Chapter 461 Everyone enters a state of combat (seeking a monthly ticket)
"There was something wrong with this police car. It first slowed down and approached, then suddenly accelerated away. There seemed to be someone in the car taking pictures to observe our situation."

After Long Zhan finished speaking, he paused, and his tone became a bit deeper.

Then he continued: "I have a hunch that this police car is likely to be part of a group of attackers from a Middle Eastern religious group, and the drive here should be a detection point before the attack."

The police and the attackers thugs are in the same boat, good and evil are on the side.

This is very unreasonable in other countries.

But in Benghazi, where the civil war has just ended and dozens of militias are united and managed in an alliance, anything strange can happen.

There is no eternal justice, and there is no absolute evil, everything only depends on the word profit.

Watching the police car with weird behavior gradually go away, everyone in GRS basically believed Long Zhan's guess, and also realized that the attack was coming soon.

"We're going to Building B. The location there is more favorable. Let the people from the Fifth National Academy of Sciences come over." Boone requested.

The gate of Building B closest to the intelligence station is the most critical point to guard the front gate. Boon doesn't trust the DSS team and decides to take charge of it himself.

Tyronn can fully understand, and also doesn't really believe that the DSS of the consulate just lost, he shouted loudly: "People from the Fifth National Academy of Sciences, please come down from the top and go to Building A, and then draw another person to come over with me. Let's guard Building C together."

"OK, let's go there now..."

Scott had recovered from the smoke and was back in command of the DSS team.

He knew that his DSS team's combat power was limited and there was no way to compare with GRS, so he cooperated with Tyron's arrangement very much.

After the defense zone was changed between the two sides, the next step was a long wait on high alert.

This process is very anxious and boring.

10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

"Oz, did you find anything?"

Lying on the fence and waiting aimlessly, it was really boring and extremely tormenting. Long Zhan changed to sitting on the roof with his back against the fence, took the opportunity to rest and recover his energy, and handed over the observation work to Ozzy.

There is still a life-and-death battle ahead, and maintaining physical condition is very important.

"Only a few shepherds were walking, and no other abnormalities were found."

Ozzy's muzzle kept wandering around the Corpse Paradise, observing every corner where an attack might be launched, and no suspicious situation has been found so far.

However, Oz found no abnormality here, but there were new changes in other directions.

"Station Master, are there any allies who want to come here to support?" Tyronn asked over the radio.

"We have been working hard, but there is no problem. Is there any problem?" The station master replied in a sullen tone.

Using all the contacts of intelligence personnel, no less than 100 Libyan targets were contacted, but no one was willing to help.

Even the members of the Martyrs Brigade who were staying here had slipped away without saying a word not long ago.

The stationmaster, who only thought about evacuation, saw that his plan was about to come to nothing, so he could only stay here and wait for help. It can be said that he is in a terrible mood right now.

"There are a lot of vehicles gathered on the east side, which is the parking lot next to the house where the little kid threw firecrackers before. I hope they are here to play cards." Tyron said.

"I need to ask, I hope our allies will come over." The station master said with luck.

"Hey, here are two more police cars."

As soon as Tanto climbed onto the roof of Building B, he spotted two police cars coming from the right.

"Station Master, two police cars are coming. Have you contacted the Benghazi police to help?" Tyron gave feedback on the situation.

"Let me check."

When the station master heard that the "Justice" police were coming, his first thought was to come to help, and he immediately ordered: "Alan, call the Benghazi police to confirm the origin of the police car."

The station master inside sent someone to call to confirm the origin of the two police cars, and everyone outside had already chatted.

Seeing two police cars parked on the east side and starting to make contact with the gathered vehicles, Teague frowned and said, "I now believe Gibran's guess, these cops must be working for the mob."

"I hope they don't just come here to step on the spot, but also join the next attack, so that I can blow their pig's head off."

Just as Boone finished his harsh words, the two police cars seemed to have completed their negotiations, restarted and left the parking lot.

"Wow, they've already withdrawn. It seems that our Marine Corps ace sniper's wish to blow up the dog's head is about to fail." Long Zhan laughed.

"This is really a pity."

Driven by Long Zhan, Tanto's mood has obviously relaxed now, and he is no longer as tense as before.

"Hey guys."

Teague interrupted suddenly: "There is a situation, the direction of the parking lot, have you seen it?"

"I saw, about 15 targets, heading towards the parking lot, I don't think they were going to take a night walk in the parking lot," Boone said.

Tyronn felt something was wrong, and quickly asked, "Ozzy, how is your situation?"

The Corpse Paradise is the best point of attack. If people of unknown origin appear there, it is basically certain that the attack will happen soon.

"The shepherd is still there, and 5 people appeared behind them. One of them had something hanging on his shoulder. He couldn't see what it was because of the cover. It was probably a rifle, or it might be an RPG."

After listening to Ozzy's report, Tyronn basically already knew it.

Specifically reminded: "Everyone in Benghazi has their own weapons. Unless the other party pulls out a weapon and fires, you can't shoot. I don't want you to escape the attack and go back to jail."

People are more likely to mess around when they are more nervous, Tyronn's reminder is very necessary.

GRS is not a part of the U.S. military, it is just a PMC team with a "career code", and the U.S. government will not pay for their mistakes.

Once the law of engagement is actually violated, such a big case as the manslaughter of civilians will definitely be sent to a military court for trial, which will inevitably lead to prison.

"Roger that!"

At the same time as Ozzy replied, he opened the safety of the gun.

Since it is not possible to take the initiative to shoot and attack, it is necessary to make the most effective counterattack in the shortest time after the enemy fires.

Others, including Long Zhan, also knew what was going to happen at this time, and they all entered the fighting state.

Through the night vision goggles they carried, they locked on to the group of attackers who groped through the parking lot in the dark and gathered outside the corpse park.

The militiamen of a certain Middle Eastern religious group acted clearly, obviously after a simple simulation before coming.

Entering the periphery of the Corpse Paradise without staying too much, I immediately relied on tarpaulins, iron frames, cement brick wall pillars, etc. to build a breeding shed as a cover, and kept two or three meters between people, and quietly approached the back door of the intelligence station.

(End of this chapter)

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