The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 470 The trick to impress a woman

Chapter 470 The trick to impress a woman


Less than two seconds after Long Zhan sat down, he heard a strange noise coming from the front.

Looking up, he found a figure who fell from the escalator to the roof in the posture of a dog eating shit. This funny scene made Long Zhan laugh.

The fatigue accumulated from staying up all night fighting was also greatly released at this moment.

The familiar half-length blond hair, coupled with the familiar figure in the body armor, made Long Zhan instantly recognize who was embarrassed.

While being amused, I did not forget to comfort.

"Did you fall? Do you need help?"

Long Zhan said caring words on his mouth, but his buttocks seemed to be glued and stuck to the ground firmly, and he didn't have any intention of getting up.

Typical mouth style, talking cheap.

Jilani, who was lying on the ground, didn't speak, but looked up at Long Zhan speechlessly, got up, picked up the bag beside him, and ran towards Long Zhan.

"Careful, lower your body a little."

Long Zhan wasn't sure if there were any snipers hiding around, and Jilani was only wearing body armor but no helmet, so he had to remind her quickly.

Hearing this, Gilani immediately lowered his head, bowed his waist and ran to sit down in front of Long Zhan.

"I brought some candies and drinks over, and there is also a bottle of pure coffee in a can. If you eat them, you should be able to replenish some energy."

"Thank you!"

Long Zhan took the bag from Jilani, opened it, took out a piece of chocolate and tore it open, gestured to Jilani's head and said, "Are you okay there?"

It should be that the wrestling head was in contact with the ground just now, and there was a stain on Jilani's left forehead. .


Jilani raised his hand and wiped his forehead, the skin was intact and indeed uninjured.

Then he picked up the wet cloth that he brought up and helped wipe off Long Zhan's face, because of the stains left by thousands of bullets, gunpowder smoke mixed with sweat on his face.

Long Zhan did not reject Jilani's action, and enjoyed the considerate service of the "beauty" while eating with peace of mind.

On the other corner of the wall a few meters away, Tigger's eyes almost glowed with envy when he saw that Long Zhan could have a beautiful woman to serve him during his rest.

This person is better than others.

There is really no comparison.

Jilani wiped Long Zhan's face carefully, and made Long Zhan enjoy his face and feel very comfortable. He asked with concern: "Do you need any help?"

"There are no other needs, but sitting on the ground is too hard. If there is a sofa to sit on, it will make people feel comfortable." Long Zhan said humorously.

"The sofa is a bit difficult, and the folding chair is more realistic." Jilani raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"It would be even better if there was air support."

Long Zhan's mouth was stuffed with chocolate, and the smoothness brought by the melting chocolate made him a little drifting, and he had unrealistic fantasies.

"Although I really want to give you the answer you want, the reality is that I can't help it."

Gilani sighed.

From the time the consulate was attacked until now, Gilani has tried everything possible, but he has not received an accurate response.

As a senior intelligence officer, Gilani can more or less guess the reason.

It is nothing more than the resignation of the anti-American Card Dazuo. In order to win over the future new government of Libya and obtain oil exploration resources in Libya, the US government dare not offend the National Transitional Council in Benghazi.

Otherwise, with the usual domineering behavior of the U.S. government, it would not care about "getting permission" at all.

Looking at the things that the United States is doing in the Middle East and Africa, if all of them are premised on obtaining the permission of the country concerned, half of the oil companies' nationality will be changed.

In the face of the oil interests of the entire Libya, American politicians will only choose the former with an ambassador and a CIA intelligence station.

The political system of a capitalist country will always only serve interests.

"Even if there are a few F16 fighter jets, as long as they fly low and dive a few times from here, they will feel fear of God and the United States. They can fight for dawn without fighting at all. Unfortunately..."

Long Zhan didn't say the rest.

Having been on the battlefield for so many years, he knew what was causing the trouble, and he also knew that Gilani knew it well, so there was no need to speak out.

"How long can you last?"

There was tension and worry in Jilani's eyes, as well as hope and expectation that could not be hidden.

"Normally, we can stay until dawn at will, provided that there is no truly powerful attack." Long Zhan said with some concern.

"Really powerful force? You're talking about..." Jilani was full of curiosity.

"for example……"

Long Zhan curled his lips and said: "One main battle tank is enough to destroy this place, as well as mortars, missiles, and rocket launchers.

When they fall from the sky, our existing conditions are simply irresistible. Once the roof position is destroyed, the intelligence station will become a porcupine without spines. "

After listening to the big threats Long Zhan said, Jilani stood there for a long time without speaking.

"Well, this is just the worst plan. Maybe the thugs who attacked didn't have these weapons at all, otherwise it would be useless to delay until now."

Long Zhan didn't want to make Jilani too nervous, so he changed the subject in a relaxed tone and said, "How are the intelligence personnel below?"

"They have never experienced such a thing, they are very scared, do not know if they can leave alive." Gilani said worriedly.

Long Zhan could feel Jilani's fear, and stroked the golden bangs on her forehead with his hands.

Then gently cupped her face with both hands, and gave Jilani a courageous kiss, completely ignoring the envious and gloomy eyes of Tigger next to her.

It took a full dozen seconds to separate, allowing Gilani to fully feel his strength.

It was only then that the eyes were rippling, and the face was already intoxicating apple red. Gilani, who was already intoxicated, said with great force: "No matter what happens in the end, I can assure you, as long as I am alive for a minute , for that 1 minute, you are safe."

This is a promise from a man to a woman, and it is the most beautiful love story in the world.

Jilani fell at this moment, no matter what happens in the future, at least at this moment, Long Zhan is the most stalwart hero in her mind.

"I believe you can do it."

Jilani took the initiative to kiss Long Zhan, which represented his trust in Long Zhan.

"Go down and find a place to sleep well, maybe when you wake up, we can go home."

Long Zhan patted Jilani on the back, watched Jilani reluctantly leave with tender eyes, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I just wanted to comfort her, but the effect seems to be too strong. This girl is probably going to cry."

Long Zhan shook his head dumbfounded, and felt unprecedented pressure at the same time. In order to ensure that his promise would not fail, he couldn't help thinking hard about countermeasures.

(End of this chapter)

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