The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 362 Shock for 1 Second

Chapter 362 Shocked for a second (seeking monthly pass, subscription)
Long Zhan suddenly heard a "scratch".

This sound could not be heard with the naked ear, so the black fox didn't notice anything at all.

And Long Zhan wears DG's special sound pickup and noise reduction headphones, and the built-in chip has done special sound collection processing for footsteps, grenade safety sounds, various gun loading sounds, etc.

As long as the sound-receiving headset that comes with the headset receives these related sounds, it will be amplified and transmitted to the headset.

Although the voice was very inconspicuous, Long Zhan quickly made a judgment based on years of actual combat experience.

He can be 100% sure that this is definitely the sound of the pump-action shotgun being loaded, and then the pump-action handle is pushed and pulled again.

As for why the bullet is already loaded, but also push and pull the pump handle once.

Long Zhan's first reaction was that this person was very nervous. He was so nervous that he doubted whether the gun in his hand was loaded, so he had to verify it again.

Combining this important piece of information with the extremely close distance of the sound.

The answer is about to come out.

The guy with the pump-action threadgun is in this last cabin.


Thinking that the black fox was about to rush into the house, Long Zhan, who was his personal bodyguard, couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Entering the sixth group of special services to perform a mission for the first time, the mission target died in his own hands. This is no longer a matter of shame or shame.

Too late to think about it.

There is no such thing as in movies and TV, yelling to be careful or something.

Because the body reacts, it's not like that at all.

When this danger suddenly approached, Long Zhan's first reaction was not to shout.

Not to mention whether the time is too late, I don't even have such an idea.

The moment Long Zhan realized the danger, his reaction was to quickly turn around and pounce forward, using pounce instead of protection to hold the black fox who had already opened the curtain and stepped in with one foot in his arms.

At the next moment when Long Zhan threw down the black fox.


Gunshots sounded.

In the middle of the curtain door where the black fox was just now, a dozen or so bullets were sprayed out by the shotgun fired from inside, blasting out a hole the size of a palm.

Don't look at the size of a slap now, if a dozen lead bullets are fired, they only need to spread out five or six meters to cover an area the size of a washbasin.

Each one can penetrate a human skull!

Through the hole, one could clearly see a face that was so nervous that it was covered in sweat, with red eyes and a ferocious face, facing the direction of the door.


0.5 seconds after the shotgun fired, Long Zhan hit the ground with the black fox in his arms.

Before Heihu realized what happened, she was crushed under Long Zhan's huge body, which made her feel tight and short of breath, and almost lost her breath.

The cup almost fell from D to A!
At this time, Long Zhan couldn't take care of pity and pity. In order to resolve the crisis in front of him, he raised the mk48 with one hand with his right hand and pulled the trigger against the curtain door.

It was too late to get up from the ground, so he could only shoot in this awkward position.

"Da da da……"

Hold a light machine gun with one hand and fire with full firepower.

Fortunately, Long Zhan's body is strong enough, and his fleshy hand full of muscle bumps is as strong as a unicorn arm, which firmly supports the automatic shooting with one hand.

The bullets that were still well-accurate when fired with one hand easily pierced through the curtain door and flew into the house.

I fired a shot and saw that it didn't hit, and I was about to pull the handle of the pump to start the second fire. I never dreamed that anyone could react so quickly.

Before he had time to react, he was beaten into disco on the spot.

The 7.62 bullets that easily penetrated the body sprayed out with a large amount of meat paste and blood mist, dyeing the entire wall behind the reader red.

The whole set, from defense to counterattack, fully demonstrated the clinical response of DG special forces.

Clear thinking!

Decide decisively!

The technique is crisp and neat!

Heihu, who was crushed by Long Zhanpu, watched the bullet casings jingle and fall in front of his eyes.

Then, through the cloth curtain door that was completely torn apart by the bullets and fell to the ground, I could see the reader who was smashed into a honeycomb by the bullets and was falling to the ground.

She finally reacted!
Long Zhan saved her life just now, but if Long Zhan's reaction was slow for a second just now, her body now is about the same as the curtain door.


As the body of the reader fell to the ground, the light machine gun that continued to roar stopped.

"Mr. Gibran, how does it feel to be on top of me? Does it make you linger so much that you are not going to leave again? Do you want to find a time for you to experience it?"

Through this life-saving grace, Heihu's attitude towards Long Zhan has changed significantly, since he took the initiative to make an ambiguous joke.

"There's no need to look for time, tonight will be fine, Room 104 of the Venus Hotel, I'll wait for you."

Long Zhan is not the kind of person who will be humble. It is his character to hit a snake with a stick. When he got up from the ground, he did not forget to take advantage of it.

Terrified, he slapped his buttocks.

The feel is soft and elastic, the sound is light and crisp, and it is a top-notch product.

"You bastard……"

Heihu's chest hurt and swelled just now when he fell down, and now his butt was numb and crisp from the beating, he was so angry that he gritted his silver teeth and almost rushed forward desperately.

Fortunately, she took a step forward and she realized it, because Long Zhan saved his life.

Decided to let go of this "violent maniac" who was a head taller than him.

He had already lost face once on the transport plane. In order to maintain the majestic image in the hearts of the Kenyan special police, he could not be "beaten up" by Long Zhan here again.

Giving Long Zhan a "vicious" look, the black fox walked quickly to the hut.

The opposite wall facing the door was covered in blood, and the reader who fell on the ground had half of his face knocked off, and his body was still twitching on the ground.

Beside him dropped a gun—

KS23 Pump Action Shotgun!

This is a military pump-action shotgun developed by the former Soviet Union in the early 70s.

Although its appearance seems to be very simple, and it is also made of wood, but the gun fires 23mm large-scale shotguns, which can exert a very powerful lethality in close combat. It was the most dangerous melee weapon during the Cold War.

Spraying a shot at a person at close range can smash all the internal organs.

It is very difficult to save lives by opening a hospital in place.

There was less than 3 meters away from the peddler to the door. If the shot just now had been hit, the black fox that had entered the house rashly would definitely die.

Seeing this weapon with astonishing lethality, think back to the shock just now for a second, even if the matter has passed.

The black fox still couldn't help the scalp tingling!
Stimulated by this death experience, Heihu couldn't help turning his head to look at Long Zhan outside the house, his eyes changed subtly.

The last room has been cleaned up, Long Zhan doesn't need to cover outside anymore, he turned his head and saw the black fox, staring at him like a nympho.


Long Zhan whistled, and teased: "Hey, ma'am, I know I'm full of masculine charm, don't look at me like that, be careful to fall in love with me."

The black fox was left speechless by Long Zhan's thick skin, and counterattacked on the spot, stretched out his right hand to Long Zhan, and then clenched his fist.

At last……


The middle finger popped up!


Seeing the black fox sticking out his fist, Long Zhan was curious about what she was going to do, but God tmd popped out his middle finger, and couldn't help laughing on the spot.

He was still surprised and smiled secretly: "I didn't expect this sexy wild cat who loves to hold vengeance and is full of aggression to have such a funny side."

Sending a middle finger to vent his personal anger, Heihu didn't bother to talk to Long Zhan, who was out of shape, and returned his attention to action.

(End of this chapter)

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