The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 549 Something Big Is About to Happen! !

Chapter 549 Something Big Is About to Happen! ! (5000 word chapter)
A South American wide-nose crocodile with a body length of more than 2 meters, the veritable overlord of the mangrove swamp, the visual impact of the galloping is very frightening.

Even though student No. 4 was a special soldier, his expression changed drastically from being frightened.

Before he had time to draw out the saber he was carrying, the South American crocodile had already arrived in front of him, so he could only use his rifle as a shield to block it in front of him.

The graduation assessment is just a confrontation exercise, and the weapons and ammunition are the exercise suits, that is, empty shells and laser designator smoke cans.

Ammunition has no actual damage and cannot kill the crocodile, and it can only be used as a stick to face the crocodile.


The crocodile opened its mouth wide, and bit the gun body in one bite.

Rows of hideous and terrifying teeth were close in front of him, and the rotten breath exhaled from his mouth rushed towards his face, making No. 4's hairs stand on end.

Fortunately, crocodiles have the habit of biting something, and will not let go easily.

It couldn't tell whether it was biting the gun or No. 4's body.

Student No. 4 tried his best to raise his hands, letting the crocodile's head and upper body hang in the air, so as to prevent the crocodile from using the deadliest death roll.

While wrestling with the crocodile, he shouted for help at the top of his voice.

"Help me, Falk, someone help me."

"Ah~, I met a damn crocodile, please help me."

Student No. 4 was not far from the main force, and the sound could easily be heard at a distance of more than ten meters, which immediately alarmed the teammates walking in front.

Everyone heard that someone was in danger, and they didn't bother to look for food.

All of them immediately turned around and ran in the direction of the sound.

He Chenguang was the closest to student No. 4, and he was more flexible than the others, so he ran to No. 5 in less than 4 seconds.

Seeing a crocodile pressing on No. 4, he was really scared.

The nearly three-meter behemoth is no joke.

But being frightened doesn't mean being afraid. Seeing that No. 4's life was at stake, He Chenguang drew out his machete and rushed over without hesitation.

He jumped up two meters away, sat on the back of the crocodile, and raised the knife to stab and slash.

All the trainees carry machetes, which are very useful in primeval forests and can be used to cut branches along the way to open up roads.

It can be used for close combat rescue, but it is far less useful than the pointed dagger at the top.

The machete kept piercing the crocodile's head, but the crocodile's skin and skull were too hard, except for the wounds on the outer skin, it couldn't hurt the inside at all.

Limited by the structural shape of the machete, there is no way to insert it underneath to stab the weak abdomen.

As for the crocodile that was attacked and suffered pain, its fierceness was aroused, and its body began to twist violently, trying to push He Chenguang down.

This made it harder for He Chenguang to use his strength, and No. 4's hands in front of him were also more strenuous.

"Fuck you."

He Chenguang hacked for a long time to no avail, he was annoyed, and just stabbed him in the eye.

No matter how fierce the animal's eyes are, it is a weak point. The crocodile's left eye was cut by a knife, which made it feel the danger and gave up continuing to attack.

The mouth that was biting the body of the gun let go, and the huge body turned in a circle.

He Chenguang, who was riding on him, was thrown off, and student No. 4, who was pressed under him, was able to escape, and the crocodile also temporarily lost contact with the two of them.

No. 4 took the opportunity to use the M16 as a stick, grabbed the muzzle of the gun and hit the crocodile's head with his backhand.

The butt of the gun hit the head with a clear thud.

Perhaps it was knocked on the head and knocked out, or the vision of one eye was missing, which made the crocodile feel that he had encountered a strong enemy.

Suddenly, I finally learned to be smart.

He gave up the fight with the two humans in front of him, stopped attacking, and fled to the distance faster than rushing over.

The life-and-death struggle seems to be very long, but in fact it only adds up to about 10 seconds.

Seeing the crocodile fleeing desperately and bursting out with huge energy in a short period of time, He Chenguang, who was already out of breath, finally let go of his heart.

Student No. 4 even lay directly in the mud, and his state was even more exhausted than that of He Chenguang.

The other students also rushed over at this time, just in time to see the back of the crocodile leaving, and stepped forward to check the status of No. 4 and He Chenguang.

When No. 4 came back to his senses, he said to He Chenguang immediately: "Thank you, No. 26, thank you so much, you saved my life."

"You're welcome, we are a team and we should help each other."

He Chenguang walked over with a smile, and extended his right hand to No. 4 who was sitting on the ground.

"You Chinese soldiers are great,"

Student No. [-] praised He Chenguang again, stretched out his hand to hold He Chenguang's hand, stood up from the ground, and gave He Chenguang a hug.

This is a heartfelt endorsement.

"Okay, let's keep going if you have nothing to do. You have made such a big commotion that it may have alarmed the blue team. We need to get out of here quickly."

No. 9 wants to hear more people praise him, instead of seeing people "praising" the Chinese soldiers here, and urging everyone to leave impatiently.

Everyone knew what No. 9 was thinking, and they also knew that he was right.

Don't stay here for long!

"Everyone be careful, if you get injured, it won't be worthwhile to be eliminated at this time."

Solemn reminded everyone present, then turned to He Chenguang and said, "Chenguang, let's get closer so that we can help each other."

The crocodile attack happened without any danger, and the red team set off again.


Villa Fonseca.

The middle-aged white man who had been here before appeared here again.

"Mr. Fonseca, three months have passed. Not only did you fail to destroy the hunter school, but you were even bitten by the hunter school several times. Is this all you can do? It really disappoints me."

The middle-aged white man questioned face-to-face with a cold face, not worried that Fonseca would turn his back on him at all.

Fonseca felt a little upset, and replied blankly: "I've already said, the time has not come yet, Hunter Academy is not such an easy character to deal with, I don't want to spend my life with money."

"Still waiting? It's really interesting, hahaha."

The middle-aged white man laughed after hearing this, clearly mocking Fonseca.

"Here, you can only ask me to cooperate. If it's something that I can't do, it's useless for you to ask anyone. You have to face this reality."

Fonseca is already very popular. If it weren't for the middle-aged white man's backing, he would have been killed with a single shot.

"I don't deny your strength, but it's a pity that you are too rigid and not smart enough."

The middle-aged Caucasian didn't want to break with Fonseca completely, so he said to the boy in the suit next to him, "Take out the things."

The boy in the suit lifted the suitcase in his hand, put it on the desk and opened it.

There are three items inside.

A bank card, a photo, and a GPS positioning pager.

The middle-aged white man picked up the photo and threw it over, and introduced: "She was transferred to Hunter College three months ago, and now she is the medical director of the international class."

"I know her. She is Rose's favorite girl. She is a big beauty, even more beautiful than his mother. It must be very exciting to play with. I have been trying to get her, but unfortunately I have no chance."

Fonseca stared straight at the photo, full of desire for revenge.

If Lina can be played around and then sent to Ross in a video, Fonseca believes that there is no better way of revenge in the world than this.

Only by using this extremely cruel method can the hatred of the family that was almost wiped out be reported.

"Then now is your chance." The middle-aged white man smiled.


Fonseca's eyes lit up when he heard it, and his interest was completely aroused. In order not to reveal his true heart, he pretended not to care and said, "I don't mind listening."

The middle-aged white man didn't bother with Fonseca, picked up the GPS positioning beeper in the box and said: "The international class of Hunter College is undergoing graduation assessment, this is the same beeper issued by the students.

As long as a student presses the beeper, it means that he is in urgent danger, and the medical team will go to the rescue as soon as possible.

Rose's daughter, who is the medical director, will definitely be flying over by helicopter.

You're a smart guy, you know what to do. "

Fonseca's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he instantly understood what the middle-aged white man meant.

It was nothing more than sending someone to pretend to be a student, bring this pager on the way to the graduation assessment, and use the pager to trick the medical helicopter over.

At that time, when the medical team didn't know it was a fake, they caught the medical captain Lina in one fell swoop.

This plan is indeed very feasible, and the probability of success is very high, but Fonseca still has a few doubts in his mind after thinking about it for a while.

"Since every student has a tracker on them, if I send someone over and suddenly there is an extra signal, won't it arouse their suspicion?

And you seem to know every move of the Hunter Academy right now. Where did you get this inside information? Is this information reliable? "

Fonseca couldn't tolerate doubts, the information that the middle-aged white man gave was too weird.

Thinking about him being the biggest drug dealer in Venezuela, he has been fighting with Hunter Academy for more than 10 years, and he can only get superficial information about Hunter Academy.

The middle-aged white man easily obtained the core information and materials of the Hunter Academy without any effort.

This is really unbelievable!
"Our intelligence is absolutely credible. You don't need to question this at all. The energy we possess is beyond the imagination of a small businessman like you.

As for whether the pager signal is useful or not, you don't need to care about it, our people will take care of it. "

The middle-aged white man's face was full of arrogance, and his tone was full of infinite admiration for his own organization and indifference to Fonseca.

Fonseca frowned when the big drug lord was said to be a small businessman, but he was powerless to refute.

Compared to the Angel Legion, he is indeed very small.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Fonseka picked up the last bank card in the box and asked suspiciously: "What does this mean?"

"Swiss bank card, the final payment is in it, a total of 1500 million US dollars, the cleaning process has been completed, it is clean and ready to take at any time, as long as you get things done, it belongs to you."

As soon as he heard that it was laundered money, Fonseca laughed immediately, and immediately promised: "I will arrange someone, you wait for my good news."

No matter how much black money from drug trafficking is, it cannot be used openly, and it is also very risky to launder it yourself.

Clean money is different, no matter how you check it, it is a legal way, you can take it out and use it openly, and its value is higher than 5000 million black money.


11 o'clock in the morning.

Hunter School Command Center.

"Today is the second day of the assessment. The students have already arrived in the third area. The overall situation is not very good. I don't think they can survive the next round of blue team blocking..."

General Ross came to the combat center to watch the battle in person, and Long Zhan gave him a detailed introduction to all aspects.

After understanding the general situation of the assessment, General Ross came to the monitoring screen, wanting to see where the blue team was ambush, but he saw the problem of the red team at a glance.

"Why does the red team only have 12 beacons? Have some students been eliminated?"

"About 3 hours ago, a beacon suddenly disappeared. We didn't receive an emergency call, so we don't know what happened." The monitoring staff replied.

The beeper is related to the life safety of a student. If the beeper is accidentally dropped on the marching road, it is fine. If the student fell into the swamp by mistake, then...

Even though every student has signed a certificate of life and death, and if they die during the training, it will not affect the hunter school, but if they can be found and rescued in time, it is always good to be able to save them.

"The signal suddenly disappeared?"

General Ross frowned, but he had no solution.

According to the school's assessment regulations, unless the students voluntarily press the beeper to request rescue, the school cannot provide any help.

And in order to avoid cheating in the assessment, and because the assessment simulates long-distance penetration behind enemy lines, and in order to prevent the wireless signal from being discovered by the enemy, absolute silence must be maintained during the march.

Therefore, all the students did not wear wireless devices, and the command center could not contact them.

"General, you don't have to worry too much. They were in the mangrove swamp three hours ago. If the pager fell into the depths of the swamp, the signal would be blocked, and it is normal that the monitor cannot receive it.

And if there were no accidents, the red team would be arrested soon, and when they were all taken to the prisoner camp, they would naturally know the reason. "

To be honest, Long Zhan was also a little worried, but he could only think on the bright side.

at this time.

"Drip drip drip..."

The siren sounded from the command center, triggered by a GPS emergency caller.

"General, area medical call 314," a soldier reported.

The terrain gauge of the test site adopts GRG, that is, the grid reference map mode, which divides the entire map into countless symmetrical square areas, and each area has a corresponding number.

Area 314 is the small area numbered 3 in Area 14.

"Area 314?"

Long Zhan turned his attention to the signal monitoring screen, and found that the other 12 red team beacons were all in one place, and they were moving to the fourth area in a group.

Only the beacon in area 314 appeared there alone.

And just before the alarm sounded, there were no beacons in area 314, but now he suddenly reappeared.

"Could it be that some students fell into the mud pit and swamp, and now they finally crawled out? No!"

As soon as this idea came to Long Zhan's mind, he rejected it in the next second. The beacon disappeared for three hours, and it was too fake to slide in the mud for three hours.

Not to mention that all 13 people were together before, and the other 12 people suddenly left, and it was unreasonable to leave one.

At any rate, they lived and died together in the international class for 80 days. They are old buddies who have come through thick and thin together, and they have more or less affection for each other.

Long Zhan felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything wrong for a while.

"According to the assessment plan I designed, there shouldn't be any unexpected things, but what's the situation in this area 314?"

Long Zhan thought about it in his mind for a long time, but he didn't have any clue at all.

It's normal for Long Zhan not to be able to figure it out, but it's a ghost if he can guess it.

He wasn't very familiar with Venezuela, so how could he have imagined that someone would be so daring and dare to get into trouble with the Hunter School in the dark, and even got the top-secret equipment of the Hunter School with his hands and eyes.

Long Zhan didn't come up with any ideas, so he didn't say anything.

General Ross was still worried about where the beacon that suddenly disappeared went, but now it suddenly appeared and asked for medical help.

In his opinion, that must be the one that disappeared.

So he immediately ordered: "It disappeared for three hours. It must be in big trouble. Immediately let the medical team take a helicopter to rescue."

"Yes, I will notify you right away."

The soldiers received the order from General Ross and quickly relayed the notice to the medical center.

Lina, who went to bed near dawn, was worried about the safety of the students, so she rushed back after a while, just in time for a phone call.

Hearing that some students need medical assistance, Ji Lina's character naturally doesn't ignore it.

Immediately organized an emergency medical team, led by herself, and boarded the medical helicopter parked on the playground at the entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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