The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 361 Aren't you tired of working with men and women?

Chapter 361 Aren't you tired of working with men and women?

There are no doors even in the flat-roofed huts, and they are all thick and opaque curtain doors.

The kind that hangs from above.

The texture of the cloth strips is too soft to hold up, not as hard as a wooden or iron door, you only need to push one of the positions to open it.

This makes CQB's common method of clearing the room, the body leaning against the wall and slowly pressing the door to open, using the door to block half, and using the angle to clear the target on one side first, is not so easy to use here.

The only window is also frosted glass with a wooden frame, which can transmit light but cannot see inside.

It is useless to shoot and break the glass. If there are people hiding in the house, it will be more dangerous to look in from the window.

This is also the most taboo way of observing, and it is easy to be shot in the head by the people inside.

If this kind of out-of-the-ordinary situation arises, if Long Zhan handles things in his military way, it will actually be easier than a hard door.

With a gun in his hand, he slammed through the curtain, destroying everything inside with violence.

Anyway, he has a lot of machine gun bullets.

Or take out a defensive grenade and roll it in from under the door curtain.

Boom, clean.

To be gentle, use shock bombs and flash bombs. The curtain door has no blocking ability at all, just pull the insurance and throw it inside.

The grenade opens the way and then rushes in, the safety factor is full.

Black Fox is now the commander of the special police team. The police's operating principles prevent her from being so violent, and the priority of capturing alive is higher than killing.

And the goal of this trip is to rescue the hostages, and the hostages have not been found yet.

Therefore, it is not acceptable to use a gun to open the way. If the hostage is inside, it will be over in one shuttle, and the house can only be cleared in a gentle way.

As a senior agent of the CIA, collecting intelligence and disguising, etc., is what Black Fox is best at.


From her performance since the beginning of the operation, CQB skills seem to be pretty good. Although it is not as good as Long Zhan, it is definitely enough for this kind of occasion.

Should have received professional training, worthy of the identity of a senior agent.

Long Zhan thought of the gentle way to break the door, and Heihu also thought of it. He took a flash bomb, removed the insurance, and threw it in along the bottom of the cloth strip.


The explosion sounded, and the light was dazzling.

The black fox deliberately waited by the door for about 2 seconds before rushing in quickly and steadily.

When a person suffers a sudden attack in a state of tension, there is a high probability that they will have a stress response due to being startled, and make various excessive actions.

The black fox deliberately waited for two seconds before going in, just to prevent people in the house from being shot and swept in the blink of an eye.

If you rushed in immediately after the flash bomb exploded, and just happened to encounter people in the house who fired in response to stress, it would be equivalent to directly hitting the muzzle of the gun.

of course.

If it is a high-explosive grenade or a shock bomb, the huge noise can stun people, so there is no need to wait, and you can rush in immediately after the explosion.

The grenade weapons and equipment used are different, and the processing methods required will be different.

This is the details that determine success or failure!
"SWAT brigade, don't move!"

The black fox opened the curtain and rushed into the house, and shouted the iconic special police terminology before anyone came.

The eyes flicked like eagle eyes.

The space in the house is about three square meters, full of various sundries, and the light is a little dim, but it does not affect the observation.

The black fox rushed into the house, and Long Zhan was in charge of covering it outside.

The action is more professional.

The face and muzzle are facing outward in the same direction, just to control more viewing angles, and lean sideways close to the wall and back to the door to minimize the exposure of the body.

"I'm out, safe."

Heihu didn't notice anyone in the room, so he yelled a password, turned around and retreated, went out and patted Xia Longzhan on the shoulder, and walked quietly to the next door.

The tactics of the special police are slightly different from those of the army, and Long Zhan can also understand the meaning of the black fox.

Withdraw the gun, turn around and move forward, turn back again when in place, and continue to cover for the black fox.

Here, the reason why the black fox uses the shoulder-pinching version to tell Long Zhan to follow up and go to the next house, rather than directly speaking, is mainly to increase concealment.

This concealment does not refer to not letting the enemy know that you have come.

It is impossible for people to know that the houses were bombed with grenades all the way. As long as they are not deaf, they are all on guard at this moment.

Its main purpose is to.

Prevent the enemy who may be hiding in the next room from knowing your detailed location outside the house through the verbal dialogue between you.

So be well-prepared in the room and make an accurate attack when you come over.


"SWAT brigade, don't move!"

The black fox repeated the whole set of actions in the first room, and successfully inspected the second room.

Long Zhan was still guarding the door with his back to the door, with his left shoulder against the wall, his right hand holding a gun facing the outside, and his eyes scanning a 120-degree angle behind him.

"I'm out, safe!"

The black fox is still doing the old action just now.

But this time, before going to the third room, he took off the two shock bombs on Long Zhan's tactical vest and hung them on himself.

Long Zhan personally prefers to use shock bombs, even if they have a certain chance of killing people.

One is a top ace special soldier, and the other is a senior agent of the CIA.

It was the first time that the two partnered in actual combat, and they cooperated tacitly during the whole process. They cleaned the four rooms smoothly all the way without any accidental danger.

The shock bombs on both of them have been used up, and the last two rooms are left unchecked.

Maybe it was because the four rooms in front were too smooth, and I didn't hear any abnormal noises in the house along the way, and the gunshots from the big room had stopped.

It should be that the search has been completed, and they are still waiting for the black fox to go back for final confirmation.

The black fox's self-judgment was misled and he became slack. He was no longer as cautious as before, and he was not going to take the time to go back and search again with two flash bombs.

Along the wall, he quietly approached the fifth room, and rushed in with an acceleration.

If you hesitate, you will give it in vain, if you don't, you will stop acting.

It is the portrayal of the black fox now!
"SWAT brigade, don't move!"

At the same time as the warning was finished, the black fox's eyes quickly scanned the entire room, but there was still no one in there, which confirmed her prediction even more.

These small bungalows are piles of debris, and there is a high probability that they have no recognized value.

In addition, the flat-roofed house is not insulated at all, and it will become stuffy and hot inside after being exposed to the sun for several hours, and it can make people sweat profusely in a few minutes.

It is impossible for drug dealers to stay in it, and it is impossible to hold hostages here.

The black fox concluded that the last room would definitely not yield anything.

Although it is certain that there will be no one in the remaining room, the black fox still has to search it again, and cannot leave a blank area that has not been explored.

As a CIA agent, it is her professional nature to be rigorous.

The two came to the wall of the last bungalow, and the black fox made a gesture to signal Long Zhan to be on alert, and rushed in just like before.

But at the moment when the black fox left...

(End of this chapter)

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