The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 54 Clay's Fate Choice

Chapter 54 Clay's Destiny Choice (ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket)

5:34 in the morning.

Team B, who had been out on a mission for more than two hours, fought and retreated all the way and finally got out of trouble, stepped on the first soft morning light of the eastern sunrise, and finally returned to the military base in the city.

An old pickup truck creeps into the base, and no one will hook it up with the top special forces.

There was no welcoming team, celebrating that they completed another anti-terrorism mission and killed an international terrorist leader.

The rest of the army in the base was still sleeping in sweet dreams as usual.

And this is the daily life of DG, and also the daily life of all special forces.

He always goes out quietly without disturbing others, and comes back quietly and silently after completing the task, like a ghost, which is never known to outsiders.

No matter how earth-shattering they did during the few hours they went out.

DG's first-level combatants such as Jason and Sonny, as well as commando white seals such as Long Zhan and Clay, have experienced this kind of scene countless times and are used to this "world without spotlights".

After entering the base, there was no need for anyone to arrange, and they all began to deal with their own affairs in an orderly manner.

Although everyone is tired and tired now, they need to supplement a comfortable and delicious breakfast, and then lie down in bed and have a good rest.

But individual independence is the characteristic of DG, and everyone needs to complete their own aftermath work before they can rest.

That is...

The team members need to unload their weapons and equipment and place them in designated positions for the logistics military Diaz to recover and process.

The captain and deputy captain need to conduct more in-depth discussions and discussions on this operation.

The problems existing in the task process, and some members made mistakes in the task, etc., are discussed through oral discussion to unify the opinions.

So that when the commander comes with a combat report, the team leader can confirm the handover in a timely manner.

As for the equipment of the captain and deputy captain, they will enjoy a little privilege here, and they will be directly handed over to the logistics sergeant.

Although the operation last night was generally successful, the two scheduled tasks were guaranteed to be completed.

Long Zhan, a rookie foreign aid who participated in the operation for the first time, performed perfectly in this operation, and his various outstanding performances are remarkable.

It was unanimously approved by everyone on the B team.

But at the same time, there were also some flaws, which made this operation not a perfect case.

Failure to successfully capture Samir alive resulted in the CIA being unable to obtain the intelligence behind him and a huge amount of gold, which cut the value of this mission in half, from a high-value mission to an ordinary anti-terrorism rescue mission.

And the culprit of the flaw was also a newcomer.

If things come to an end here, with the excellent performance of Dragon War, there is no doubt that Clay's career in the green team will also end here.

But later, Clay made a lot of contributions to the evacuation of Team B through his own actions.

He followed the Lionheart's army alone, and finally, with the long-range firepower of two teammates, he successfully captured the enemy's armed pickup truck, allowing Team B to quickly evacuate in a vehicle.

This has been done very well for the rookie, and it is enough to demonstrate Clay's courage and wisdom.

He made a mistake before, and made a contribution later, and the function behind cannot make up for the mistake before, so how should Clay be judged in the end.

There is no exact answer to this at all, and everything depends entirely on how the measurer decides.

Captain Jason had always had a bad impression of Clay. After entering the base and getting out of the rear compartment, Jason came to Clay angrily.

Grabbing his collar, he accused: "Didn't I tell you to stay outside the tunnel? Why did you come in?"

If Clay hadn't snatched the pickup truck, allowing the team to withdraw to the base in a relatively safe manner, Jason might not be as simple as pulling his collar.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Jason."

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Lei, who followed him, immediately ran between the two of them to fight, and persuaded him: "Calm down, Jason, if you have something to say, speak up."

"OK, OK, I'm calm."

Jason took a deep breath to calm his emotions, and took a step forward to approach Clay. The tall man about 1.8 meters looked down on Clay.

With a sense of oppression, he asked: "I will tell you from beginning to end now, when I leave you at the entrance of the tunnel, I told you to keep an eye on our rear, and asked if you understood, and you answered yes, right? .”

"That's right, that's right." Clay looked up at Jason unwillingly.

"Then what? Then what did you do?" Jason said annoyed.

"Then I found out there was a guy trying to attack you, so I thought, I'm going to make sure the tunnel is safe, what if he has an accomplice, so..."

"So you killed him?"

Jason interrupted Clay angrily: "Shoot the high-value target that we ran half a world away and wanted to capture alive?"

"That's good, if I don't kill him, how can I get this treasure map." Long Zhan, who was unloading his equipment, heard the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and secretly laughed in his heart.

Touching the treasure map hidden in the sock, Long Zhan's heart became more anxious.

I am eager to find relevant information, translate the information on the treasure map, and see if there is real value behind this treasure map.

Long Zhan was having fun in his heart, while Jason and Clay were still confronting each other.

"I went outside that room and saw him wearing a bomb vest. I thought we were in danger and we had to control the situation as soon as possible," Clay argued.

"Don't you think with your head why we didn't shoot?"

"I don't think you guys have a perfect shot, but I have just the right conditions to kill him perfectly on the spot."

"You think we are newcomers like you? Didn't you look at his right hand?"

Clay's sophistry of not admitting mistakes and overconfidence made Jason more and more angry, and the anger in his eyes was about to burst out.

Ray knew Jason's temper very well, and knew that if the two of them continued to chat like this, with Clay's stubborn temper that he didn't think he was wrong at all, the final result would definitely be an unhappy breakup.

Maybe Clay's DG trip will come to an early end here.

Ray had the same idea from the beginning to the end, hoping that Clay could join the B team. Faced with the current situation, he felt that he had to stand up and do something.

"Clay, go and do your work first, Jason, let's go over there and talk."

Lei first pushed Clay away, and then pulled Jason to the side.

 Thanks to the 10 monthly tickets of the brothers "There is evil in the writing", it is the first time I know that the monthly tickets can vote so much at one time, the boss is very generous.

  Thanks to the support of other brothers, every reward and every monthly ticket from you is a great love for this book.

  In today's military area where bright swords are flooding, whether this book can grow up depends entirely on the big guys.

(End of this chapter)

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