The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 320 The slaughterhouse is not so bloody

Chapter 320 The slaughterhouse is not so bloody

Stryker drove around a section of the road, picked a remote corner where there were no Somalis, and released the four members of Huth's team.

There was no way for the Humvee to drive into the second crash site, and the remaining Rangers could only return without success.

The position where the four members of Huth's team got off the car was about 300 meters northeast of the second crash point. It was difficult to join the people from Long Zhan.

As the leader of the team, Huth did not dare to be careless, and went all the way in concealment to avoid encountering Somalis.

Under the current special circumstances, encountering Somalis will be very troublesome. Shooting will attract Somalis, and Somalis who run away without shooting will call more people to chase them down.

The individual combat power of the Delta special forces is indeed strong, but after all, there are only four of them.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

The Hummer convoy was almost wiped out. Huth and the others just ran on their legs. Once they were chased and intercepted by the Somalis, their chances of surviving were very low.

If they, like Long Zhan and others, find a bunker to build a defense line to protect themselves, it will lose the meaning of coming here.

You must know that they came in to support, not to find a house and fight the Somalis in the streets. If it becomes like this, it is better not to come.

In order not to come to rescue them afterwards.

Due to the limitation of not being exposed, Huth's team has not been able to advance smoothly.

After walking to about 200 meters, I found a large group of Somalis appeared on the street in front, and the whole street was completely poisoned to death.

The four heavily armed American soldiers are too eye-catching, and they will definitely be spotted once they get close.

last resort.

Huth could only move laterally from the northeast side, trying to get in from the southeast.

The result is still the same, this way does not work.

The entire street is full of people.

"Damn it, how could there be so many Somalis at the second crash site? There are at least 2000 people. Are these skinny people crazy?"

Huth really couldn't figure it out, so he could only continue to change directions after scolding.

As for the Somalis at the second crash point, the reason why they gathered more and more was actually the one that Long Zhan said before. Aidid wanted to catch Long Zhan and them alive to replace the prisoners.

So a steady stream of troops were sent here, with a posture of not giving up if they were not successful.

Anyway, no matter how many people die, Aidede doesn't feel bad.

As long as they have food and guns in their hands, civilians throughout Somalia can be driven by him to work for him and become his unscrupulous minions.

As long as the core senior staff can be replaced, even if 1000 militiamen Aidid die, it will be a good deal.

Here, the Huth team searched two directions in a row, all because the streets were crowded with Somalis, and no one successfully approached the second crash point.

On the other side, the crash site in the central area surrounded by more than 2000 Somalis has now turned into a bloody Shura hell.

The situation faced by six people including Long Zhan was too dangerous to describe.

From the landing at 4:50 to the start of rescue, to 5:38 now, in the past 40 minutes, the number of Somalis who gathered has soared from a few hundred at the beginning to more than 2000.

Although most of the more than 2000 people are Somali civilians, they do not have weapons in their hands.

But the absence of weapons does not mean that there is no threat.

Stimulated by the "khat", these people will try their best to get close to the American soldiers who were vilified as demons by Aidid.

He might even risk being beaten to death just to throw a stone at Long Zhan and the others.

And once armed militiamen are killed, these Somali civilians who can only throw stones will rush to grab guns without orders.

The civilians who grab the guns will immediately "upgrade" to the militia on the spot.

Will take over the "will" of the previous owner of this gun, and continue to find ways to trouble Long Zhan and others.

Under this weird "inheritance of firearms", the more than 1000 Somali civilians who surrounded them were actually potential armed militias.

Fortunately, the drug-taking effect lasted until now, and it was no longer as fierce as it was at noon.

No longer all of them are fearless of death, they all know they are afraid of death.

Even though the number of the crowd had doubled several times, the Somalis did not continue their "death charge" and continued to fight as they did half an hour ago.

Between 50 meters and 40 meters at both ends of the street, it has become a purgatory for Somalis.

In the street on the left where Long Zhan was in charge, more than 30 Somalis died at the gunpoint of Long Zhan in the past 200 minutes of the battle.

If you count the wounded who were rescued and dragged away, at least 400 people were hit by Long Zhan.

How bloody is this scene?
How strong is the visual impact?

To describe it in one sentence, there is no such scene in a domestic pig slaughterhouse.

The dead bodies have already been paved on the 10-meter-long and more than 4-meter-wide street pavement, and a second layer has begun to be laid on the dead bodies.

The blood that flowed out stained the ground red.

The smell of blood was even more pungent to the Huth team who were 200 meters away and were still waiting for an opportunity to find a way to get in.

Although Long Zhan and other six people have fought bloody battles so far, they have successfully blocked the Somalis from "five yards", and they have paid a huge price.

But the war has never been crushed in the true sense, and they also paid a big price.

First of all, the consumption of ammunition is very high. As a humanoid mobile arsenal, Long Zhan can't bear it in such a high-intensity battle.

The exaggerated 3600 rounds of ammunition have now produced more than 2000 rounds.

The remaining 1500 rounds seem like a lot, but at this time there is still more than an hour before dark, and it is completely unknown whether they can hold on.

The ammunition that Sonny brought was much less than that of Long Zhan, and the ammunition he carried on departure was only 1200 rounds.

In addition, Long Zhan scraped the wreckage of the Super 64, and found five 5-round drums from it, and the total number of ammunition in stock was only 200 rounds.

Now there are only two drums left.

Counting the remaining ammunition in the magazine on the gun, there are less than 500 rounds left in the ammunition.

However, Dragon War uses 7.62mm bullets, and there is no way for Sonny's MK46 mod1 to use it, which forces Sonny to find a way by himself.

From the initial five bursts of bursts, to the midway three bursts of bursts, to the current single bursts of bursts.

The advantage of the machine gun lies in its stable continuous firing, not the precise single-shot burst of the sniper rifle. The result of Sonny's single-shot is a serious shortage of firepower.

In order to stabilize the situation on the right side of the street, Suhart and Gordon's sniper rifles basically helped Sonny.

Fortunately, the effect of the Somali medicine has faded a lot. In addition to the hell on earth created by the previous ferocious firepower, the corpses all over the ground are scary to look at.

The Somali offensive is also getting weaker and weaker.

Both sides are declining, and Sonny can still stabilize the situation.

The two machine gunners, Long Zhan and Sonny, were seriously depleted, and Clay and Brian, as the riflemen supporting the machine guns, were not optimistic about the remaining ammunition.

(End of this chapter)

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