The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 34 Breaking History

Chapter 34 Breaking History

Jason was also going to propose a battle plan, but Long Zhan beat him a second earlier.

Out of trust in Long Zhan's personal strength, Jason did not interrupt Long Zhan's speech, but locked his eyes on him curiously and expectantly.

Although in the unspoken rules of DEVGRU, new foreign players usually have no right to speak.

The reason is actually very simple.

First of all, as a newcomer, under normal circumstances, you still lack both ability and actual combat experience. The ideas you express are likely to be a bunch of nonsense, wasting precious meeting time in vain.

Secondly, as a foreign aid, you don't know the troops performing the mission.

Without knowing the capabilities of this army, there will be a big loophole in your plan-there is no way to exert the maximum combat effectiveness of this army, and it is likely to sell gold as copper.

Commander Eric is not familiar with fighting dragons, and he will definitely stop someone who breaks the rules.

But he just turned around and wanted to say something: "Newcomer, it's not time for you to speak. If you don't want to be kicked out by me, I suggest you sit down."

As a result, Eric didn't say anything, and the TV speaker behind him rang first.

"Who is speaking?"

Unexpectedly, it attracted the Admiral's attention. The corner of Long Zhan's mouth raised slightly, he walked forward a few steps, entered the range of the video camera and replied, "Reporting sir, the foreign aid of Team B, the new member of the Green Team, Staff Sergeant Long Gibran .”

"Son, I haven't met you before, but it doesn't matter. I appreciate your courage. We JSOC need you, an excellent soldier with independent thinking ability, and tell us your solution."

The admiral doesn't care about newcomers and old people, he sees them as a group of soldiers, he just needs someone who can stand up and solve his troubles.

But Long Zhan confidently stated that he had a solution, which happened to hit the admiral's weakness.

His immediate boss's immediate boss had agreed with Zhan Long to speak up, so Eric could only hold back his words and step aside.

this moment……

Including the "vengeful" Mandy and his intelligence team, the official members of Team B and Clay, everyone focused their attention on Long Zhan.

As a newcomer and a foreign aid, Long Zhan set a historical precedent by being able to stand up and speak at the highest meeting of the Joint Special Operations Command.

With so many generals staring at the average person, they would be more or less restrained.

However, Long Zhan was still so confident and calm, walking from the back row to the front, all the way to the 1:100 model of the target building on the left.

"Team B entered Lionheart Town last night and conducted a field investigation of the target building area.

As a foreign aid of the B team, I participated in the whole operation, and spent the whole night exploring carefully, and got some valuable information.

In addition, during my two years in the SEALs, I have participated in two deployments to the Middle East and one deployment to Africa, and I am familiar with the local building structure.

In my personal inference.

The target building is not just superficial. Under its two-layer structure, there may be a hole somewhere on the first floor to build a basement that can be used for shelter.

According to the information provided by Manli's intelligence officer, Samir is a person who is good at self-preservation.

Therefore, I am very confident that Samir may have already entered the target building with the help of smoke.

The place to stay is not the first floor or the second floor, but the safest basement.

On the basis of mastering this information, as long as they plan a targeted action plan, team B is fully capable of completing these two tasks at the same time. "

Eight points of Long Zhan's words were true and two points were false. He perfectly expressed the information he obtained from the TV series in the form of his own personal experience.

Everyone in the conference room, including the big bosses of the Joint Operations Command, didn't feel that Long Zhan's words were contradictory. Instead, they were all amazed by Long Zhan's clear inference.

A rookie has such a strong observation ability and such an excellent inference ability.


"Mr. Gibran, your excellence has obviously exceeded my prediction. If I'm not mistaken, you already have a mature action plan, right?"

The admiral's attitude has changed significantly, and he has more appreciation than before.

"In less than a few minutes, you came up with a plan?"

Everyone in the conference room, including Jason, Sonny, and Mandy, heard the admiral's speculation, and the surprise in their eyes was replaced by consternation.

Especially the impression of Long Zhan still exists in Mandy, the rude, big and violent man at the beginning, so he has to look at him differently.

Feeling that the meeting was a change in everyone's eyes, Long Zhan's confidence became more confident.

Pointing to the alley behind the house model, he spoke confidently: "Take the stealth mode to fight, choose the best time, 4 o'clock in the morning

Team B arrived at the back alley of the target building by car and divided into two assault teams to start operations.

There was no Lionheart's armed pickup in the back alley, and the guards did not pose any threat at all.

Once the assault team got close to the target building, one of the teams used flying claws to climb into the second floor, rescue the hostages and clean up the threatening targets, and the other team pried open the door to enter the first floor, and was responsible for searching the first floor to find the entrance to the basement.

The commando side entered the house to start the operation, and the A team started to set off in a helicopter.

If there is no major accident in the operation, the assault team successfully rescued the hostages and successfully captured the high-value target in the basement, and the helicopter of Team A just arrived.

By the time Lionheart's troops reacted, we had already evacuated by helicopter. "

Long Zhan's action plan is simple and clear, and the most important thing is that it is highly targeted, and it has completely achieved the goal of hitting the key point in one step.

All the official members of the action team in the conference room couldn't find any faults.

"Nice job, boy."

The admiral was very satisfied with Long Zhan's plan, and immediately stated: "I think this plan is good, Eric, and I will leave it to you next, waiting for your good news."

(End of this chapter)

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