The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 310 The Last "Idleman"

Chapter 310 The Last "Idleman"
in the afternoon.

4 points.

"Romeo 64, the first three cars have been loaded, starting to return to base, over."

Long Zhan heard the convoy's communication report, and then saw three armed Humvees start, leaving the big team and starting to evacuate first.

The Super 61 Black Hawk roared across the sky and remained in the air above the right rear of the convoy.

Long Zhan saw three Hummer convoys entering the street, and immediately a large number of Somalis emerged, attacking from roofs and windows.

That crazy energy is like a hungry wolf with red eyes.

Even if their guns couldn't penetrate the armor at all, the heavy machine guns on the car could easily cut them in half.

Not to mention the armed helicopters in the sky, the multi-barreled machine guns swept all the way, and the ground was full of minced meat.

These Somalis are not afraid at all!
"These Somalis who are addicted to drugs are really crazy, and they are dying."

Hearing Long Zhan's astonishing exclamation, Sonny laughed disdainfully: "A group of brainwashed poor people don't know who is their real enemy."


Long Zhan sighed, didn't answer any more, and locked his eyes on the far away Super 61.

If the memory in his mind is correct and his presence doesn't have a butterfly effect, Super 61 will soon be in trouble.

Long Zhan wanted to remind Super 61, but he didn't know how to remind him.

I can't tell.

"Hey, buddy, I have the ability to see foresight. You will be hit by a rocket and you will fall down soon. You'd better stop escorting along the way and run as far as you can."

If you say this kind of weird words, if you don't think they are crazy, you will be highly incensed. How could anyone believe it.

Not to mention that military orders must be obeyed. The order Super 61 received was to cover the seriously injured Humvee convoy, and he had to execute it no matter how dangerous the road was.

"Call uniform 64, this is Stryker, Sergeant Pella has been shot, over."

Before Long Zhan could wait, there was a problem with Super 61, and he heard the first death in today's mission from the team's internal communication.

The death can be confirmed so quickly, it must have been fired from the roof, and the shot went straight to the neck.

"What? What did you say? Someone was shot? How's the situation?" McKnight asked anxiously.

"It's Sergeant Pella, he...he's dead, Sergeant Pella is dead."

After Stryker replied full of sadness, Long Zhan didn't hear Lieutenant Colonel McKnight's voice, so one can imagine how bad his mood would be.

"Unlucky boy."

Sonny shook his head solemnly, the news of his death made him feel the same.

Clay and Brian also heard the communication, and they were silent and did not say a word, only the mini Gatling in their hands became more ferocious.

Also as an American peacekeeper, the emotions on the battlefield are common.

Including angry revenge emotions!

"C2, we have one person killed here, over."

After less than 10 seconds, Lieutenant Colonel McKnight recovered from his grief and reported the news of his death to the command helicopter in the sky.

this moment……

All Rangers observed a moment of silence.

Even General Garrison, who was used to seeing soldiers die, was moved when he heard the news, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more serious.

However, this is only the beginning of bad.

4 points.

All the criminals were completely controlled and were sent into the car one after another.

As long as the four Ranger units that were blocking the enemy at the intersection are notified to come back and get on three armored trucks, they can start the final pushback.

But when Lieutenant Colonel McKnight reported the situation and the ground commander Harrell was about to order a retreat.

A big event that no one expected...

It just happened so suddenly!

When the Super 61 Black Hawk helicopter was strafing at low altitude, the tail rotor was hit by the RPG launched from the third floor, and it lost its tail rotor and could not maintain balance.

After struggling briefly in the sky, it fell 300 meters northeast of the target building.

"We had a helicopter crash."

"We had a helicopter crash."

"Super 61 crashed."

The repeated words of Matthews, the commander of the air force, appeared on all channels at the same time, and everyone could hear them clearly.

Hearing this unbelievable news, the same thought appeared in everyone's mind——

"This is bad!"

Garrison sighed, "Hey, we've completely lost the initiative."

Immediately, Lieutenant Colonel Matthews was notified and asked him to send a Little Bird helicopter over to check the crash site and search for survivors.

At the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Harrell was notified to send ground troops to the crash site.

Establish a new safety zone to ensure that helicopters can land under conditions.

"The speed must be fast. They don't have much time. Soon the militias of the entire city will swarm up and besiege Super 61."

General Garrison's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and finally he specifically explained to Matthews and Harrison.

Matthews received an order from General Garrison, and quickly negotiated with the ground commander Harrison to formulate a suitable rescue plan.

Ordered the Bird Helicopter code-named 41 to immediately land at the crash site and start search and rescue.

The Little Bird helicopter is not as bulky as the Black Hawk, and the Little Bird can land on the ground even if there is not enough safety zone established on the ground.

Super 69 flew over the incident site, ready to land and support at any time.

As long as the ground forces have established a defense line and the helicopter has sufficient conditions to hover and land, the prepared search and rescue team will land immediately.

The task of establishing a safe zone around the crash site fell to the four squads of Rangers.

The first squad to receive the order was Evansman's fourth squad.

There is no other reason.

Squad [-] guards the northeast street, closest to where the helicopter crashed.

The Somalis were rushing to the crash site, and the Rangers had rushed there one minute earlier, which would have increased the possibility of rescuing the crashed personnel.

The novice captain Evans who received the order was slow, leaving three team members to continue to guard the intersection and lead the others to rush towards the crash point.

After arranging this series of tasks, Matthews finally found time.

Super 64 was dispatched to take over the task of Super 61, and continued to escort the seriously injured Humvee convoy that had already departed, so that they could return to the airport smoothly.

The rangers who needed to pick up the car couldn't get in the car, and began to rush to the crash site to perform new tasks, and the Humvee convoy headquarters couldn't leave.

The 4th Ranger Division set out first, and the other three squadrons followed closely behind.

Even if the Humvee convoy had packed up the criminals, they could only follow them to the crash site.

However, the straight-line distance is less than 400 meters. In fact, it is at least two levels more difficult for the Humvee convoy to catch up than the Ranger squad running on legs.

Now all the main roads have been blocked, and the rangers can walk by.

The team can't.

If the Humvee convoy wants to reach the crash site, it can only use the full navigation of the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and detour through various small alleys.

Now that the city is full of militants, the convoy's detour in the alley is definitely the most dangerous thing.

How can I get there smoothly...

Lieutenant Colonel McKnight looked melancholy!
And just at this moment when the Super 61 helicopter crashed suddenly, the Rangers had to move to the second battlefield. Even the "spare" battle collection rescue team was used, and the battle fell into a passive and anxious juncture.

The emergency response team where Long Zhan and others belonged became the only "idle person" left in the entire Irene operation.

Still sitting on the plane, still sitting on the bench.

(End of this chapter)

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