Chapter 477 Playing flower jobs, picking up anti-aircraft missiles (It’s the beginning of the month, please ask for a monthly pass.)
Four intelligence officers moved from the back door to the side, guarding the blasted opening from the inside.

To prevent the thugs from sneaking in through the gap, rushing around with guns, and threatening the more than 20 helpless intelligence personnel in the main building.

The crisis on the Smugglers' Alley has been lifted for the time being, and the Corpse Paradise and the abandoned parking lot are also not optimistic.

Under the firepower of heavy machine guns, the defenders not only need to bear great pressure in their hearts, but also the weakened defense ability caused by personnel injuries adds fuel to the fire.

With the fire support of the rear heavy machine guns, the morale of the attacking corporate thugs became even fiercer.

The standing and morale between the two sides increased and decreased. If this continues without making changes, the intelligence station will not last long before it will fall.

"Fuck, I can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Long Zhanyan watched the situation getting more and more severe, and knew that he couldn't drag it any longer, and he had to take action.

"Tig, come here and take over my light machine gun. Fuck it to death. Give me half a minute. I'll find a way to kill that broken heavy machine gun."

It is impossible to defend the Corpse Paradise with a handful of HK416, and Long Zhan must make arrangements before taking action.

"Roger that!"

Tigger didn't know what method Long Zhan would use to kill the enemy's most threatening heavy machine gun, and he didn't ask like a curious baby.

At this critical moment of life and death, there is only one thing Tigger can do——

Unconditionally chose to believe in Longzhan!
"Da da da da..."

Teague fired with full firepower while walking sideways, and when he emptied all 30 rounds of magazines, he just came to Long Zhan's side.

Long Zhan will replace the M200 with 249 rounds of drums and hand it over to Titig who has been transferred. .

Then bent down from the grenade box on the ground, and cycled "remove the insurance and throw it out" in an extremely fast way, throwing 9 grenades towards the outside of the corpse park at a speed of one per second.

Through a round of intensive grenade bombing, further buy time for the next operation.

Finally, Long Zhan squatted on the ground, opened the two long boxes that Jilani sent up before, and took out the portable Sa-7 anti-aircraft missile launcher and missiles inside.

The advantages of rich combat experience and proficiency in various weapons have been fully demonstrated at this moment.

There is no need to read any manuals at all, Long Zhan completed the assembly of the missile in less than 20 seconds with very skilled techniques.

Including a series of actions such as installing the scope, disarming the safety, and loading the ammunition.

Carrying the assembled anti-aircraft missile on his shoulders, Long Zhan returned to the wall in a half-squat position, and aimed the missile at the heavy machine gun in the distance.

"What? This is an anti-aircraft missile."

Tigger, who was shooting crazily with a light machine gun, saw the thing on Long Zhan's shoulder from the corner of his eye, and at that moment his head was in a daze.

It was the first time in his life that he used an anti-aircraft missile to hit a ground-armed pickup.

See you soon!

"Witness the miracle, Teague."

Long Zhan's strong mentality played an important role. Facing the enemy's hail of bullets, his face remained unchanged, and he looked through the scope to lock the target in the distance.

The Sa-7 air defense missile has a length of 1.32 meters, a diameter of 72 mm, and a weight of 9.2 kg. It has a maximum range of 10 kilometers and an effective range of about 3.4 kilometers. It uses a solid booster engine and a dual-thrust solid main engine with a maximum speed of Mach [-].

In terms of explosive power and range, it should be a breeze to kill targets more than 400 meters away.

In terms of capturing the target, the infrared guidance method is adopted. After locking the target and launching it, the missile will search for the infrared signal and chase it.

Engines and motors of helicopters and fighter jets are usually infrared homing sources.

And the heavy machine gun has been firing for so long, the temperature of the gun barrel is already higher than that of any nearby objects, enough to become a heat source for infrared homing.

Therefore, as long as the target can be locked and launched, it is theoretically possible to achieve ground attack.

As for whether it will work or not, Long Zhan actually has no idea.

Using the anti-aircraft missile as a surface-to-ground missile, he is also a big girl sitting in a sedan chair-the first time.

Although aircraft engines, like the barrels of heavy machine guns, emit infrared radiation due to their high temperature, they can become targets for infrared homing.

But the barrel of the heavy machine gun is too small, and the infrared radiation emitted by the heat itself is really limited.

There is no way to compare it with an airplane.

In addition, the Sa-7 air defense missile is a grandparent, limited by the technology at that time, the accuracy of infrared radiation recognition is very average.

In the case of poor identification ability, it is necessary to identify a "miniature" radiant heat source.

With the superposition of the two, it is even more difficult.

Therefore, Long Zhan can only guarantee that it is theoretically feasible to use anti-aircraft weapons to fight armed pickups, but it is impossible to guarantee whether it will work.

As for letting him witness the miracle as Teague said, in fact, it is more to give himself a psychological comfort.

Hope for a miracle to happen!
As for the heavy machine gunner who deliberately hid 400 meters away, he probably would never have dreamed in his life that he would be targeted by someone with an anti-aircraft weapon while sitting in a pickup truck.

Sitting in the rear, seeing the situation reversed, the on-site commander of the corps has developed in a good direction.

He knew very well that the intelligence station did not have long-range heavy weapons, so he specifically picked out the defensive weakness of the intelligence station and placed the armed pickup 400 meters away.

Even if someone told him now that the armed pickup was targeted with anti-aircraft weapons.

It is estimated that he will not take it seriously.

The rest of Tyronn still had a headache, while struggling to defend against the enemy's attack, he was still racking his brains and thinking hard about countermeasures.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and he can't think of a solution at all.

Boone also gave up sniping at this time, because Tanto could no longer withstand the enemy's attack, so he could only switch back to defend the nearby area.

The heavy machine gun in the distance is completely ignored. If he is really killed, he can only admit that he is unlucky.

The others also couldn't handle heavy machine guns, and their mentality was basically similar to Boone's. They first figured out a way to deal with the enemies passing in front of them, and the heavy machine gun bullets could only depend on their fate.

Under such a big environment, Long Zhan, who was acting as a living horse doctor with Shima, locked on the target and pulled the trigger.


The Sa-7 air defense missile sprayed out a dazzling wake, and the 1.32-meter slender and streamlined projectile split the air and flew towards the distant target.

When flying close to about 100 meters, the dual-thrust solid motors start, and the speed increases instantly.

"TNND, you must win."

Looking through the night vision scope, Long Zhan looked at the anti-aircraft missile with a several-meter-long wake whose velocity increased sharply and turned into a fireball at night, feeling inexplicably nervous.

It is the first time in life to play this kind of "flower work", and anyone who puts it on will also be nervous because of anticipation.

The distance of more than 400 meters is fleeting.

The whole process took just over a second from the time the Dragon Zhan detained the plane and fired the missile until the Sa-7 air defense missile arrived at the armed pickup.

When the anti-aircraft missile touched the armed pickup, Teague really witnessed a miracle.


PS: A new month has begun, the day when the dragon raises its head in March, I hope everyone will have good luck.

These plots are all original battles, and there will be more intense battles in the future, and the ending of "13 Hours of Crisis" will be magically changed and integrated.

The embarrassment in the original plot is evacuated, and it becomes another different "dragon style great ending".

Good brothers who have monthly tickets, vote for it, and encourage Xiaobing to write better plots.

Thanks in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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