The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 37 CQB Raid Operation

Chapter 37 CQB Raid Operation

A soft sound, a corpse.

Bullock's marksmanship was very accurate, and the bullet went right into the back of the guard's head.

The combination of subsonic bullets and military-made mufflers makes the sound less coughing than ordinary people, and bullets with weakened penetrating power will no longer pass out of the body and hit other external objects, causing an additional second Second impact sound.

If everyone in the room is asleep, it is impossible to detect that someone has fired.

The "eye whistle" has been removed, and Team B moves forward.

Walking up to the armed soldier who was killed, Bullock refilled his gun very professionally, then squatted down and unloaded the guard's AK magazine to eject the bullet.

This is one of the basic procedures of CQB operations, preventing the enemy from firing again if they pick up their guns.

During the process of Bullock's ejection, a group of other people did not just stand still, but did their own things with a clear division of labor.

Long Zhan took out the foldable telescopic ladder he brought, unfolded it and extended it to a window on the second floor that was guided by laser light.

The role of thunder is brought into play here, and you can find a suitable point to break into the house in advance.

Jason lifted the corpse blocking the door and dragged it to the shadow of the corner of the wall, clearing the door so that the second group could quickly cut in.

The guard fell asleep sitting next to the back door, and the wooden door behind it was not closed.

This saves a troublesome door breaking job.


Jason signaled the second team to move forward, signaling them to raid the house.

Clay was the vanguard of the second group of assaulters, holding a 10.5-inch short-barreled HK416D rifle in a standard posture, and entered the door first.

The short tube is more flexible and convenient for fighting in narrow rooms.

Trent followed closely behind and filed in!

Before entering the door, Sonny, who was at the end, took the dog leash from Bullock and entered the first floor with the military dog ​​Hellfire.

This is an arrangement made before departure.

Although Hellfire, a specially trained military dog, has already learned the skill of climbing stairs, it is not difficult to climb stairs to enter the second floor.

But for a professional EOD dog, finding a hostage is too much to use.

Samir, the terrorist that Team B is going to arrest on this trip, is an expert in making homemade bombs. All the martyrs who were bewitched by him to commit suicide attacks, the bombs strapped to their bodies were made by him himself.

People like this who make homemade bombs all day long will definitely be inseparable from their profession wherever they go.

The EOD Dog was a perfect fit.

Bring the EOD military dogs to the first floor to search. It is very likely that after smelling the explosives, they will find the entrance of the tunnel along the smell.

The second group entered the first floor and started a surprise attack, and Long Zhan also erected the stairs.

Long Zhan, who was in charge of the fire team, stepped aside and was responsible for guarding against possible dangers in the alley, which was equivalent to guarding the back of a group.

Bullock, who has no worries about the future, is the vanguard with an assault rifle in his hand.

The first one climbed up the stairs, and first carefully observed the room through the open window to determine the situation about to enter the room.

Finding that there was no one in the room, Bullock turned from the room into the house.

When he landed, he pointed his gun in the direction of the door, and stretched out his hand out of the window to make a gesture, indicating that the house is now safe.

Jason, who was staring at the window, received Brock's signal and climbed up the ladder.

After entering the house, Jason didn't gesture outside the window, because Long Zhan, as a member of the back office, was staring at the exit of the alley, so he couldn't see the movement of the window at all.

So Jason changed the method and used double-click the left button of the PTT (microphone).

There are usually 2 to 3 shortcut keys on the microphone, which correspond to different communication channels, and you can quickly talk without manually adjusting the communication channel.

Jason as the captain has three buttons for PTT.

The shortcut button on the front is to contact the combat center, the right side is to send messages within the team, and the left side is now used to send messages within the team.

Press it to talk to the corresponding channel, and there will be a short noise point every time you press it.

Long Zhan heard two consecutive noise points in the earphones, which represented the signal of comprehensive security for him to continue to follow. Without hesitation, he swung the gun behind his back and climbed into the room on the second floor along the folding ladder.

After entering, don't forget to put the ladder away again, and hang it on the tactical backpack behind you again.

A group of three people successfully sneaked into the second floor, and the next step is to radiate to all areas on the second floor from this uninhabited house.

Clean up all the dangerous targets that exist and find the hostages that need to be rescued on this trip.

However, there is no danger in this room for the time being, but after opening this door and going outside, what will happen is completely unknown.

at this time……


Suddenly there were two consecutive gunshots downstairs, and the silence in the house was broken.

Under the influence of the muffler, the sound is like a bamboo stick hitting the floor. The decibels are not very loud, but it can still be heard clearly on the second floor.

Obviously, the 2nd group found the armed target, and there was no way to "knife off" the target, so they had to shoot and kill it.

If it is in an ordinary residential building, this is not like the "little noise" of shooting, and it will not cause much movement.

It's a pity that this is the "foothold" of terrorists, and it is already known that someone is going to catch him.

Vigilance will be very high!

As an experienced special operations captain, Jason was basically sure that the two shots had started the battle in this building.

Don't look at the fact that you can't hear other voices now, but secretly, I don't know how many people are hiding in a corner with their guns.

As long as the members of Team B appeared in their field of vision, these militants would raise their guns without hesitation and shoot them wildly.

At this moment, the danger has come.

(End of this chapter)

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