The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 33 Facing the JSOC Big Guy

Chapter 33 Facing the JSOC Big Guy
"Eric, I know who this woman is. She has a special identity. I need to report to JSOC and suggest that Team B temporarily cancel the operation, and withdraw it for a meeting to discuss before making a decision."

Things turned so unexpectedly that Mandy had to suggest to Operations Commander Eric.

"OK, I'll do as you please."

Eric also realized the seriousness of the matter, picked up his clothes and communication headset and ordered: "B1, this is Eric, the operation is temporarily canceled, you bring him back."

"B1 received, Over."

Seeing the woman being captured into the target building, Jason frowned. After finishing the call with the combat center, he immediately began to pack his things, and at the same time ordered: "Close the team, take everything with you, and prepare to evacuate."

Hearing Jason's order, everyone immediately started packing their supplies without asking any reason.

This is the speed of special forces!


How did B get into this small town, and how did he get out of this small town.

Although the time was changed from night to day, but because I came out, I didn't have to worry about being followed, and it didn't have any impact.

Team B's group of seven burly men squeezed into a van with limited space like a stuffy jar, staggered back to the combat center in the city, and were immediately summoned into a conference room.

As soon as Long Zhan walked into the meeting room, he realized that today's meeting was unusual.

Because the scene in front of him is familiar to him!
There is a 70-inch LCD screen hanging on the wall in front of you, and the video conference screen is displayed on it. On both sides of a long conference table and on the main seat in front of you, there are all big men in military uniforms with generals hanging on them.

This is the high-level teleconference specially held in order to rescue the woman in the TV series.

It is easy to see that this is the United States Joint Special Operations Command through the badge pattern on the wall directly behind and the same two vertical and one crossed flags inserted on the right.

Including Delta, DEVGRU, the 24th Special Tactics Squadron of the Air Force, etc., all T1-level special operations forces of the various services of the US Navy, Army and Air Force are under the management of the highest-level department of the US Special Forces.

This group of uncles, who are generally over 50 years old, are all the officers directly under the superiors of Long Zhan Future.

At the beginning, watching TV just felt very compelling, but now sitting in the conference room in person, the atmosphere of the scene gave Long Zhan a completely different feeling.

To be able to face the pyramid tip of the army, and to sit with them in a meeting,
This is called the real special forces!

The conscripts and mercenaries in my previous life, and the two years of SEAL commando in this life, those can only be called war machines.


"I believe that everyone is in place now, Ms. Alice, please tell us what information we have about this poor American citizen."

The admiral, who was sitting in the main seat on the TV, saw through the camera that the people from Team B had walked in, and immediately started a video conference call.

As the chief intelligence officer of this operation, Mandy stood in front of the TV and reported: "Sir, her name is Marshall, Stacey Marshall.

In April last year, the NGO center in South Sudan was hijacked and has been detained for more than 4 months.

At present, our intelligence cannot know how she fell into the hands of Boko Haram.

We suspect that this is a common form of trafficking and reselling hostages. Western women are very attractive and are usually resold many times in exchange for higher ransoms, so Ms. Marshall appears here. "

Terrorists kidnap people from all over the world to extort money. This kind of thing happens every day.

The United States has always regarded itself as the world's policeman, always placed itself in a high position, and did not allow its hegemony to be shaken.

Once it is discovered that every citizen has been kidnapped, they will rescue them at all costs for the sake of face.

Same this time!
"Eric, have you made a plan? Send this young American citizen home to his parents." The admiral asked.

The whole tone is understated, as relaxed as drinking a cup of tea.

This group of people who came out of military academies like West Point did not need to participate in any actual special operations. The U.S. Special Forces model does not allow officers to join grassroots operations. They made it to where they are today by relying on seniority and political means without any risk. Top of the Special Forces.

Doesn't seem to know how dangerous it can be to enter a dangerous terrorist lair and rescue a hostage.

I don't know that it is possible that because of their understatement, many special forces personnel will sacrifice for this, and come back alive with a pile of ashes.

of course.

It doesn't rule out that they are clear in their hearts, but they don't care at all.

They just want to seek more political interests for themselves by rescuing a hostage and packaging it into a story that is enough to make people cry.


Before Eric could speak, he was picked up by Mandy Alice.

"If Samir had lived, it would have meant that hundreds more people would have died, including civilians in Africa and members of allied forces.

And in fact, we are sure that he may have noticed that we are implementing a capture plan for him, if it is for someone to save a hostage..."

"I'm going to interrupt you, Miss Alice."

The captain of the navy did not approve of Mandy's remarks, and said with a slight sneer: "Listen to you, you seem to be going to suggest that we not rescue Ms. Marshall.

Instead, continue with our current plan of action to capture Abu Samir and keep an American citizen at risk.

I don't think it's appropriate to do that, it's our responsibility to protect every American citizen. "

As expected of someone who can become an admiral of the navy, this official accent is called beautiful, if the American people hear it, they will definitely applaud and cheer for him.

"Rescuing the hostages is indeed our duty, but arresting Samir is also very important. We can no longer let him go unpunished." Mandy continued to fight.

Mandy specializes in counter-terrorism intelligence work, and her thinking mode is more inclined to "risk assessment".


The admiral became a little impatient and didn't want to continue to entangle with Mandy. He turned to the commander of the operation group and asked, "Eric, do we have the strength to rescue the hostages and successfully capture the high-value target?"

This move is indeed a very good way to transfer Dafa, Mandy can only retreat helplessly.

"Sir, it is actually difficult to give an accurate answer. The time is too short. We need time to fully revise this action plan."

Eric said conservatively, in fact, there is no meeting to discuss the action plan yet.


At this time, Long Zhan suddenly stood up.

"I have a very good plan. There is a high probability that the two tasks can be completed at the same time. I don't know if you want to hear it."

Long Zhan's voice was unusually loud. On the surface, he was applying to Eric, but in fact, he let the bosses over the camera hear him through the microphone.

 Thank you for the "1500" reward from the evil brothers in the pen, thank you very much for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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