The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 478 The last trick of the mob

Chapter 478 The last trick of the mob


The sound of the explosion pierced the sky and covered the gunshots, and the armed pickup was instantly enveloped in flames.

In this dark night, the fire reflected half of the sky.

"Waho, nice job man, you're so good."

Seeing the big fireball in his vision, Tigger was so excited that he didn't care about the danger of the battlefield. He couldn't help but screamed on the spot, and almost rushed over to hug Long Zhan and kiss him.

of course.

The premise is that Tigger can bear the big fist of the dragon war casserole.

Tyron's position was at the left rear of Long Zhan, and he watched the whole process of the missile flying out with tail flames.

At first he thought it was a portable anti-tank missile, such as the shoulder-launched Javelin anti-tank missile.

Think about it.

Tyronn realized something was wrong.

The intelligence station is not an actual front-line combat unit, and it is not equipped with portable anti-tank missiles at all, and there is no related mission to acquire such missiles.

The core task of the Benghazi intelligence station has always been to collect and process anti-aircraft missiles.

As Long Zhan who launched this missile, it is impossible to do it temporarily during the gap of the battle. After all, Tyronn is very clear about what equipment Long Zhan brought upstairs at the beginning.

In this mind full of doubts.

Tyron turned his gaze from the scene of the explosion to Long Zhan.

This look.

Tyronn froze.

"What the Falk, that's okay too?"

Seeing the familiar guy on Long Zhan's shoulders, the doubt in Tyron's eyes was replaced by surprise, and he couldn't believe seeing was believing.

It is not impossible for anti-aircraft missiles to hit ground targets, but the probability of hitting and triggering is extremely low.

The ground is not as clean as it is during aerial combat. Even during the most intense battle, there will only be one target within a radius of several hundred meters or even several kilometers.

There is a lot of infrared interference in ground combat, as small as a pile of weeds ignited by an explosion.

Like the battlefield that has become one in front of us, there are disturbing infrared radiation everywhere.

For infrared homing guided missiles, it is already an incredible thing not to be disturbed by infrared radiation along the way.

Not to mention the precise tracking of the almost negligible infrared source target.

Under the double effect, it is extremely difficult to hit.

Tyron felt that if he was allowed to launch, even if he was given 3 to 5 chances to launch, he would not be absolutely sure that he would be able to destroy the target.

However, Long Zhan not only achieved it, but also successfully hit it with only one shot.

This is indeed amazing!
Is it because Long Zhan is strong enough to hit missiles well, or does the aura of luck that comes with him play a role again, or both at the same time.

Tyronn couldn't understand it at all, and could only attribute it to a miracle.

God didn't want them to die here, and gave them a chance to go home and hug their loved ones.

The rest of Tanto, Boone and the others were also amazed at the wonderful idea and luck of the dragon battle, and at the same time, their morale, which had been falling, also rose.

Without the fire threat of heavy machine guns, they can rest assured to suppress the enemy with all their strength.

The GRS and DSS members on the defensive side have already boosted their morale due to the sharp operations of Dragon War, while the corps on the attacking side are just the opposite.

Hearing a huge explosion behind him, he learned that his armed pickup had been killed.

The morale of the corporate thugs who were attacking suddenly plummeted. The idea of ​​rushing in at once was suppressed by the fear in their hearts.

The war is fought in one go, and the end is doomed when morale drops.

The commander of the corps, who had a chance of winning the last second, saw his trump card turned into a pile of rotten iron, and was so angry that he almost gritted his teeth.

Nearly a hundred lives have been paid so far, and it is impossible for him to give up the attack.

In order to still be able to take down the intelligence station, the on-site commander of the corps gritted his teeth and decided to use the last trick he didn't plan to use——

An aerial bomb weighing over 300 pounds!

The paint on the outside of this bomb has been peeled off. I don't know which country it came from, let alone what type of bomb has been modified and installed with a switch that can be detonated remotely by telephone.

Just use a car to transport it, run to the back door of the intelligence station with full power, and dial the remote control phone at the back.


Even if it is bombed 20 meters away from the gate, it is enough to easily destroy Building D.

And as long as Building D can be blown up, there will be no danger in the direction of Corpse Paradise, and corporate thugs can easily rush into the intelligence station.

As for the revolutionary "national army", it is inappropriate to use the self-exploding car bombs that terrorists are used to.

In order to win, the on-site commander of the corps can no longer take care of it.

"Take that thing down, put it in the car and arrange for someone to deliver it, hurry up."

Following the command of the corporation commander, the "self-explosive warrior" who had been pre-determined in advance rushed towards a truck with a few soldiers.

Seven or eight people hurriedly worked, and successfully placed the aerial bomb on the back seat.

Simple binding and fixing with rope.

With crazy blood in his eyes, the "self-explosive warrior" yelled the exclusive slogan of "a certain Middle Eastern religion", and got into the car alone.


With one kick of the accelerator, the engine could not stop whining.

The Toyota car loaded with a super bomb left the yard and drove out of the gate at high speed, and rushed along the road into the road in the center of the corpse park.

"Another car?"

Long Zhan discovered the car at the first time, and instinctively thought that it was coming to throw bombs like the previous car, and didn't pay much attention to it.

As far as the power of small homemade bombs is concerned, you may not be injured even if you fight 10 meters away.

You can wait for him to get close to your eyes, and then shoot a few shots to kill him.

Even if it detonated while taking a screenshot, there would not be much danger at a distance of 20 meters.

Now there is still a distance of more than 100 meters, there is no need to remotely suppress it, it doesn't have much effect, it's just a waste of bullets.

Later, other people also discovered the car. After all, during the battle, the target of a car was too obvious.

Including the captain, Tyronn, their thinking was not much different from that of Long Zhan, and they thought it was a bomb, so they didn't take it to heart.

Everyone still does what they should do, and they still focus on attacking close targets.

Under the influence of everyone's inherent thinking, the Toyota drove into the corpse park unharmed, and approached within 80 meters smoothly.

At this time.

Long Zhan's scope swept across the car, and the vacant co-pilot sent a chill down his spine for no reason.

The goosebump-inducing coolness climbed up the back along the tailbone, and finally passed through the cervical spine and went straight to the top of the head.

Others may think this is nothing, but Long Zhan is too familiar with this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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