instead, it is better to practice CQB techniques and tactics honestly.

all in all!
A variant of the rifle-type CAR shooting system, it has an absolute advantage in indoor close-range combat, but it is very difficult to master it proficiently.

Now everyone in the entire base of Zhongguan, who is proficient in this variant of the CAR shooting system.

Dragon War counts as one, Jason counts as one.

When Long Zhan was watching TV dramas, there were a lot of bullet screens complaining that Jason was unprofessional in holding a gun.


The unprofessional ones were actually the audience who sent the barrage, and they didn't recognize that Jason was using a more difficult shooting system.

To put it another way,

How could it be possible for a hardcore special forces TV series in which the retired special forces of the top SEAL team 6 who participated in the killing of the Japanese army acted as technical directors and supporting actors, to make such a low-level mistake of holding a gun in the wrong posture.

Even if the director and technical director are negligent, this possibility does not exist.

You must know that the so-called person who made a mistake is the most important protagonist of the TV series, and everyone is staring at him. How could it be possible for his "wrong gun action" to last for several seasons.


The performance of the first assessment of Long Zhan was perfect, which can be described as shocking.

Under the eyes of everyone who are looking forward to more and more, the second round of assessment with sudden changes and more challenges kicked off with the lifting of the hood.

"Hostages? Women, no weapons, no threat for the time being, men, armed, militants, high-threat targets, must be killed immediately."

Long Zhan, who regained his external vision, collected all the information at the first time and responded quickly to the information.


Long Zhan pulled the trigger without hesitation, and two consecutive shots hit the right chest and head with precision.

The location of the attack target is fixed, and within three meters, Long Zhan can achieve 100% pointing and hitting, so there is no need to use Mozambique shooting.


Just as Long Zhan was about to replenish his gun, the door on the left was kicked open.

When facing all the other students in the assessment before, they were all black strong men who swaggered in and didn't even look at the students. Surprisingly, they glanced at Long Zhan when they entered the door.

Anyone can see that he pays special attention and vigilance to Long Zhan.

"This is?"

Both Jason and Lei noticed this kind of weirdness, and couldn't figure out why this partner who had performed very well before was so wary of Long Zhan.

You must know that the training partners and instructors of the green team are all formally retired first-level combatants.

Although most of them were retired from the gray team in charge of logistics and the black team in charge of intelligence, their assault combat capabilities were relatively weak.

But based on their identities, a skinny camel is always bigger than horse urine.

Afraid of a newcomer?
This is so unreasonable!

"Huh? It's this buddy again. It's interesting. It's so interesting."

Long Zhan recognized the black man who came in at a glance. It was the partner who was punched to the ground by him and almost sent to the hospital when he was training for the first S&T course. He teased him to stay away from Long Zhan in the future.

When the acquaintance met Long Zhan, he didn't let down his vigilance, and pointed the gun at him immediately.

Warning: "Stop, stop moving immediately, lie on the ground and hold your head with your hands."

The target has no lethal weapons on it, and has not shown any intention to attack, so it cannot be killed according to special operations rules.

All you can do is keep a certain distance from him, and at the same time issue a warning to bring him under "peaceful" control as soon as possible.

The purpose of the strong black man is to interfere with Long Zhan, so that the woman sitting on the sofa has a chance to take a gun, and then kill Long Zhan with one shot.

Or, with a provocative gesture of disobedience, Long Zhan was forced to panic and lose control, shooting civilians and failing the assessment.

Therefore, in the face of Long Zhan's yelling and warning, the strong black man didn't intend to stop, and started to repeat the trick that Clay had caught before.

(End of this chapter)

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