Chapter 321
Clay only has 4 magazines left, Bryan has 3.

If this amount of ammunition is released, it will be completely wiped out in two to three minutes. However, there is still at least an hour before nightfall, and the ground support has not been seen for a long time. It is definitely not possible to do so.

In order to prolong the fighting time, the two had to cherish every round of ammunition.

Use the assault rifle as a precision sniper rifle, and only shoot when you see the exact target and you are at least 7% sure that you can hit it.

In order to ensure the hit rate of the shooting, the Somali even had to be allowed to enter within 40 meters.

Less ammo, less firepower, and closer enemies.

It is completely impossible for the six members of Long Zhan to be able to survive the siege in this siege.

Even being licked by Lady Luck is useless, injuries are inevitable.

Long Zhan was shot in the left shoulder, and there were two small spider webs on the ceramic bulletproof plate on his chest. A stray bullet hit his right arm, and the bullet hit a bone and got stuck inside.

Sonny had a large bruise on his right face, which was hit by a small stone from the bullet. The top of his helmet was also dented by the bullet, and a bullet hole could be seen on the tactical vest on his right chest.

As the existence with the most powerful firepower, the machine gunner is also the priority target of the enemy.

Together, the two killed and injured more than 600 people, and they were wounded in several places. None of the fatal injuries can be called luck and strength, plus excellent armor to save their lives.

Brian, Clay, Suhart, and Gordon didn't have as many injuries as Long Zhan and Sonny, but they weren't much better.

All left the mark of a real man!

Of the seven people in the defense line at the crash site, only Durant, the pilot who was responsible for guarding the back door, was not injured again in the battle.

The Somalis killed by him were piled up several layers at the back door.

Add up to only a dozen.

Durant can still have this record without being able to move. On the one hand, his combat ability and mental quality are excellent, and he has not humiliated the identity of the Special Army Aviation Corps.

The main reason lies in the position Long Zhan found for him, and the very tricky angle played a big role.

The armed militia who sneaked in through the back door couldn't find Durant at all in the first place.

Durant, who has the upper hand, just needs to sit there and pull the trigger at the door, which is no different from killing a target.

As for Durant's own injuries and the fact that he doesn't have much ammunition, the overall situation is similar to that of Long Zhan and the others.

The state is declining, and the ammunition is seriously low.

In order to solve the problem of ammunition, both Sonny and Suhart made a request to the ground commander Harrell, hoping to use helicopters to drop ammunition by air.

The ground troops have been unable to get in, and Lieutenant Colonel Harrell is also very anxious.

Knowing that the emergency response team had no ammunition and was besieged by one or two thousand Somalis, Harrell agreed to the request without hesitation.

After discussing with air commander Matthews, it was decided to use a Black Hawk helicopter to drop at low altitude.

The area controlled by Long Zhan and the others is too small, and an umbrella bag is required for high-altitude delivery. Due to the influence of air flow, it is difficult to accurately land on the position.

Only in the ultra-low-altitude plane, throwing it directly down can ensure that the supplies are in place.


The Super 65 Black Hawk, which was loaded with supplies from the airport, flew over the second crash site, circled and lowered its altitude from a height of 300 meters.

When the height reaches about 150 meters, the airdrop can be carried out immediately.

The high-altitude reconnaissance plane discovered the emergency. In the yard of a private house on the left side of the second crash point, a group of militiamen tore off a tarpaulin, revealing the big guy underneath.

A caliber of at least 30 or more, looks like an anti-aircraft gun at the end of World War II or during the Cold War.

Although using the old antiques of the last century to fight the Black Hawk gunships of this era, it is theoretically very difficult to hit them.

But now two Black Hawks have fallen, and one with a damaged propeller has withdrawn from the battle.

And the anti-aircraft gun itself is for shooting planes, no matter how rough the Black Hawk helicopter is, it can't withstand a few anti-aircraft shells.

Seeing that the Somali artillerymen began to work, adjusting the muzzle to load bullets and prepare to fire.

Matthews never dared to take any more risks, and immediately notified Super 64 to cancel the airdrop mission, and stayed away from the attack area of ​​the anti-aircraft gun as quickly as possible.

This is it!

Seeing that a large amount of supplies were about to arrive, but had to retreat urgently because the enemy possessed anti-aircraft guns, Long Zhan and the others couldn't help but sigh.

From full of hope to helplessness and despair, the reversal takes only a few seconds.

The support of the ground troops did not see the shadow, and the airdropped materials were scared away by the anti-aircraft guns. Long Zhan and others were very depressed, but they had to continue to cheer up.

Because as long as they let go of their spirits, they will be swallowed up by the crowds of Somalis in the next second.

For the sake of my own life, I must continue to persevere.

5 points.

After Lieutenant Colonel Cribbs went in person, the United States was stationed in the United Nations barracks on the south side of the city. The Tenth Mountain Division, with three companies, finally responded.

A quick-response force was dispatched to go to the second crash site first to rescue Long Zhan and others who were in an emergency.

I thought there would be an anti-mine anti-ambush vehicle in the lead, together with multiple Humvees and armed infantry vehicles, it would be enough to rush into the city and rescue people.

As a result, what people never expected was that Aidid had already done preventive work.

Not far from the base, the quick reaction force convoy found that the road leading to Mogadishu had been blocked by seven or eight vehicles.

Hundreds of armed militiamen who had been ambushing here for a long time launched a fierce attack on the convoy.

Bazookas, recoilless guns, mortars...

All kinds of heavy weapons that can't be said to be sophisticated, but the explosive power is there, are a one-shot output to the rapid reaction force convoy.

The defense capability of armored vehicles is stronger than that of the Humvee, but the degree of highness is also very limited.

It's not a tank with rough skin and flesh.

After being bombarded by the armed militia, the quick response troops had no power to parry, and suffered heavy damage in just a few minutes.

Leaving behind two bombed vehicles, he had to retreat back to the base in an emergency.

Realizing that Aidid has made up his mind and wants to eat the American troops entering the city, he has sworn his ability to dominate the area.

Cribbs, who is in charge of contacting the United Nations Army, can only put all his hopes on the tank.

The only countries with tanks in the United Nations army are the peacekeeping forces of Pakistan and Malaysia, which has become Cribbs' only hope.

Even if the peacekeeping forces of the two countries are not under the control of the United States, he must persuade them to send out a "vehicle" to rescue.

(End of this chapter)

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