The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 460 The Weird Police Car

Chapter 460 The Weird Police Car
"What the hell are they doing?"

"Are these people evacuating urgently? Who is telling them to leave?"

"Fuck, what happened?"

Everyone in GRS and DSS saw the leaving convoy. Although they were asking loudly, they actually realized that the attack was coming.

With the precedent of the consulate being captured, the uneasiness in their hearts began to grow stronger.


What's even more deceitful is that this is just an appetizer.

With the evacuation of Libyans around the intelligence post, avoid being affected by the ensuing battle.

The February 2 Martyr Brigade militia guarding the front and rear doors also took the weapons and equipment they brought, opened the door and ran away in a swarm.

There was no notification at all, all I wanted to do was escape.

It was as if the whole world had been notified and knew when the attack was going to happen.

Only the owner of the intelligence station, the American, is still kept in the dark and knows nothing, and can only passively wait for the attackers to arrive.

This feeling is very fucked up.

Even the old Youzi Long Zhan, who has been on the battlefield for more than 10 years and has a rock-solid mentality, wants to scold his mother when he sees the scene in front of him.

He understands what he pays for what he does, but it's understandable. It really happened to him, and that feeling is not so good.

Long Zhan was so speechless that he wanted to shoot and kill these "cheap security guards" who fled. .

This is true of Dragon Warriors with the best mentality. Others in DSS and GRS have shorter service periods, and their mentality is not so good, let alone the mood at this time.

"Very well, all the Libyan guards have escaped, and there is no one left. This is really good news." Tanto said ironically on the radio.

"The whole world knows what happened, but we are the only ones who don't know the situation. It's wonderful." Boone's words revealed a bit of helplessness.

Seeing that the atmosphere on the radio was a bit depressed, Long Zhan interjected and joked: "Guys, the Wanat defense battle has begun, are you ready?"

Compared to Long Zhan who adjusted his mentality in time and joked on the radio, Captain Tyron felt terrible.

Impatiently, he yelled on the radio: "Tig, turn off the damn lights, or I'm going to shoot them off."

While being a leader has power, it also bears equal responsibility and pressure.

First, the station master didn't cooperate to defend together, and only wanted to evacuate from here as soon as possible, and now the guards of the martyr's brigade escaped collectively.

There are only 8 people under his command, but he has to face hostility from the whole of Benghazi.

In this case, only a good mood can be a ghost.

"It's being done, soon, immediately."

There was anxiety in Tigger's reply, and it could be heard that he was indeed rushing to deal with it.

Probably because I am not familiar with lighting control, etc. After all, such trivial matters as switching on and off the lights do not need GRS to do it on weekdays.

Even though Teague has been here for a few months, today is the first time he has entered the control room.

"Tig, the boss is in a bad mood tonight. If you don't want to be scolded bloody, or get kicked, you'd better use your toes."

Ozzy has a lot to do when he's watching the excitement. While watching around with the HK417 equipped with a night vision scope, he still has time to tease Teague.


Teague responded to Ozzy's teasing with the most refined words.

Immediately afterwards, according to the display of the control branch map, the lights in the field were turned off one by one, and the intelligence station, which was originally illuminated as bright as day, fell into darkness.

Only the lights of the office building remained, shining outside through the windows and doors.

As the roofs of the four houses were covered in darkness, Tyronn's nervous and irritable mood eased slightly. He looked around and asked, "Gibran, from which direction do you think they will attack?"

During this period of time together, Long Zhan gave Tyroen the biggest impression that no matter how much danger he encountered, there was no change in mood, and his mentality was always as stable as a mountain.

It seemed that even if the sky fell, it would not be enough to cause him to panic.

This composure far surpassing that of ordinary people, as well as the various marksmanship and tactics that are extraordinary in shooting, made Tyron vaguely realize...

Dragon Fight is likely not just about SEALs.

The high probability comes from the "Seal Team Six" that he has dreamed of all his life, but unfortunately he has served in the army for many years, but he can't touch it until he retires.

It is the longing for SEAL Team [-] and the trust in the Navy's highest combat power.

Only in this dangerous situation where Tyronn is about to be besieged by a large number of enemies will he ask Long Zhan to better deal with the imminent fatal crisis.

In fact, among the armed guards in the intelligence station, only Long Zhan still maintained a calm mind to think, and the others were more or less affected by emotions.

Facing Tyron's question, which was equivalent to asking for advice, Long Zhan put down the night vision goggles on his helmet, stood up straight and observed the surrounding circle in 360 degrees.

Then he said in an orderly manner: "Outside the front door is a spacious road, there is no shelter available, not even a mouse can hide.

In addition, the front door and the walls on both sides have been reinforced, and the height is more than 5 meters. It is difficult to destroy without tools, and it is impossible to climb over. It is very difficult to attack.

On the west side is the abandoned parking lot. The general situation is similar to the front door. There is no bunker available. Coming from here will only become a living target.

The Smugglers' Alley on the east side is the opposite of the previous two. The buildings are too dense and difficult to pass through. There is no way to launch a large-scale attack from this side.

The Corpse Paradise behind is quite special, the terrain is open enough for hundreds of people to attack at the same time.

In the abandoned breeding sheds everywhere, those concrete wall pillars are the best bunkers. In addition, the height of the rear wall is generally low, and adults can easily climb over it, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the attack.

So I think they should attack from the corpse paradise, and weapons and ammunition should be concentrated on this side. "

That's what Long Zhan said, and he did the same.

The weapons and ammunition he got up were all piled behind the wall on the side of the corpse paradise, so that they could be replenished with ammunition during the battle.

Even the abandoned building materials on the roof were piled behind the fence for reinforcement.

After listening to Long Zhan's explanation, Tyroen felt that it was reasonable and could not find fault at all, so he conveyed to everyone by radio: "Everyone, pay attention to the direction of the Corpse Paradise, the attack may be launched from there."

As soon as Tyron finished speaking, Tanto, who was guarding Building A, suddenly shouted, "Hey, Tyron, look at the front door."

Tanto's voice was loud, and the intelligence station was very quiet. Everyone in the four houses could hear him clearly, and they turned their eyes to the front door in unison.

A police car with red and blue lights appeared on the avenue outside the front door.

It seemed that it was just passing by inadvertently, but in fact, anyone who was a bit vigilant could see that this police car was abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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