Chapter 548 Collective Possession by Master Bei (big chapter, ask for a monthly ticket)
Walking through the virgin forest for 50 kilometers is completely different from ordinary mountain forest cross-country.

There are poisonous snakes and insects everywhere here, and if you don't pay attention, you will be caught. Once the poison is life-threatening, you can only apply for a medical helicopter rescue.

Being rescued by the medical team during the graduation assessment means that you have been eliminated.

This is hard to swallow!
Coupled with the extremely dense vegetation in the primeval forest, few humans have arrived and there is no path to follow. Even walking normally is very strenuous, so they can only open up while walking, which severely limits the speed of progress.

Finally, and most importantly...

You have to be vigilant at all times during the march to find and avoid ambushes set by the blue team.

This led to the fact that at normal cross-country speeds, the distance that could be completed in three to four hours, no matter how hard the red team worked hard, it would take at least two days to complete the journey without rest for 24 hours.

Therefore, Long Zhan was not in a hurry at all, and went back to rest after arranging the work.

Actual proof.

The choice of Dragon War is correct.

The red team who parachuted from the helicopter to the starting point was limited by the complexity of the primitive jungle, and the speed of advancing was indeed very slow.

In the rugged forest full of rotting leaves, and a large number of vines and tangled roots, you need to use the machete to open your own way before you take a step forward.

The forward speed can be called a tortoise, and it can't even reach a speed of 2 kilometers per hour.

Fortunately, the students who have reached this point are all elites, and now is the first day of the assessment. Every student is energetic and energetic, so let them face any challenge.

Although No. 9 is a bit weak in terms of being a human being, he still has some personal strength.

From the American Green Berets after all.

Under his command, although the red team advanced slowly, there were no accidents or mistakes, and they accurately avoided an ambush by the blue team.

The blue team, who failed to set up an ambush, could only go to the next place to continue setting up an ambush.

The blue team has a very special team map, which can accurately find the opened path in the virgin forest, and the forward speed is unmatched by the red team.

This road can be called the "privileged road"!
Without the help of a special map, it is difficult for the red team to find the "privileged road" in the primeval forest. They can only use the compass and the distributed route map to follow the route to the end.

From day to evening, and from evening to night.

With the blessing of various factors such as abundant physical fitness, good mental state, making full use of the knowledge they have learned, and a little bit of luck, the red team went forward smoothly for 18 kilometers.

There was nothing wrong with the whole day of the march, and it went much smoother than expected, which made the red team leader No. 9 decide to change the plan.

Not so conservative anymore.

"Keep going. The night is good for concealed marching. Today is the first day of the assessment. We must finish halfway before we can find a campsite to rest."

No. 9 is the captain of the red team, and his decision represents the direction of the red team.

Although this arrangement is a bit urgent, it would be safer to divide it into three days, but the captain's words are orders, and the rest of the team can only obey.

Following the transmission of the order on the 9th, they have been walking for more than 10 hours, their mental state has declined, and everyone in the red team is relatively tired, so they can only continue to bury their heads on the road.


Hunter School Command Center.

During the day, Long Zhan "eats, drinks and has fun" everywhere. At night, I originally wanted to find Lina to go to bed after activities, so that I could have fun with the red team tomorrow.

In the end, Lina was not in the dormitory.

After making a special phone call to inquire, it was only because she was worried that the students might need emergency rescue that Lina decided to bring a few medical team members to stay up late at the medical center on duty tonight.

Meeting such a "dedicated" woman, Long Zhan really has nothing to do with her.

The "fitness" subject was busy with work and had no time, so Long Zhan turned to find other instructors to drink and amuse him, but found that all the instructors were busy, and no one was as free as him.

There is no way.

Long Zhan, a "big idler" with nothing to do, could only fulfill his obligation as the chief instructor, and wandered leisurely to the command center.

"Good evening, sir."

"Chief Instructor."

Seeing Long Zhan walking in, apart from the technicians who were manipulating the instruments, other soldiers and instructors greeted Long Zhan one after another.

Long Zhan walked to the main seat and sat down, leaned back, put his foot on the table and asked, "How's the situation?"

"Report to the chief instructor."

An instructor in charge of monitoring personnel pointed to the screen and reported to Long Zhan: "The blue team has stopped activities and returned to Camp 5 to rest.

The red team didn't set up camp to rest. It seemed that they chose to advance overnight. They had passed through the second area and were heading towards the third area. "

Long Zhan followed the direction of the monitoring instructor's finger, and could see 12 red dots on the screen, still moving forward.

"Too anxious, still not mature enough."

Long Zhan shook his head with regret.

With his many years of experience, he could basically predict the direction of the red team, and suddenly lost interest in continuing to watch.

He got up and said, "Notify the prisoner camp over there that we can make preparations in advance, nail the cages firmly, and the goods will arrive tomorrow."

After all, Long Zhan left the command center.

There are many things in the world that if you want to do well, the sooner the better, but not all things can apply the principle of "speed first".

Sometimes it is wiser to combine work and rest to maintain the best condition than blindly seeking speed.

Just like the red team.

With no time constraints, the red team can complete it in 3 to 4 days.

Even if the trainees didn't bring any food, for the red team who had received brutal hunger training and professional field survival training, surviving in the wild for three or four days without food was not a problem at all.

There is water to drink everywhere in the virgin forest, and various nutritious insects and fruits can be found.

Eating and drinking can be solved.

However, blindly seeking speed and rushing forward will cause the students to quickly become overtired physically, and their mental state will also decline significantly as a result, which will affect the normal thinking of the brain.

In the face of a blue team composed entirely of veterans, a slight negligence can lead to a big mistake.

The red team is now rushing through the night regardless of fatigue, which is tantamount to giving the blue team a chance.


The 81th day of the training camp.

It was more than 6 o'clock in the morning.

In the primeval forest where the sun has just climbed the mountain, the mist and morning dew can be mixed and the visual distance is less than 10 meters, which looks extraordinarily mysterious and dangerous.


The slight sound of breaking water sounded continuously.

A head wearing a camouflage helmet popped out from under the water on the bank of the river. After observing the bank and confirming that there was no danger, he raised his hand above his head and shook it.

Then, one after another, camouflage helmets emerged from the water.

13 in total!
"go ahead!"

As the captain, No. 9 stretched out his hand to look forward, and made a gesture to move forward. The others immediately started to move, and walked cautiously to the shore.

Last night, the red team marched continuously until 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, and stopped when they encountered this river.

After resting in the sleeping bag for less than two hours, in order to cross the river before the dense fog dissipated before dawn, I had to pack up my things and swim.

Thick fog is a double-edged sword.

It can prevent the blue team guarding the river bank, find and set up an ambush when the red team crosses the river, and have a one-pot end when the red team comes ashore.

It will also cause the red team to have extremely poor vision and cannot detect the danger ahead in time.

Even though they have successfully crossed the river at this time, they will be able to go ashore along the shallow water beach immediately. Everyone in the red team looked at the misty white haze on the shore, and they were still very uneasy.

I have to hold on to the M16 rifle in my hand, which is the last barrier that can bring them safety.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

The sound of water is still there.

As the men's team came out of the water, the sound of moving in the water became louder and louder, and finally everyone stepped on the land smoothly.

Everyone in the blue team, who had been nervous for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the view was very poor because of the fog, otherwise it would be another matter whether the team could cross the river, because there was a group of crocodiles resting less than 50 meters away from them.

Although this is just a group of South American wide-nose crocodiles, their size can only be considered medium in the crocodile family.

Males can only grow up to about three meters in length, while females are much smaller than males, with a maximum length of only 1.8 meters, and the tail and trunk are more than one meter above the sky.

But in the water where crocodiles live, it is very difficult for humans to beat a crocodile.

If you are bitten by a sneak attack, let alone.

Luck is also a part of strength. There is nothing wrong with this sentence. The red team's luck was good, which allowed them to avoid this catastrophe.

As for how long this luck can last, whether good luck can still follow.

God only knows!
All the members of the red team went ashore, and what appeared in front of them was a mangrove forest. Due to the growth habit of the mangrove forest, this road was doomed to be difficult.

The terrain that accompanies the mangroves is always a swamp mixed with mud and water.

Swamps are a challenge for humans, because you don't know what kind of crisis is hidden under the seemingly safe mud.

"Be careful, it's not fun here."

No. 9 became more and more proficient as the captain, and took the lead to set off after reminding everyone.

The danger of mangrove swamps is one thing, but also because of its unique geographical environment, it attracts many small animals and insects to inhabit.

On the 13th, he found a rotten tree trunk. He used a knife to pry it twice, inserting the tip of the knife, and a large piece of the tree trunk was pried open, revealing the "mysterious" world inside.

Three chubby worms, as thick as a thumb and still wriggling, appeared in front of his eyes.

When No. 13 saw the eyes of these worms, he happily picked up one of the big meat worms, put it in his mouth and bit it down without hesitation.

With a snap, slurry spurts.


No. 13 spit out the charred green and sticky slurry, put the rest in his mouth, chewed it happily, and swallowed it into his hungry stomach.

Seeing He Chenguang staring at him in astonishment, No. 13 grabbed another one and handed it over, "No. 26, do you want it? This is a baby that contains a lot of protein and carbohydrates, and is more nutritious than beef."

At this moment when everyone is hungry, it is indeed very rare for the 13th to find food and be willing to share it.


Everyone has a different appetite!
"No, thank you."

When He Chenguang saw the scene of bursting pulp just now, he was so disgusted that he almost vomited. How could he dare to eat such a disgusting thing? He waved his hands repeatedly to decline his kindness.

And walked a few steps quickly, away from this horrible place.

"You will have strength when you are full. If you don't eat such a good thing, it will be your loss."

No. 13 shook his head regretfully, stuffed the big white worm that He Chenguang didn't want into his mouth with green juice flowing, and then picked out the remaining one from the tree trunk, put it in his hand and walked forward.

Here he started his breakfast on the 13th, and the other students were not idle either.

Since it was airlifted to the starting point yesterday morning, it has been running for more than 20 kilometers overnight, and everyone did not eat anything along the way.

Now everyone's stomach is rumbling.

Zhuang Yan found a two-finger-wide lizard, and grabbed it as soon as he reached out his hand as fast as lightning.

Stimulated by a strong sense of hunger, he didn't care about parasites and unhygienic eating raw, and copied Master Bei's set.

As long as you bite off the head, you can eat it.

He bit off the head in one bite, tore off the skin along the way, randomly picked the intestines in his stomach twice, put them in his mouth and started to eat them.

Then saw a crab under the tree.

Still as fast as lightning, he grabbed the crab easily, put it in the muddy water beside him, rinsed it casually, and put the shell into his mouth to chew.

Raw crab shells are very hard and make a crackling sound when chewed.

Thanks to Zhuang Yan who has good teeth.

He Chenguang, who rejected the breakfast of No. 13 Big Meatworm, now also found his delicious breakfast in this endless mangrove swamp.

A small black fish two fingers wide ran out to spit bubbles, a crab and a tree frog.

The breakfast that Zhuang Yan and He Chenguang found was quite normal. Basically, most people have seen it or even eaten it, but it was all cooked.

There are other breakfasts found by students, which are even more exaggerated than 13 good students.

Fully embodies an idiom -


There is also a disgusting thing hidden in the rotten tree trunk, covered in sticky "snot", thin, long and soft like an earthworm, and called "shipworm" by student No. 9.

Wrapped in some leaves, inside it became an unknown bug with a chrysalis.

There are also students who are no longer so particular about eating what they see along the way.

Whether it's a praying mantis "practicing martial arts" in the morning, or a small insect hanging on a tree trunk, or a clam shell that is stepped on, or other small reptiles.

He grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times before swallowing it.

It seems that as long as it is something that can enter the stomach, it is definitely not poisonous, in the eyes of the hungry students, there is only one name——


Because everyone is looking for food to satisfy their hunger, but they can't find it if they walk behind other people's buttocks, and everything is eaten by the people in front.

This caused the team that was originally a long queue to disperse without knowing it.

Among them, student No. 4 found a small anaconda and swam forward in the mud puddles on the ground. It was confirmed that the small anaconda was non-toxic, and it could be eaten well if caught.

Overjoyed, he forgot other things, chased the anaconda and unknowingly left the big team.

As a result, when he spent nearly 20 meters away from the team with great effort, a dog finally threw the anaconda down on the ground.

Just about to catch the anaconda, cut off the head and remove the skin to eat every time.


There was movement after he heard the sound, and the sound was quite loud.

An icy chill rushed straight from the tailbone to the top of the head, and a strong sense of crisis hit his heart, No. 4 turned his head and looked behind him immediately.

Just at this glance, the pupil has a magnitude 12 earthquake.

(End of this chapter)

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