The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 22 Mutual acting skills, who is Oscar

Chapter 22 Mutual acting skills, who is Oscar

The strong black man knows that Long Zhan is different from other newcomers, his vigilance and observation skills are amazing, and his acting skills are not in place and he is easy to be seen through.

Therefore, I dare not have any negligence, and used 120% of my acting skills.

First, he deliberately walked back and forth between the woman and Long Zhan twice quickly, creating a tense atmosphere on both sides, and drawing Long Zhan's attention to himself.

Then it is still walking back and forth quickly, but every time it goes back and forth, it will deliberately move to the left. [space]
That is, take three steps to the right, turn around and take four steps when walking to the left. After several rounds of going back and forth like this, the strong black man can walk from the front to the left without Long Zhan noticing.

Long Zhan's eyes are locked on him, and his attention will be shifted to the left, unconsciously losing the vision monitoring of the front.

It can be understood as boiling frogs in warm water!

This is what the black burly man wants to achieve. He successfully deceived almost all the new examiners by using the method of diverting attention like boiling a frog in warm water.

Only the two rookies were too nervous, and under the premise that verbal warnings were ineffective, they twitched their brains and licked their fingers, and shot him dead on the spot.

Killing civilians who have no weapons and no intention to attack will naturally end in the same way.

The black brawny used only 8% of his power before, and managed to deceive more than 9% of the newcomers in the assessment. He is already very confident in his acting skills.

In order to deal with the monster rookie Long Zhan, he has now used 12 levels of skill.

He believed that he could also fool Long Zhan.

The acting skills of the strong black man are indeed impeccable. General special forces members are limited by the combat rules, and it is difficult to get out of the situation he set up.

It's a pity that the strong black man is not the only "actor" in this training ground.

At the beginning of Long Zhan, the attention of the black people was really attracted, thinking that this assessment was to test the on-the-spot response ability of special forces members when encountering random civilians.

Most of the eyes were focused on the strong black man, and he continued to warn with words.

But as the strong black man wandered around irregularly, and his body had an obvious tendency to shift to the left, Long Zhan began to realize that something was wrong.

He worked as a mercenary for more than 10 years in his previous life, and what kind of existence is a mercenary?
That was the most unruly dog ​​on the battlefield, he didn't take any legal rules into his eyes, and he was so vicious that he even bit himself.

In order to survive and get his own money, Long Zhan will use any dirty means.

Playing scheming and cleverness, engaging in routines, making tricks, cheating, betrayal, etc., I have seen all these things that can't be put on the table.

Playing cunning in front of an old fritter from a messy society, the strong black man is obviously still a bit lacking in heat.

Long Zhan's life-and-death experience accumulated as a mercenary for many years made him keenly sense abnormalities from the obvious guiding movements of the strong black man.

It seems that they are wandering around without rules, but in fact they are secretly misleading to the right.

There must be something tricky in it!

In order to find out the abnormal problem, Long Zhan kept focusing on the black man, and at the same time, spread his eyes to the assessment field from the corner of his eye, another uncertain factor whose current situation is unknown.

The field of view observation advantage of the CAR shooting system also played a vital role at this time.

When Long Zhan basically turned his body to the right, he locked on the woman sitting on the sofa quietly through the peripheral vision of his left eye, and finally caught the answer he was looking for.

Perhaps it was unexpected that Long Zhan had already become vigilant and focused on her all the time from the corner of his eye.

Or if you have never been in contact with the unpopular to rare variant of the CAR rifle shooting system that almost no one uses, you don't know the advantages of this system.

Seeing that Long Zhan's body had turned around, the woman thought that she was attracted to him like other students.

So she took out her hands behind her back, slowly got up and stretched her right hand to her left, to pick up the pistol that fell on the ground.

This action is already very obvious!

From the moment the woman got up to get the gun, Long Zhan could actually tell who the real threat in the examination room was.

At this moment, he could already turn the gun, and verbally threatened the woman to lie on the ground with her head in her hands.

This is the standard way of handling the teaching plan!
However, Long Zhan didn't do this. The examples written in the lesson plan were dead, and the environment on the scene was changeable. He didn't think this was the best way to deal with it.

He wants to deal with the complicated situation in front of him in the way he thinks is the most reasonable.


Long Zhan pretended not to see the woman's movements, and still cooperated with the "movement guide" of the strong black man to warn him, letting the man and woman continue their performance.

Until the woman's fingertips were about to touch the gun, all her attention was focused on the gun.

This is a basic thinking inertia of the human brain. Before and after completing something, the attention will not be too concentrated.

On the contrary, at the moment when it is about to be completed, the whole person will be immersed in it and lose all perception of the outside world.

What Long Zhan wants is this moment!

"Hey, buddy, we meet again, last time you acted very well, but what's wrong with you this time? You didn't even zip up your pants and came out."

Long Zhan suddenly turned from the warning words just now to the usual chat. This 180-degree sharp turn completely confused the strong black man.

The dragon battle here is considered opportunistic.

In actual combat, if the two sides don't know each other, the effect is very limited, but in this assessment field where the two sides know each other, this trick is very effective.

When I heard the first half, what I thought in my mind was: "Hey, buddy, although we know each other, but now we are conducting an assessment, can you respect it?"

When he heard that the zipper of the second half of his pants was unzipped, he looked down without even thinking about it.

This is human instinct for certain things.

More than 95% of people, when they hear that their pants are not zipped, will immediately look down to make sure that they will not die.

More than 99% of people will immediately look up when they hear someone calling their name.

During this process, the brain does not have any targeted analysis and response. The whole process is equivalent to no brain, and the body is controlled purely by muscle memory.

And this instinctive moment where muscles control the body is also what Long Zhan wants to achieve.

When the strong black man's thinking returned to his instincts, he realized that something was wrong, and he was about to turn his attention back to Long Zhan.

The woman who would reach for the pistol on the ground also picked up the pistol during this time.

On his face was a smile of success, as if he was thinking that the strongest rookie was nothing more than that. He was about to point a gun at Long Zhan, and let this rookie who had never been defeated so far taste the taste of failure.

Long Zhan, who seemed to have been fooled by his will, suddenly broke out like an agile black panther.

(End of this chapter)

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