The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 38 Shooting to Death

Chapter 38 Shooting to Death
Ordinary people must be worried that they will be bullied by the old man, but for the members of the T1 special forces, this is a very normal routine battle, and this situation has already been dealt with countless times.

The cooperation between Jason and Bullock has already reached a tacit understanding of eye contact.

Jason kept holding the gun with his left hand, and pulled the doorknob of the house door with his right hand. He didn't need to speak at all, and Bullock automatically stood by the door.

When Jason slowly opened the door, Bullock rushed out of the door immediately, and the gun was aimed at the left for the first time.

Maintain absolute vision to the left.

Although Long Zhan is the first time to cooperate with Team B, he has already completed dozens of indoor battles during the two years he spent in the lower-level Navy SEALs.

With only three people working together...

Jason is responsible for pulling the door back to keep the exit open, Brock is responsible for protruding to occupy the field of vision to the left of the door, and the task of Dragon War is very clear.

According to the most basic CQB team coordination, Long Zhan followed Bullock closely and seized the right field of vision almost at the same time.

The corridor outside the door is completely occupied from the left to the right, and as long as there is any target, it can be found immediately.

As the captain who came out last, Jason had more time to decide which side to clean up on the premise that the aisle outside had been controlled.

Brock's side is a row of rooms, and the corridor on the right side of the dragon battle only has stairs leading to the first floor.

Jason put the observation information back into his mind. He already knew what to do, and pinched Bullock's shoulder to signal him to move forward.

Bullock immediately moved forward with the gun, and stopped in front of the first door, his eyes still wary ahead.

Only then did Jason pinch Xia Long Zhan's shoulder, indicating that Long Zhan would also move forward, and that he would temporarily control the direction of the stairs that Long Zhan was guarding.

Long Zhan walked to the other side of the door where Brock was, and continued to lock the muzzle of the gun in the direction of the stairs.

Press the PTT twice to indicate that it is in place.

After receiving the signal, Jason turned the gun and walked all the way to the front of the door, and began to prepare to check and clean up the house.

The coordinated and alternating progress among the three may seem complicated, but in fact the whole process takes less than three seconds.

The three who have been familiar with CQB combat for a long time, cooperated with each other tacitly, and they were as silky as eating Dove, and they completed a wave of position-changing advances in an instant.

With Bullock and Dragon Fighting on both sides of the aisle, Jason just needs to devote himself to breaking into the room.

For Jason, who has been working for more than ten years, it is easier than drinking water.

There are usually two modes of breaking into a house.

One is to focus on speed, using plastic bombs to blow up the door, or using a door-breaking tool to quickly break the door, and then kick the door open to quickly break in.

The hit was a surprise, so that the people in the room had no time to react.

This is the most commonly used CQB clearance mode.

It's a pity that it usually requires a team of more than 4 people to work together to complete it smoothly, and it is very risky to use it alone.

Jason is currently in a single-player situation, so he can only switch to another slower and safer house clearance mode
Avoid the area directly in front of the door, and keep your body close to the wall on the left side of the door to avoid being attacked by militants inside the house when you wait to open the door.

The right hand holds the handle of the gun, the butt of the gun rests on the shoulder, and the finger is buckled on the trigger to keep firing at any time.

This is a standard one-handed pistol.

The free left hand stuck to the door, and gradually increased the strength to push the door in.


With the friction sound of the wooden door latch, the door began to open slowly.

Since Jason was standing on the side of the door buckle, he could open the gradually larger opening through the door and gradually bring the situation in the room into view.

In this case, even if there are people in the house who suddenly shoot at the door with their guns, they can't pose a threat to Jason, Long Zhan and Bullock.

As the saying goes, there are advantages to being slow, which is vividly reflected here.

Until Jason opened all the doors and had a panoramic view of the house, there was no resistance in the house.

It's not that there's no one in the house.

It was the awakened militant inside, who had no way of accurately judging where the person who entered the door was in this dark room.

In order not to expose his position, he wisely chose to be an old female comparison.

Hiding behind the wooden cabinet on the left wall, I tried to wait for Jason, who was opening the door outside, to enter the house, and then shoot when I could see a figure at a closer distance.

The idea of ​​this militant is good, and he is indeed a smart person.

It's a pity that there are fewer books to read!

He didn't know that there was a kind of glasses in this world that could see him clearly in the dark, like a demon mirror, without hiding anything.

He couldn't see where Jason was at all, but in Jason's green vision, he stood out like a big light bulb in the dark.

Holding a lethal weapon with the intent to attack.

Jason raised his hand without hesitation and shot twice.

Just as Jason shot and killed the militants in the house, a militant suddenly ran up from the first floor in the direction of the stairs that Long Zhan was guarding.

It seems that they were forced by the second team to clean up and ran up because they thought the second floor was safe.

Didn't know there was a "Grim Reaper" leading to the second floor!

The firing sound of the Mk46 light machine gun was like a duck's voice. The three bullets shot out quickly, but they were very accurate under the ballistic guidance of the laser, and all of them hit the militants who ran up.

The militant who was shot died on the spot, tilted his body and fell from the second floor.

The body collided with the wooden iron staircase, making a series of noises, and rolled down the stairs to the first floor.

(End of this chapter)

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