The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 35: Starting in the dark

Chapter 35: Starting in the dark

It was only after 9 o'clock after the meeting, and there were still nearly 20 hours before the action.

The members of the action team, whether they were the cover team A or the assault team B, had already made preparations for immediate combat when they arrived on the Air Overlord transport plane.

This also means that in the next ten hours, until one hour before the departure of the operation, everyone will have nothing to do.

In the state of first-level combat readiness, there is no way to leave the base to "shopping" in the city.

They can only "snail" in the base patiently.

When Long Zhan was in the conference room of the DG headquarters building, he wanted to talk to Mandy to resolve the misunderstanding and get to know this senior intelligence officer of the CIA.

At this point in time, there is nothing to do, so staying idle at the base is also idle.

Simply take advantage of the fact that everyone in team B is busy with their own affairs, some lie on the bed and go back to sleep, some take the military dog ​​out for a walk, or play with various advanced equipment such as Clay.

Long Zhan made two cups of coffee with the coffee machine, and added two packets of sugar to it, and found Mandy who was alone in a daze in the conference room.

"You seem to be in a bad mood. Are you too tired from work recently? Have a drink to refresh yourself."

Long Zhan once again displayed his familiarity. It was obviously the first language communication with Mandy, and the tone was indeed as if he had been friends for many years.

"Thank you!"

Mandy looked up and found that it was Long Zhan. Because Long Zhan's performance today made her eyes shine, she did not refuse the hot coffee handed over.

"I'm really sorry for what happened in the killing room last time, I hope you can understand, if you feel dissatisfied, I can let you call back, but the premise is that you can hit, because I have learned Thai Sen's butterfly steps are as fast as lightning."

Long Zhan's humorous tone in his provocation, coupled with his deliberately shaking his head to avoid it, made Mandy couldn't help laughing.

"You are so beautiful when you smile, like a star at night, charming and mysterious."

Long Zhan threw sugar-coated bullets again without hesitation. Women in the world are actually the same, and sweet words are more effective than anything else.

Most of the men in the base have families, and the only bachelor, Sonny, has also taken a fancy to Diaz, and Mandy's job is a special "intelligence agent". It has been a long time since a man has praised her like that.

Now being praised so boldly by Long Zhan, Mandy was so embarrassed that she could only drink coffee to cover it up.

As a result, after taking a sip of coffee, she looked at Long Zhan with more complicated eyes.

Mandy likes to add two packs of sugar to his coffee. This habit is completely different from ordinary people, but the coffee sent by Long Zhan does exactly that.

Is it a coincidence?Or deliberately?

Mandy couldn't tell the difference, but she was very sure of one thing, that is, she was in a much better mood after spending a short time with Long Zhan.

The mood has been relieved and relaxed, and the perception of Long Zhan has completely turned around.

As the topic of conversation deepened step by step, and they entered into the interesting things they encountered in their daily lives, the previous estrangement disappeared.

At noon, we made an appointment to have dinner at the base, and at night we continued to take a walk at the base after dinner.

The relationship between the two has been successfully broken through. Although it is not yet the level of good friends, at least it has become a relationship of friends who can greet each other with a smile.


2:30 AM!

Team A and Team B, who had slept for several hours, all got up and entered the starting assembly point of the base, and began to do the last work before the operation.

This is a process that must be carried out before every departure.

On the one hand, it is to check all the equipment and equipment, whether they have been damaged by people or collisions, so as to ensure that they can work normally during operations.

For example: whether the infrared night vision goggles are fully charged, whether the IR laser can operate normally, etc.

Electronic equipment.

Sometimes it's always bad and inexplicable.

On the other hand, for the way of action, some temporary special treatment is done for some equipment and armor, so as to be more in line with the specified way of action.

For example, this operation is an infiltration operation, and the first consideration is concealment.

Therefore, it is necessary to check whether the respective weapons and ammunition have been replaced with subsonic ammunition that can greatly reduce the sound of shooting, and if not, replace them in time.

Objects such as grenades hung on the combat vest are more likely to be scratched due to night operations.

There is a possibility of the safety pin being scratched off!
Therefore, use cheap but easy-to-use black tape, wrap a few turns around the upper part of the grenade, and wrap the safety pin under the black tape.

Whether the silencer is tightened, whether the combat environment is suitable for wearing a bulky heavy bulletproof vest, whether there are mixed tracer magazines for night combat...

There is still a lot of preparation work like this, and all aspects involved are "inconspicuous".

However, these humble preparations are the valuable experience accumulated by the anti-terrorist special forces for decades, with their lives and blood.

The powerful combat capability of special forces is based on a large number of "inconspicuous" details.

3:30 AM!

Driven by the hinges, the gate of the base retracted upward with a bang.

"set off!"

With Jason's order, "Snoopy" started up again.

The seven are either tall and strong, or lean and strong, or fat and strong, plus they are all fully armed, and each of them is not small. For this 4-meter-long van, it is really a bit strong The car is difficult.

Fortunately, due to the limitation of the combat environment this time, the corridor door in the target house is relatively narrow, and climbing operations are required to enter the second floor.

There is no way to carry a rucksack that contains a lot of combat supplies and weighs more than 60 pounds.

Instead, it is similar to a schoolbag and can only carry tactical backpacks such as plastic bombs, equipment batteries, emergency medical items, etc., which are necessary for CQB operations.

Without the limited space consumed by the seven rucksacks, everyone in Team B could barely squeeze into the van.

After 20 minutes of "turtle speed forward", the Snoopy van that creaked and "sang" along the way finally arrived outside the town of Lionheart King.

(End of this chapter)

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