Chapter 312
The Somalis' style of play is very badass, and it can be said that it just restrained the Hummer team.

The gun turret of the Humvee has only bulletproof shields on the four sides, and there is no defense above the head. The Somali militia can easily hit the machine gunner.

As a result, the Hummer convoy ran all the way down the street, and machine gunner wounded began to appear in large numbers.

Because there is a floor in the house for shelter, the helicopter formation covering the Humvee convoy in the sky has nothing to do with these Somalis hiding in the house.

If there are few people attacking the convoy, this method of squatting and sneak attacking will not have much impact.

The Hummer convoy, which was running at a speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, ran wildly in the city like a herd of mad cows, and could be shaken off in a matter of minutes.

It is difficult for militiamen hiding in a fixed location to attack the convoy continuously.

Unless there is enough manpower, the entire street can be arranged, and the Humvee convoy rushes all the way, and someone can shoot and attack along the way.


Mogadishu lacks everything, and the last thing it lacks is people.

A large number of Somalis who were brainwashed by Aidid took cheap weapons and turned into armed militias, with only one goal in mind.

Kill an American soldier, even if it's just a wound.

Under this "pure" fighting thinking, all the Somali militias in the city became "warriors", thinking of ways to attack the Humvee convoy.

In addition to attacking with weapons, many people even threw improvised Molotov cocktails.

Put a bottle of gasoline in a glass bottle, put a piece of cloth on the bottle and ignite it, and throw it over when you see the Humvee convoy rushing to resign.

As long as it can be thrown on the Hummer team, it will burn a raging flame.

If it burns on the windshield, it will affect the Humvee's observation field of view, causing the team to have to reduce the driving speed to avoid the field of view from hitting the wall.

If it was thrown into the gun tower from upstairs, the damage would be even more terrifying.

The burning gasoline will stick to the machine gunner and burn, and the machine gunner will completely panic and retreat into the carriage under the stimulation of severe pain, which will cause chaos in the carriage.

There wasn't much room in the Humvee compartment, so there was a burning person.

Others are only ghosts if they can calm down.

Even if there is a fire extinguisher in the carriage, the burning machine gunner will be able to put out the fire soon, but there is already a fire in the gun tower outside, and it is impossible to show up to put it out.

The only way is to close the top cover and let it burn, and then go up again to control the heavy machine gun after burning.

There is only so much gasoline in a bottle, and the burning time will not be long.

But during the period of time he was burning, this hummer would lose its ability to fight back and become a passive tortoise shell.

The weaker the Humvee attack, the more aggressive the Somali militia, and more Humvee attacks, resulting in more machine gunners being wounded and killed.

This one after another, it becomes a vicious circle.

If the fighting time is short, it's okay, the Rangers on the Humvee can pass through.

Over time it can be very bad.


The Humvee convoy has the navigation of the command helicopter, and even if the main roads have been blocked, they can quickly reach the crash site through various alleys.

Even if Aidid's militiamen moved to the front to set up a barrier, it was useless.

After all, it would take a long time to block a road. By the time they set up a roadblock, the Hummer convoy would have rushed over.

The Somali militia also realized this, and burned tires all over the city at the beginning, blocking the sky with smoke.

And that's just one appetizer.

The Somalis, who are usually scolded as idiots and stupid pigs, also prepared a big dish for the Humvee team.

It used a very cunning, even completely inhuman, but in this occasion, it was the most effective method to stop the Humvee from advancing.

The longer the Humvees stay in the city, the more time the Somalis have to attack.

The big dish of the Somalis is to use the Somali civilians in the city as human shelters to cause big trouble for the Humvee convoy.

When it was impossible to quickly create roadblocks, all the Somali civilians in the surrounding buildings were "caught out" and let them stand in the middle of the road to block the road.

The armor of the Hummer team is indeed thick enough, and it can indeed hit it with a kick of the accelerator.

But as peacekeepers, they couldn't do that.

If it were to drive down and kill dozens of Somali civilians blocking the road in order to pass a road, the media all over the world would explode the next day.

The peacekeeping troops who came out as the army of justice will be notorious all over the world for their massacres.

Even if he could get out of Moshadiga alive, he would be sent to a military court.

Lieutenant Colonel McKnight could not order to charge into the crowd, so he could only turn to the left and right side roads or alleys when the road was blocked.

Then communicate with the C2 command helicopter to re-establish a new route.

This kind of temporary change of road is very troublesome.

Because the reconnaissance plane in the sky is blocked by smoke, its own camera field of view is not very good. After image analysts and intelligence analysts receive the surveillance footage, they need a certain amount of time to analyze each road on the screen before they can find a feasible one. route.

Wait for the analyst to send the new navigation route to Matthews and forward it to the Hummer team.

Because the Humvee convoy couldn't stop, it had to maintain high maneuverability in order not to be blocked by the Somali militia, and there was a time difference.

The new navigation route is still unable to provide an accurate route due to information delays, so I can only request navigation again.

It's a vicious circle again.

And even if the navigation route is correct, if the Humvee convoy drives forward for one or two streets, it will soon be found that the front of the street that has not been recorded is full of Somali civilians.

In order to avoid colliding with Somali civilians, the Humvee convoy had to make an emergency turn.

The third vicious circle was thus born.

In a short distance of only 500 linear meters, the Hummer convoy ran wildly for 10 minutes, and was still running around in the streets of the city.

During the 10 minutes of running wildly, the Hummer convoy suffered an unimaginable terrorist attack.

Armed trucks were the primary target of the Moshadiga long-distance race because of their bulky size. One of the trucks was hit by a rocket and broke away from the convoy and crashed into a nearby house.

When Lieutenant Colonel McKnight received the report, he led the Humvee convoy around in a loud voice, and returned to the scene of the incident to save people.

The truck, which was found to have 150 mm bulletproof steel, had been shattered to pieces by one round after another of rockets.

Except for one armed truck that was completely scrapped, none of the remaining 8 vehicles were intact, and each of them was completely unrecognizable.

The lighter ones were covered in various bomb craters, plus black and black from being burned by improvised incendiary bombs.

The heavier one was attacked by rockets. Fortunately, the engine was not blown dry, but the hit part of the car body was already severely deformed.

Others, such as the windshield full of spider patterns, have become the norm for Hummer fleets.

Not to mention the wounded in the carriage, the more than 40 rangers who set off are still intact, and there are less than 20 left.

Mogadishu, which has become completely irritable, is tantamount to hell on earth for the Hummer team.

However, the Hummer convoy kept circling around the city like a ghost hitting a wall, and couldn't get out. It wasn't the worst situation.

(End of this chapter)

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