The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 53 The brutal booby trap

Chapter 53 The brutal booby trap

The new plan that Sonny mentioned was too sudden, and Jason, as the captain of the team, had no knowledge of it beforehand, which really confused him.

At the same time, I am a little bit upset!

Deliberately want to ask what happened, why Sonny changed the original order without informing him.

However, given the special situation in deep crisis, there is not much time left for Team B to retreat, and if there is a car that can be used for retreat, it is indeed faster and safer than running on two legs as planned before.

Jason also temporarily gave up on asking, and responded that Sonny would bring people to arrive in time.

Sonny retreated all the way while reporting. After finishing the communication, he had already gone down to the first floor with Long Zhan. He went out and sprinted to reach the designated location in less than 10 seconds.

On the way, Long Zhan also killed a soldier of the Lionheart King who was going around the alley to steal his ass, and dragged the body to the assembly point.

The corpse weighing more than 100 kilograms is as easy as an inflatable toy in Long Zhan's hands.

When he arrived at the meeting point, before Jason and the others arrived, Long Zhan squatted down and took the tactical backpack, and began to fiddle there.

"The warlords and soldiers in these African countries are poorer than the drug addicts and homeless people on the streets of New York. I advise you not to waste your time in vain." Sonny joked.

Most American soldiers have a habit.

That is to find some more distinctive objects from the killed enemies and take them away as souvenirs of participating in the war.

To understand it in a more popular way, it can be used to brag after retiring from the army.

How brave I was back then!

As for the psychological reasons for doing so.

In fact, it's the same as ordinary people who like to buy some local specialties when they go on a trip.

This kind of behavior is not allowed in the military regulations, but it has actually become an unspoken rule in the U.S. military. Every time U.S. soldiers return from combat deployment, there will always be all kinds of weird "souvenirs" in their backpacks.

Sonny thought that Long Zhan was searching for "loot", so he just teased and didn't stop it.

"Leave some presents for the lads!"

Long Zhan replied with actions instead, took out two black grenades, stuffed them under the body of the corpse, and made a simple and most effective booby trap.

In order to prevent the trigger of the grenade from being discovered in advance, Long Zhan deliberately stuffed it into his clothes.

"WOW, what a great idea."

Sonny realized it instantly, and was also surprised by Long Zhan's move.

He smiled vividly and said: "The children who chased after opened the body to check, BOOM, the body exploded, send them all to see God.

Long, your method is too cruel, but I like it very much, haha. "

"So-so, it's okay. I have more fun tricks, and I'll let you see them when I have a chance." Long Zhan didn't have any modesty at all, and even had an element of pride and showing off.

In fact, he did not brag.

Having been a mercenary for so many years, Long Zhan has used many insidious moves. This kind of booby trap using corpses is just a handy bean sprouts.


As soon as Long Zhan had set up the booby trap, Jason led the three of them and ran out from the back door of the house, signaling for everyone to retreat to the exit of the alley.

"How dare you chase after him? You really are not afraid of death."

Long Zhan saw Lionheart soldiers through the door, and was trying to jump through the window and jump into the house to pursue them. He took out two more fragmentation defense grenades and threw them into the door where Jason and the others ran out.

It was only then that the tactics were raised while running and backing, striding to keep up with the large troops.

As a firepower team that specializes in providing support for the squad, how to create better retreat conditions for the squad is also an area that Long Zhan is good at.


Long Zhan ran about 10 meters, and two grenades exploded one after another.

A soldier of the Lionheart King who was chasing relatively close was blown out on the spot. The smoke and dust from the explosion quickly filled the air, covering the door of the room so that he couldn't see his fingers.

Other Lionheart soldiers did not dare to enter rashly, so they could only turn out through other windows or doors.

As soon as I turned it out, I saw a soldier of the Lionheart King, lying face down on the ground with unknown life and death, and the man who was chasing him had disappeared.

In order to find out where the members of Team B have gone, it is also routine to check whether the comrades are dead.

A Lionheart soldier ran over without hesitation, turned the corpse lying on the ground over, and shone a flashlight on his face.

He picked his eyelids and tried to breathe, but he didn't find smoke coming out of the corpse's chest.

Three seconds passed in a blink of an eye!

Two offensive high-explosive grenades exploded at the same time, and the power of the explosion far exceeded the defensive fragmentation grenade.

Both the corpse and the Lionheart soldiers who were inspecting the corpse were blown out, and a large amount of blood and pieces of meat covered the walls on both sides of the alley.

The remaining four Lionheart soldiers were also affected by the explosion.

He was so dizzy and out of breath from the shock, all the little stars were turning around in front of his eyes, and he completely lost the ability to chase everyone in Team B.

"Nice, it worked."

Long Zhan, who had just climbed onto the rear compartment, heard the explosion and knew that his booby trap had worked, so he clapped hands with Sonny happily.

The smooth triggering of the booby trap also marked that it was impossible for the enemy to catch up.

Facing the siege of an army nearly 10 times larger than his own, it is indeed something worth celebrating that he was able to retreat smoothly and unscathed.

"Drive, go pick up Ray, go go go!"

Jason, who was also climbing on the rear compartment, clapped his palms on the roof of the car.

After getting the order, Clay started the car again, quickly shuttled down the small dirt road in the town skillfully, and drove towards Lei's location.

"Sonny, I need to know what's going on here. You need to explain it to me." Jason grabbed the railing of the car and asked loudly.

The change in plan was so great that Jason felt that if he didn't ask clearly, he would be driven crazy.

The whole new plan went very smoothly. As an important participant, Sonny felt a great sense of accomplishment, so he was naturally a little excited.

Hearing Jason asking him about the cause of the incident, he immediately described it with dancing and dancing.

Every time Dragon War is mentioned in the description process, Sonny will praise it without hesitation, and push Dragon War to the key figure in the whole thing, and also the biggest contributor throughout the whole new plan.

Jason thought he was high enough to appreciate the Dragon War, but after listening to Sonny's description of the ins and outs, he found that he still underestimated the green team rookie.

In Pingping's eyes looking at Xialong Zhan, apart from the growing appreciation, there is also a sense of inconceivability.

"Are all the rookies so strong now?"

Jason asked himself in astonishment!


(End of this chapter)

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