The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 39 The Most Violent Killing Move - Shaped Charge Directional Breaking Bullets

Chapter 39 The Most Violent Killing Move - Shaped Charge Directional Breaking Bullets
Long Zhan killed a militant here, but it didn't affect Jason's work at all. It was as if he didn't hear Long Zhan shoot.

With the standard CQB intrusion pace, he entered the room quickly and steadily.

At first glance, I looked behind the door to make sure there was no hidden person behind the door, and then came to the body of the militant who was killed, and shot him in the head.

Bending down to pick up the ak74 with one hand, completed the difficult action of unloading bullets and clearing the magazine.

Finishing it all, Jason yelled, "Safe!"

Now there have been several gunshots on the first and second floors, plus the series of sounds made by the militants rolling down the stairs just now.

Those who should have woken up in the room have been awakened, and those who should not have woken up have also woken up.

There is absolutely no need for team B to continue to maintain a slow and silent advance, and completing tasks at a faster speed is the current top priority.

simply put……

The process that was not exposed before was a sneak attack, and now it is exposed and needs to be converted to a surprise attack.


Jason emerged from the house, replacing gestures with more direct commands.

After getting the password, Brock continued to move forward, while Jason and Long Zhan still adopted the previous cooperation, alternately changing their guards and moving forward.

Room 2 - safe!
Room 3 - safe!

A group of three kept moving forward, and the cooperation between each other became more and more tacit, and the speed of cleaning became faster and faster.

Two militants were killed again, and after finding the old, young, women and children hiding in a room.

A group of three people came to a room that was completely different from other cleaned rooms from the outside, and there was something tricky inside.

There was a light shining from under the crack of the door, and the door had been locked from the inside.

Proof that those inside are ready.

Jason can't use the hammer to attack alone, and the current situation is no longer suitable for breaking the door and entering rashly. He must use the most violent killing move.

So he opened the tactical backpack behind Long Zhan, and took out a roll of black door-breaking bullets from it.


Jason aimed the gun with one hand in the direction of the stairs, and handed the door-breaking bullet to Long Zhan without squinting at his right hand.

There is no need to say any other passwords, this action has already indicated that he is temporarily in charge of the rear.

The members of the fire team with heavy weapons are basically bigger people. In addition, the fire team usually lives at the back of the team and can carry more materials and equipment.

It doesn't need to be light like an assaulter, so that you can attack more flexibly.

Therefore, members of the fire team combat positions usually need to major or minor in blasting to maintain the diversity of team functions

For example, Sonny's main major is blasting, and Long Zhan's sub-professional is blasting.

As a professional blaster, Long Zhan is very familiar with this shaped-charge directional door-breaking bullet, and is proficient in 108 ways to use it.

The bomb is a kind of plastic bomb, which has very good ductility and plasticity.

That is to say, it is not in a fixed shape, it is rolled together like a piece of thick adhesive tape, and one side is extremely sticky.

After you unfold it, you can stick it however you want, and you can stick it wherever you want to fry.

The release of explosive energy is similar to a "directional mine", which can only have a strong explosive force in one direction.

It is simply tailor-made for special operations!

Long Zhan unfolded the blasting bombs into strips, and glued a whole strip of blasting bombs from top to bottom at the position of the door button on the other side of the doorknob.

Then he took out the remote control detonator and installed it on the door-breaking bomb, and retreated to the door with the wireless detonation remote control in hand.

The right hand pointed the gun at the direction of the stairs, and seemed to be talking to himself, but actually said to Jason: "The blasting preparation is complete, and the countdown is five seconds."

Jason, who received the signal from the Dragon War, immediately withdrew his gun and returned to his original position——

The door is on the right side of the wall!


After Long Zhan counted the last number, he pressed the remote control in his hand while saying zero.


A huge explosion sounded.

The wooden door was easily torn apart by the door-breaking bombs, and under the strong blast shock wave generated by the directional blasting, it was broken into pieces of various sizes and flew into the house.

The entire door was almost blown away, but Jason, who was right by the door, was unscathed.

And immediately after the explosion, he made a beautiful corner change with guns in both hands, and rushed into the room from the left side of the door.

The first time Jason entered the room, he saw a militant sitting opposite the door holding an AK74.

Dazed by the shock wave of the explosion, the militants who were dodging the fragments of the door in a panic also saw Jason rushing in from the door.

The two face each other!

The militants wanted to resist at the first moment, but the shock wave of the explosion confused his mind, and his reaction was as if he was drunk, not even half of his usual level.

On the other hand, as a first-level combatant, Jason's reaction speed is several times faster than that of militants.

Plus the advantages brought by directional blasting.


The gun in Jason's hand rang, and there was another corpse on the ground.

Jason, who had completed the kill, remained vigilant, and quickly swung his gun from side to side to observe the room, making sure that there were no other threats.

Xiaobu walked quickly to the front of the militant and shot him in the head.

Squat down and pick up the militant's gun, and disassemble the gun.

Since the front of this room is the end of the corridor, and the front is a window leading to the first floor, it is impossible for enemies to come out from this direction.

The other rooms on the entire second floor have also been cleaned up at this time.

Brock, who checked the structure outside the window and determined that no one could come up from here, also entered the room when Jason finished killing and entered the room.

Bullock's target was on the floor on the right side of the room. His hands and feet were tied, and a cloth was stuffed in his mouth. He looked at Jason and Bullock's woman in astonishment.

Bullock knelt in front of the woman on one knee, tore off the cloth stuffed in her mouth, and said quickly: "We are here to save you, we need to confirm your identity and name, tell me your name."

Checking information is a basic step in rescue operations to prevent the wrong person from being rescued.

(End of this chapter)

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