The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 471 The Heavy Machine Gun on the T64 Tank Turret

Chapter 471 The Heavy Machine Gun on the T64 Tank Turret
Long Zhan didn't want to keep passive defense like this. He always believed that the best defense was offense, but he couldn't find a good way for a while.

It's not that good plans have not been thought of, but limited by personnel and equipment, those plans cannot be implemented.

Just when Long Zhan was thinking hard again, what method should be used to defend the intelligence station, and then lead everyone to retreat to Benghazi Airport smoothly.

Teague shouted to him suddenly: "Hey, Gibran, the situation is not right, look over there."


Long Zhan knew something had happened as soon as he heard it, he stood up and put the gun on the fence.

Through the triple mirror on the light machine gun, look in the direction Teague is pointing at.

At this time, Ozzy also noticed the abnormality, and reminded: "Everyone pay attention, a new attack is coming soon, and a large number of targets have appeared at the bottom of Smuggler's Alley."

Tyroen, Tanto, Boone and other GRS personnel, as well as DSS personnel such as Dave and Scott, all gave up their rest after hearing the words, and set their guns in unison to cast their gazes to the left.

I saw a row of one-story flat-roofed houses in the distance, nearly 200 meters away, several cars driving from the opposite side.

Three of them turned out to be minibuses, and [-] or [-] people got off each of them, and the open space was quickly filled.

Long Zhan frowned when he saw so many people coming through the magnifying glass.

There were at least more than 100 newcomers, plus those who had been ambushing around before, proved that the number of attackers was close to 200. .

Maybe even over 200.

From the tentative attack of dozens of people at the beginning, to the mobilization of more than 200 people to besiege now, the scale of the attack has reached a higher level.

If it is equipped with some heavy weapons, the intelligence station may really not be able to hold on.

At this moment, Long Zhan, who had not changed his face after Mount Tai collapsed, finally began to look dignified. The scale of the enemy finally made him feel the pressure.

While feeling the tremendous pressure, Long Zhan also began to look for a solution more actively.

Through the analysis and judgment of his own eyesight, Long Zhan quickly found a very familiar figure in the group of more than 100 people.

The guy has long curly hair, wears a white cap and a white shirt.

At first glance, this outfit doesn't seem very eye-catching, it's basically the same as the more than 100 religious thugs around, and there's nothing unusual about it.

But other people's clothes are very dirty, but this guy is all white but clean.

the most important is……

In the previous 1st and 2nd waves of attacks, while Long Zhan was killing wildly with machine guns, he also saw this guy many times in the peripheral area of ​​the battlefield in the distance.

Now with a new wave of raiders, this guy is at it again.

This is certainly not a coincidence!
Capture the thief first, capture the king, this is a Chinese tactic.

Originally, Long Zhan couldn't find out who was the "on-site commander" in the corporate mob group where there was no military uniform as a distinguishing point and everyone was wearing civilian clothes.

This also led to Long Zhan wanting to use offense instead of defense. Is there a way to implement it smoothly.

Now the reappearance of this white shirt guy made Long Zhan smell the feasibility of implementing special tactics, and the little Jiujiu in his heart began to move.

The person who can direct this attack must not be so low in his status in a certain Middle Eastern religious group.

Maybe he's still the second in command!

If the on-site commander can really be captured, and he is successfully captured alive as a hostage, then there will be a "bringing the emperor to order the princes".

At that time, with this trump card in hand, even without other militia-armed escort convoys, they will be able to arrive at Benghazi Airport smoothly.

Since then.

Withdraw from the intelligence station to Benghazi Airport, stop begging for help like this, you can do it yourself and be self-reliant.

The more Long Zhan thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible, and his heart began to beat faster, eager to try it.

But now that a new round of attacks is about to start, and the surroundings are already surrounded by thugs from the corporation, it is simply unrealistic to capture the commander alive.

The most ideal situation is to use the "old method" and use special operations for night attacks.

While trying not to disturb other thugs, he sneaked up to the commander of the corps on the spot, and then controlled him with a thunder strike.

As long as the commander is caught in his hands, it will be fine even if he is surrounded by heavy siege.

Militia groups are not as extreme as terrorist organizations, and they cannot attack with the lives of their commanders in mind for what they call "kidney warfare".

Even because they are relatives and friends because of the militia relationship, they will take the life of the commander very seriously.

At that time, using the commander of the regiment as a threat will not only be able to return to the intelligence station from the attacker's lair, but also have a high probability of successfully arriving at the airport from the intelligence station.

This is the process of the whole plan, basically as long as there are no mistakes, it is completely feasible.


Before implementing the plan that Long Zhan came up with, there is one more urgent thing to do.

That is the third attack that has already started, and now it has reached the point where it is about to explode. Whether it can survive smoothly is the key.

If you can't even survive this attack, then no matter how perfect the plan is, it will be in vain.

Due to the arrival of the third attack, Long Zhan found a way out of this crisis, and had a way to go to the airport on his own.

The sentence that corresponds perfectly——

Opportunities often hide in crises!
The GRS and DSS group on the other side, their mood at the moment is exactly the opposite of that of Long Zhan, and they have all fallen to the bottom.

They could clearly see through the night vision equipment that not only hundreds of people were driving at the bottom of Smugglers' Alley, but also several cars were coming from the direction of the parking lot.

Although not so many people got off the car, the number exceeded 40 people.

Then cooperate with the nearly one hundred thugs who came out of the temporary stronghold of the religious order and returned to their main battlefield - Corpse Paradise.

The scale of the third wave of attacks by corporate thugs has reached an exaggerated 3 people.

There has been a qualitative change in the number of people, and the weapons and equipment held by the corporation headshots have also been greatly improved compared to the previous two attacks.

Not only are there a variety of common assault rifles, but the number of thugs carrying bazookas has increased a lot.

They even brought in an armed pickup truck, which is now parked at the outermost edge of the Corpse Paradise, about 400 meters away from Building D.

The heavy weapon loaded on the rear compartment, Long Zhan immediately recognized the "NSV heavy machine gun".

This thing is a product of the Cold War period. It first appeared as an anti-aircraft machine gun as a T1 tank turret, which shows the fierce firepower of this machine gun.

Its firepower is second to none, and its biggest advantage lies in its effective range of 1.5 kilometers.

On such a small-scale battlefield, everyone uses rifles and machine guns, and the effective range is only a few hundred meters. You suddenly move out a thing that can hit more than 1000 meters.

This is fucking cheating!



Starting from this chapter, the follow-up plots are all original, and the content of this movie will also draw a perfect rest with a brand-new "playing method" that conforms to the "Gou Mang Liu" character design of Long Zhan.

It's the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you for your support! !
(End of this chapter)

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