The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 52 "Hellfire" Tactics

Chapter 52 "Hellfire" Tactics (ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket)

The click sound comes from the bolt hitting the chamber, usually the sound is covered by the sound of the bullet firing, which means the magazine has been emptied.

"Change bombs!"

Long Zhan yelled, turned around and squatted down against the wall, and began to change the ammunition.

The soft ammunition bag is small in size and can hold 100 rounds of bullets. The bullets have more battery life and can provide stronger support firepower. The disadvantage is that it takes time to change the ammunition.

It can't be as handsome and fast as a hard magazine, and it can be easily operated with one hand.

Fortunately, Long Zhan and Sonny were fighting together. Sonny, who fired three bursts of short bursts, consumed bullets at a slower rate, and there were still enough bullets at this time.

Hearing the tactical command to reload the bombs in Long Zhan, Sonny immediately took over the firepower of the audience.

Replaced three short bursts with five long bursts.

Ensure that there is enough firepower under the premise of one person to suppress, and continue to suppress the remaining Lionheart soldiers in the house, so that they cannot come out to interfere with Clay to snatch the pickup truck.

In two seconds!


While Long Zhan pulled the gun and loaded it with the password, he put the gun on the fence again, and still used five bursts to forcibly suppress the Lionheart King's army.

Sonny, who hadn't emptied his ammunition yet, immediately turned to full fire when he heard the command.

Quickly pour the remaining bullets towards the enemy, and then immediately seize the time to squat down and replace the bullet bags to ensure that the next round can still be rotated normally.

This kind of alternate fire coverage and reloading is also one of the basic actions of coordinated operations.

It can ensure continuous firepower!
In addition to this basic firepower alternation, there are various tactics that are more complex, require tacit understanding, are more brutal, are suitable for team operations, are suitable for local-scale operations, and carry out regional firepower suppression.

Such as the famous "Hellfire" tactic!
When it comes to team-level hellfire tactics, it's not just a few enemies that are suppressed.

But an entire area!

That kind of suppression will be even more terrifying.

People who have not received professional military training will only end up being unilaterally hanged and beaten when they encounter a team that has undergone professional training and tacit cooperation.

No matter how powerful weapons are given to you, you will be ruthlessly suppressed, and you will not even have the chance to shoot with your head out.

It sounds cruel though.

But this is real modern warfare.

This is not counting the attack of air gunships, the bombing of gunships and planes crushed by technology, and the three-dimensional one-dimensional space-level firepower suppression.

The Lionheart King's army has as many as 50 to [-] people, and there is also a large-caliber heavy machine gun with fierce firepower. It clearly occupies the advantage of the number of people and the number of equipment, but it has turned into a situation of being suppressed and beaten.

It looks incredible, but in fact this is the most real result.

If it wasn't for worrying that this was the Lionheart King's lair, there would be a steady stream of troops coming in the future, and the ammunition would not be able to withstand the consumption at all.

And I don't want to kill too many to cause political impact, and the follow-up is not easy to deal with.

After all, no matter how authoritarian the Lionheart's army is, he is also a regular Liberian army. If too many people die, the president may not be able to suppress it.

Team B doesn't need to retreat at all, the few people in front of them are not enough for them to kill.


Clay has Long Zhan and Sonny, two professional-level fire team machine gunners who cooperate tacitly, and provide continuous firepower suppression.

He smoothly approached the armed pickup, and easily killed the driver inside with a close-up shot.

Then dragged the driver's body down, quickly drilled into the car and replaced it, quickly started the car, and the direct reverse gear was a foot of oil.


The diesel engine of the armed pickup roared suddenly, and a thick black smoke came out from the back of the rear.

Under the control of Clay's driving skills, the body of this car, which had been resold by countless hands, shook violently.

Especially the rusty hood in the front, almost jumped up from the shock.

Fortunately, the pickup truck is broken and broken, and it is still durable.

With a screeching sound of rubbing, the anti-skid tires had worn out long ago, and two rows of black marks were worn on the dirt road.

Taking the buttocks of the carriage as the head, he rushed out.

The soldiers of the Lionheart King's army discovered the abnormality, knowing that someone had snatched their armed pickup truck, and wanted to get it back again, but they no longer had this ability, so they could only watch the pickup truck disappear into the darkness backwards.

After this short battle of less than 5 minutes, the fighting power between the two sides has been turned upside down.

This group of more than 40 soldiers of the Lionheart King who rushed over had been killed and injured more than 30 people after Sonny and Long Zhan's frantic strafing, and the close-range indoor combat of Jason and the other three.

The rest were either dragged by the Jason trio, or crushed by Dragon War and Sonny.

And the other Lionheart King's army that was rushing over, even if they came by vehicles, were still two or three hundred meters away from here.

Let alone those who come here by running on their legs, it will take at least three or four minutes to come here.

When they came over, the day lily was cold.

"what's going on?"

Jason, Trent, and Bullock, who were fighting the Lionheart soldiers in the house, also saw the abnormality of the armed pickup, and a question mark popped up in their minds.

If they just stopped firing, the three of them could understand it completely.

Because the task Sonny and Long Zhan received at the beginning was to destroy the armed pickups within 5 minutes, and then return to the alley to gather and continue to retreat.

But now the pickup truck suddenly reversed and ran away, and it looked very anxious.

This makes them a little confused.

Fortunately, when the three of Jason were blindfolded and didn't know what was going on, Sonny immediately called Jason on the team channel.

"B1, I'm B3, the plan has changed, it's inconvenient to explain the details now, now you listen to me first.

Under the cover of the firepower of me and B6, B7 has successfully grabbed the local armed pickup, and is going to the entrance and exit of the alley according to our agreed plan, to meet all of us to evacuate by car.

B6 and I are going downstairs, and we are expected to arrive at the meeting point in 20 seconds. Can you bring someone over now?Do you need us to come over? "

(End of this chapter)

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