Chapter 386 Silent Mode (seeking a monthly pass)

In less than 20 seconds, he returned to Laihui to report: "Sir, the Nairobi headquarters confirmed that all the personnel and equipment you need will be in place before 12 noon."

"Very good, please help me to inform. The operation of closing the network is tentatively scheduled to take place tonight. Everyone must gather here before 5:00 pm."

"Yes sir!" Noel saluted and left.

"Start action tonight? Isn't this a bit too hasty? I think it will be safer to study more tunnels and action plans." Long Zhan suggested with a frown.

"No, it should be as soon as possible. We are preparing, and Mukhtar Wushou is also preparing. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us."

After Heihu explained briefly, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out with his foot, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised.

Stretching out his hand to touch Long Zhan's strong chest muscles, he said: "You are my lucky star, as long as you are here, we will surely win the battle.

I haven't had a good rest for two days. I have to go to sleep now. Do you want to come with me?There is still enough time this time. "

Others in the room saw that the supreme commander, Heihu, was making a fuss in public to seduce the "big guy", so they turned their heads and pretended not to hear.


One second he was serious, the next he seduced him, Long Zhan was speechless.

Seeing that Long Zhan lacked interest and did not continue to hook up, he cocked his mouth and blew a kiss: "It's really a pity, it seems that you missed another chance to enjoy, see you."

After speaking, twisting her perfect waist, which was neither thin nor fat, she walked to the rest room in the basement.


6:30 p.m.!
The sky turned from bright to dark, the sun was setting and there was only the last ray of light left, and night was coming.

The supplementary special police who came from Nairobi, combined with the previous special police, formed a new 12-member net collection operation team.

Together with Long Zhan and Commander Heihu, they took four civilian off-road vehicles and drove out from the underground garage of the hotel.

As the last and most important net collection operation, the equipment and armor of the personnel participating in the operation are the best stocks in the Kenya Police Headquarters.

In addition to the standard equipment for SWAT operations, night vision goggles and thermal imaging were also used for the first time.

And a Bell (Bell) 206 light multi-purpose helicopter, hovering over the mission area, for the high-altitude vision observation of this operation.

This posture, this battle...

It is also a very rare large-scale operation in the third world in Africa.

In order to avoid being detected by the corrupt police, the convoy marched all the way around the periphery of Dadaab. When it was completely dark, they came to a hidden destination less than 1 meters away from the entrance of Tunnel No. 500.

Everyone gets out of the car, and finally checks the equipment and prepares the necessary supplies.

"All kinds of reports." Black Fox asked.

"Everything is normal in Group A, over."

"Everything in Group B is ready for action."

"very good."

After receiving the radio replies from the two groups, it was equivalent to confirming that the communication equipment was normal, and the black fox ordered: "Noel, you take the left side of group B, and I take the right side of group A.

Others pay attention, adopt silent mode on the road, switch to autonomous shooting after approaching the entrance, and clear the target at the entrance as quickly as possible, understand? "

"Roger that!"

The special police officers of the Ab group responded, pulled off the night display equipment mounted on the helmet, put it on, and entered the woods in an orderly manner, forming a formation to go to the entrance of the No. [-] tunnel.

Don't be too familiar with the night vision equipment Long Zhan, he has used all kinds of high-end products.

Compared with the high-end products of the SEALs, the quality of the Kenyan police headquarters is much worse, and it can even be said to be a grade worse.

But then again.

In these backward "third worlds", it would be nice to have night vision equipment, which is better than hanging a strong light on the head and relying on the light to illuminate the battle.

Therefore, despite the poor equipment of the Kenyan special police, Long Zhan also chose a pair of IR-PATROL monocular thermal imagers.

This is a night vision device produced by trijicon "Chuijikang". It can be worn on the head or connected to a rifle in series. It has three levels in black and white mode, namely white heat mode, black heat mode and contour detection mode.

The reason why Long Zhan chose a thermal imager instead of using night vision goggles as before.

The reason is that the quality of the equipment is not very good, and when the maximum resolution is very limited, the display effect of the night vision device will be very unsatisfactory.

It is far less clear than if someone is in the field of view of a thermal imager, it will be highlighted clearly.

Moreover, there are a large number of trees in the outdoor march. Although the thermal imager cannot see through the trunk, it can penetrate weeds and leaves, which is also an advantage.

Coupled with a black impact high-cut helmet, Long Zhan feels that it is barely enough.

The marching speed was relatively slow in the silent state. After nearly 10 minutes of sneaking, the action team did not encounter any enemies and passed through the woods to the edge smoothly.

In the two-story auto repair shop tens of meters ahead, the lights that were on could already be clearly seen.

"Call the headquarters, this is Group A, communication correction."

"The headquarters received it, and the communication is normal."

"Call the headquarters, this is Group B, communication proofreading."

"The command received that the communication is normal. Black Crow One is already in place, and will provide support after you pass through the tunnel and guide you to the target area."

The black fox and Nuoer completed the communication proofreading, separated from the left to the right, and sneaked towards the entrance from both sides under the cover of the night.

In order not to alarm the target tired solo dealer, the helicopter did not come over at this time.

The two teams can only rely on their own groping approach.

Long Zhan is still doing his job as a super bodyguard, always following Heihu's side to prevent any accidents during this operation.

Perhaps it was the drug dealers and human-snake groups at Entrance No. 1 who had occupied this area for too long and made a fortune, and they were used to no one daring to trouble them.

The outer area of ​​the auto repair shop was empty, and there was no security at all.

Relying on the slack defense of the garage, Team A and Team B did not encounter any trouble, and they got close to the wall of the garage smoothly.

I touched it all the way without any accidents, so I didn't need to make any adjustments.

After arriving at the target entrance, the members of the two groups AB did not communicate any more, and immediately started to act according to the original plan.

Noel led Group B to the second floor of the repair shop from the iron stairs on the right.

Heihu led Group A and Long Zhan to be in charge of the first floor, and used extended pinhole detectors on the wall to find out the exact location of all drug dealers on the first floor.


Two short electronic beeps sounded from the communicator, which was a signal that Group B on the second floor was ready.


The black fox decisively issued an order in the communicator, and a group of special police officers locked on their targets, and at the same time rushed out from the darkness to aim at the targets and fire.

Long Zhan still carried out the tactics of substituting offense for defense, and rushed into the repair shop as well.

(End of this chapter)

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