The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 311 This Became the Ultimate Hole Card

Chapter 311 This Became the Ultimate Hole Card

The fall of Super 61 completely disrupted the operation, and all combined forces began to turn to rescue Super 61.


Among them, the Super 68 only provides air fire support.

The other helicopters needed to cover the Humvee convoy and tried to get around the city with blocked roads, so they could only serve as the second batch of rescue missions.

The 41 Little Bird helicopter was fast and small, and arrived at the crash site first.

It can be seen that a Delta soldier in a black helmet is using the wreckage of the helicopter as a cover to fight against the sporadic militia militants who rushed over first.

It is not known what happened to the other three crew members.

A lot of militiamen have gathered around the intersection, so I don't know how many RPGs they have in their hands. In order not to repeat the mistakes of Super 61, 41 Birds cannot perform landing rescue.

The only thing to do is to circle the sky and avoid the massive armed militia approaching the wreckage.

The rest of the armed militias who ran out from the corners and rushed towards the wreckage with guns in hand could only be handled by the Delta survivors.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

The lonely Delta survivor was shot several times in less than 2 minutes.

If it weren't for wearing a body armor with bulletproof panels, the Delta survivor would probably not be able to wait for rescue, and he would be killed by armed militias.

Deduce a wave of tigers falling in Pingyang and being bullied by dogs.

Fortunately, the Super 68 and Super 69 helicopters rushed over at this critical moment.

Before the safety zone is established on the ground, the two helicopters also have no way to land, but they can provide powerful fire suppression.

Four miniguns on two helicopters, plus others can shoot through hatch rifles.

The Somali militia did not dare to rush to the wreckage any longer, so they could only hide in the buildings around the intersection and shoot at the helicopters in the sky and the delta survivors.

Long Zhan and Sonny's light machine gun fire, the suppression force is better than the mini Gatling.


The third team in charge of Todimaso arrived at the north of the crash point first because they were not blocked by the Somali militia along the way.

On the road, I was intercepted by a heavy machine gun at an intersection, and it took a little effort to call the helicopter before destroying the fourth squad of armed pickup trucks, which was about 40 seconds late.

On the whole it is about the same.

After emergency communication, the two teams decided to concentrate their forces to control the left side of the intersection at the crash point to provide a space for the helicopter to land.

The Somali militiamen who rushed over first, currently have less than a hundred people, and most of them are civilians without guns.

The two Ranger squads cooperated with each other, and quickly captured the buildings in the northwest and southwest corners respectively, controlling the safety on the left side of the crash site.

41 Little Bird quickly landed on the left road under the cover of two Ranger squads and two helicopters.

The pilot and the co-pilot personally ran down, sent the wounded Delta survivors who could still move to the bird, and reported the specific crash situation.

Two Super 61 pilots were killed, and a Delta crew member was seriously injured.

Due to the serious deformation of the helicopter body, the seriously injured and unconscious Delta members were stuck in the cabin, and there was no way to rescue them for a while.

last resort.

41 Little Bird could only save the Delta survivor first, and quickly lifted off to send him to the airport for first aid.

The rescue of the severely wounded in the stuck delta by the demolition helicopter and the collection of the bodies of the two dead pilots fell to the combat search and rescue team.

The road at the intersection can allow the Little Bird helicopter to land, but it can't accommodate the elongated armed Black Hawk.

Super 69 can only take the risk of hovering to lower the 15 elite rangers of the war to the ground, establish a defense line around the wreckage, and start rescue work.

After the next Humvee convoy arrived, the wounded and the corpses were sent to the car together.

The Super 69 was in position on the left street, two thick rappelling ropes were dropped, and the combat search and rescue team made a fast rappelling landing.

Airdropping ground troops in front of them, the Somali militia on the right became irritable.

Although Aidid's armed militia hadn't arrived yet and lacked RPGs that could blow up helicopters, they all had weapons in their hands.

A helicopter suspended in the air is a fixed living target.

Even though there are four people including Long Zhan and Sonny, who continue to provide fierce fire support in the sky, the two Ranger squads on the ground are also trying to suppress it.

Something went wrong with Super 69.

A large number of bullets jingled on the airframe, resisting the rifle attacking the super 69 of the airdrop force, black smoke still rose from the propeller.

Long Zhan learned from the pilot's report that one of the engines was broken.

Fortunately the Black Hawk is a twin engine helicopter.

After struggling to put down the last two Rangers, the Super 69, which was smoking black, had to withdraw from the battle sequence and flew to Mogadishu Airport for an emergency landing.

Above the crash site of Super 61, only the last Super 68 remained.

As the only air cover force, Long Zhan and others, who had been playing soy sauce all the time, suddenly became a difficult task.

"It seems that the meat grinder after the Super 64 crash can only rely on our emergency response team."

Recalling that he was besieged by thousands of people in the plot, and in the end even the two Delta special forces who supported him were killed after finishing all the magazines, Long Zhan felt very pained in his heart.

Landing here from Super 61, switching from air support to joining ground battles, seems to be the most ideal for Long Zhan.

It's a pity that you need to obey orders on the battlefield, and the command center let the combat search and rescue team go down, so the emergency response team can only continue to stand by.

The arrangement of the command center is indeed reasonable.

The emergency response team from DG, the combat power here belongs to the existence of the top of the pyramid, and its actual role is greater than that of the search and rescue team of the Rangers.

As the saying goes: Good steel is used wisely.

General Garrison was wise not to have an emergency response team ready to deal with unexpected events that might arise.

Long Zhan could understand the headquarters' arrangement, but thinking about the next battle over Super 64, he still felt a headache.

4 people vs thousands of people, what kind of battle is this?
It's life-threatening!

Accidents happened one after another in the air force, and the Humvee convoy that rushed over was also not optimistic.

The Humvee convoy was guided by command helicopters, which in theory provided the best route to the crash site, but in practice it was pretty fucked up.

Relying on their familiarity with the terrain, a large number of armed militiamen ran along the streets parallel to the convoy, rushing ahead of the convoy to find hidden places to ambush the convoy.

Realizing that the body of the armored vehicle was strong, they ran to sneak attacks above the 2nd floor and below the roof.

(End of this chapter)

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