The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 385 Selfish Bastard

Chapter 385 Selfish Bastard

Without transportation channels, the Sorada criminal group cannot continue to obtain a large amount of reading materials from the Black Triangle, and it is also unable to have large transactions of unique products with Mexico.

At that time, the purpose of the US government will be achieved, and the flow of reading materials into the United States will be curbed.

In order to successfully execute the final part of collecting the net, the key is to find a way to enter the smuggling tunnel, then silently kill the gang members guarding the tunnel, and finally capture Mukhtar Wushou quietly.

This requires Cuomo and another stowaway to play their own role.

The secret basement has a large space, and technicians who operate computers and monitoring equipment occupy the main body. A detailed map of Dadaab happens to hang on the right wall.

The black fox brought two smugglers to the map and asked, "You said there is a tunnel leading to Dadaab, where is it located?"

Cuomo stared at the map carefully for a while, pointed to a location and said, "In this place."

"Is there a way for you to go there?" the black fox continued to ask.

Another smuggler in his 40s, more experienced than Cuomo, replied: "This tunnel is guarded all the year round, and they have guns in their hands.

Smugglers like us can basically pass through as long as we pay money. It will be very difficult for women in the past, and the smugglers there are dishonest.

Some women will be forcibly detained by them. If they are lucky, they will be released in a few days. If they are not lucky..."

The middle-aged smuggler didn't say anything after that, and everyone present at the ceremony could basically guess that it was nothing more than a man's lower body.

Those women who were detained with bad luck knew without thinking that they must have been played to death.

In this chaotic place, there is no difference between human life and dog life.

Heihu is not interested in what happens to female smugglers. He has been an agent of the CIA for so many years and has seen even the darkest things.

He just wanted to use this tunnel to complete this anti-drug mission as soon as possible.

Said to the middle-aged stowaway: "Very well, this is the place I need, will you take us in?"

"No no no, impossible!"

As soon as the black fox's words came out, the middle-aged stowaway shook his head repeatedly and refused, explaining with fear in his tone: "I have sneaked back and forth five or six times, and I know the layout here very well, and it will be very difficult to pass through the tunnel.

Although there are many snakeheads in the tunnels, which are usually used for smuggling and smuggling, they are actually controlled by drug dealers and gangsters, and every entrance and exit is a stronghold.

They have a lot of big guns in their hands, and the only people who can pass there are drug mules and illegal immigrants.

Even if the patrol team in the refugee camp found out, they all turned a blind eye and didn't dare to go in to check the situation.

If you don't have to, don't go to places with tunnel entrances and exits. This is the basic common sense in refugee camps. "

The middle-aged stowaway said in detail, the black fox was not frightened by the so-called danger.

Continue to ask: "Are you familiar with those tunnels? I mean, do you know where the intersections of the tunnels are and where they lead to the refugee camps?"

"Of course!"

In order to obtain a legal Kenyan identity, the middle-aged smuggler had no choice but to gamble, marking three places on the map with his fingers.

"Here, here, and here, all I know are these three tunnels, each of which can pass through the quarantine area and directly enter the refugee camp..."

"this place."

The black fox interrupted the middle-aged smuggler, pointed at a place on the map with his slender fingertips and said, "Which tunnel is the closest to this place, and how far is it?"

The place where the black fox pointed was the hiding place of Mukhtar Wushou.

"The closest is this tunnel."

The middle-aged stowaway pointed to the tunnel at the top: "The entrance of this tunnel is a repair shop, and that's where I entered last time.

There are seven or eight drug mules at the entrance, and they all carry big guns.

The tunnel is nearly half a mile long, and there are drug mules with guns every 100 meters inside. The exit is in a large minibus in the refugee area.

There is an alley leading directly to where you are going, about a mile or so away, and no one should notice it at night.

However, there are dozens of exits and entrances, plus the poisonous mules in the tunnel.

And once the news spreads and attracts drug mules and gang members from the refugee camp, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome even if you go in. "

There are tens of thousands of criminals in the Dadaab refugee camp, and the situation is even more complicated and harsh than Mogadishu.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of them."

The corner of Heihu's mouth was slightly raised, full of disdain, and he didn't pay attention to these drug mules and gangsters at all.

Confidently said: "I need you to draw this tunnel now, as well as the approximate location of the poisonous mule in the tunnel, can you do it?"

"of course can!"

Perhaps infected by the strong self-confidence of the black fox, the fear on the face of the middle-aged stowaway gradually disappeared, and he accepted the task given to him by the black fox.

"Glenn, I leave this to you."

The black fox snapped his fingers, signaling the liaison officer Glenn to cooperate with the middle-aged smuggler in drawing, took out a cigarette and lit it, and walked to the sofa area on the right.

Long Zhan followed up and asked, "Are we really going to force our way in through that tunnel?"

The situation of the tunnel guards is completely unknown, so acting based on the information provided by a stowaway, in Long Zhan's view, it is really a bit aggressive.

Intelligence is the foundation of the success of an operation, and the intelligence of this mission is too little.

He ran out of Mogadishu, a human meat grinder, after he was almost scrapped after exhausting his strength. Long Zhan didn't want to fall into a new human meat blender again.

"If Jahad didn't lie, our good things are coming soon, I think you should be happy, and, isn't there a master like you? If the frame rate is dangerous, you will protect me, won't you?"

The black fox took a puff of cigarette, until the dragon spit it out slowly in front of him, his eye movements were full of seduction and some kind of strong suggestion.

"That's not necessarily the case. If only one can live, I will choose to let you die."

Long Zhan fanned the smoke with his hands, and calmly said something that made Heihu almost lose his footing.

"You're such a selfish bastard."

The black fox smiled and gave Long Zhan a white look, and shouted: "Nuel, go ask the headquarters, when will the supplementary manpower and equipment arrive."

In the Ethiopian rebel attack, although the original special police captain Youngor did not die, he was seriously injured and sent to the hospital.

The rest of the work related to the Kenya special police was handed over to the deputy captain Nuo Erkai to manage the negotiations.

"Okay, sir."

Noel saluted and left.

(End of this chapter)

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