The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 472 Are You A Bitch?

Chapter 472 Are You A Bitch?
The weapons of a certain Middle Eastern religious group have been upgraded, the scale of the number of people involved in the attack has been upgraded, and the tactics and strategies of the attack have also been upgraded.

In both the 1st and 2nd raids, the corp mobs only attacked Corpseland.

The other three directions are only harassment.

The third attack was a change from the previous two, relying on the fact that there were more than 3 people enough to spread the scene, and made a bolder attempt.

Smuggler's Alley, Abandoned Parking Lot, and Corpse Paradise attacked from three directions at the same time.

This new tactic of expanding the scope of the attack is indeed the best way to break through the intelligence station, which has few defenders but all of them are elite.

In the case of limited manpower, the larger the area guarded, the more scattered the manpower will be.

And once the people are separated, the more they cannot cooperate, the greater the probability of mistakes will be during the intense and long-term combat.

Seeing a large number of enemies appearing in three directions, Tyron felt unprecedented pressure.

Had to radio again and asked: "Station Master, can you get the Predator drone to prepare the Hellfire missile? We need air power support urgently."

"I made the request 1 minute ago and no response from the ISR, the sons of a bitch."

The station master was even more flustered now, cursing people angrily.


Tyron was also very annoyed, but he couldn't do anything about the drone's inaction, because he must have not obtained the permission of his superiors. .

Since others are unreliable, you can only rely on yourself.

Tyronn no longer fantasized about drones and fighter jets, put away his thoughts and returned to the battlefield, and everyone asked, "Every building will report to me in turn."

"There hasn't been a big change in Building A. There are no targets at the gate or on the road," Boone replied.

"Building B is more troublesome. There are a lot of people in cars in the direction of the parking lot, and more than 40 enemies are heading in our direction."

After finishing speaking, Scott may have thought of the fall of the consulate, and added another sentence: "Tyron, don't worry, we will definitely be able to defend this time."

"More than 30 targets can be seen in the smuggler's alley. I think the number of enemies is not limited to these, and there should be some enemies who will pass through the building." Ozzy replied.

"The fun here in the Corpse Paradise is a bit big. There are too many enemies to count. At least 100 or more. There is also an armed pickup truck that stops 400 meters away. This thing is a bit of a headache." Long Zhanhui reported .

"An armed pickup 400 meters away?"

Tyronn's face darkened, realizing that this was a big problem.

Although the HK416, M4 and M249 light machine guns in everyone's hands have effective ranges within 400 meters, it takes a while to aim.

In the face of hundreds of people's fire attack, precise aiming itself is very difficult.

In addition, the biggest feature of the armed pickup is that it is not a fixed heavy firepower point, but a "mobile firepower" that can fight and run.

If the armed pickup truck shoots a shuttle of bullets to change places, it will be difficult to deal with it by relying on a rifle.

"Ozzy, the armed pickup behind Zombieland, you can handle it."

Tyronn was convinced that the rifle would not be able to strike effectively, so he could only pin his hopes on the sniper on Tower 1 who occupied the best position and had the conditions to snipe.

"It has hid behind the building now, but it's not a big problem. As long as it dares to open fire and expose its position, I can kill it."

As a professional sniper, Ozzy is confident in his marksmanship.

of course.

The unique geographical advantage of Tower [-], which has the best view of the whole field, is also the objective reason why Ozzy can be so confident.

Oz's confident answer dispelled Tyron's worries.

Finally, I reminded everyone: "Guys, keep your respective positions. I don't want which side will fall first, and the enemy will appear behind my ass."

What should be prepared has been prepared, and what should be said has been said.

Whether the intelligence station can survive this catastrophe, whether Long Zhan and his party can defend this wave of attacks, depends on everyone's play and cooperation.


"Come on, bastards, let me kill you all."

Holding the light machine gun in both hands, Tanto pulled the gun and loaded it vigorously. His expression was both nervous and excited, which truly reflected his heart at the moment.

"Is your thing loud?"

Boon, who was less than three meters away, was a little palpitated seeing the madness on Tanto's face.

Building A has been shooting soy sauce before, Tanto did not shoot with a machine gun happily, and Boon, as a sniper, rarely cooperates with machine gunners at close range.

Boone guessed that the machine gun fire would be noisy, but he didn't know exactly how loud.

"What? Are you afraid? Do you want me to coax you, my old baby." Tanto laughed jokingly.

Boone smiled helplessly.Pointing to his ears, he said, "My earmuffs fell off. On the way back from the consulate, I didn't want you to make my ears ring."

GRS is a PMC compiled by business, which is a little different from pure PMC.

Although there are basic weapons and equipment distributed, such as the weapons they are using now, other auxiliary equipment and armor need to be prepared by individuals.

For example, Longzhan’s sound-pickup and noise-cancelling headphones, custom-made heavy-duty bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets, etc.

If you don't prepare "good" equipment, you can only use whatever is in the warehouse, and the quality cannot be guaranteed at all.

Boone was connected to the radio with an earbud and a pair of sound-isolating earmuffs.

I can't afford "pick-up and noise-cancelling headphones" at all.

"Unfortunately, if you can't find a way to plug your ears, there will be a fly in your ears for at least one day in the future, haha."

Tanto also didn't wear earmuffs, but he wasn't worried, instead he smiled gloatingly.

When the weapon is fired, the sound is quite unique. The sound that the person who shoots the gun can hear is not loud, but the sound heard by the people on both sides will be very noisy.

Especially for continuous fire like machine guns, if you stay within 5 meters for a long time, your ears will be particularly tortured.

Short-term deafness and tinnitus are quite normal.

After Tanto finished speaking, he turned his head to the left, which is the parking lot with the largest number of enemies besides the Corpse Paradise, to see where the enemies have gone.

Just such a period of observation, when he turned his head again, he found that Boon had "earmuffs"——

Ears stuffed with tissues!

"Boone, your tampons are really good."

Tanto deliberately increased the weight of the sliver, and if there was something in the words, he would take Boone off.

Boone understood the meaning of the words at once, and gave Tanto a contemptuous middle finger.

When American women come to their aunts, they don't use sanitary napkins like the popular ones in China. Most of them use cylindrical tampons that are stuffed in for absorption.

Another meaning of Tanto's words was that he was teasing Boone for being a bitch.

(End of this chapter)

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