The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 554 1 knives in 4 second

Chapter 554 4 knives per second


The port of Loveland, which has been sealed off, is completely shrouded in darkness.

This place is called a port, but its scale can only be called a wharf, and there are less than 10 ships moored here and there.

Position C is a [-]-ton dilapidated freighter, parked at the pier for an unknown period of time without starting.

Paint the ship's number on the side of the hull—

Saint Paul!
All the headlights outside the ship were not turned on, only the windows of the bridge and the lower cabin of the ship had light, and the overall external visibility was poor.

On both sides of the ship's side and in the shadows of the fore and aft decks, men with guns could be seen stationed.

This layout looks like it has been guided by a special person, and all the light sources outside the ship are turned off, which can effectively prevent the position of one's own defenders from being exposed.

If all the lights on the boat are turned on, the people on board can be clearly seen hundreds of meters away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

There was a slight splash of water.

Heads wearing diving masks appeared on the water below the stern.

After they took off the breathing masks, even though the sea surface was very dark, they could still recognize Long Zhan and the 12 students at a glance.

This is a standard VBSS action.

And VBSS is not a subject of the Hunter Academy, and the students have not had targeted training.

Fortunately, Loveland Port covers a very small area. The students dived all the way from outside the port, and the whole journey was less than 150 meters.

Students do not need to use more professional equipment, avoiding their shortcomings in this area.

With the diving and swimming training learned by the Army, wearing a diving mask can swim in a semi-submerged posture without disturbing the enemies on the target ship.

However, this is only the first step of the action, and there will be more difficult boarding and fighting on board.

It was the first time to participate in this kind of VBSS operation, and a group of students from various countries were nervous and excited when they saw the huge cargo ship in front of them.

As a standard naval special forces, Long Zhan is the exact opposite of the other students.

It belongs to the "professional counterpart"!
In order for this group of army melons to board the ship smoothly, and gain a rare experience in sea combat by the way, Long Zhan had to be both a father and a mother.

Assembled the ladder and telescopic pole that I had carried back by myself, lifted them up and hooked them to the side of the ship.

Then he took the lead and demonstrated personally, took out the pistol, closed the safety, put it in his mouth, and climbed up the soft ladder hanging in the air with both hands.

There are many kinds of hull structures of freighters, and the cargo ship St. Paul is an inverted triangle.

The ladder was hung on the side of the ship and could not be attached to the hull, which caused the ladder to be very unstable in the air. Long Zhan couldn't climb with a gun in his hand, so he could only hold the gun in his mouth.

In this way, in the process of climbing, you can attack at the fastest speed when encountering danger.

A gun in your mouth is stronger than a gun in a holster, and it is several times faster to use.

Generally speaking, it was a little more difficult to board the ship to rescue the American experts from the pirates in the Philippines than when I was still in the B team last time.

Fortunately, the vigilance of gunmen on board is also not comparable to that of terrorist organizations, which virtually offsets this difficulty.

Long Zhan climbed to the top of the software smoothly, only showing his head to observe the situation on the nearby deck.

"There are containers blocking the side, the people in front should not be able to see the situation here, so as long as the two guys in front of us are dealt with, they will be safe."

Long Zhan will quickly organize the information collected into a processing plan in his mind.

I made a gesture to wait for my signal, carefully turned over the railing and got on the boat, put the pistol into the holster and changed a dagger.

The left palm is half-bent forward, the right hand is behind the knife, and is placed across the chest, and the feet are moving forward slowly.

Standard dagger ambush posture!
"Hey, Anomis, have you heard? Our place was burned down this afternoon, and those guys came and went without a trace, just like ghosts. It's terrible."

"Of course I know, my cousin died there, his body was smashed, God forbid, hope they don't come to us."

"Damn it, I hope they can come. Now there are a group of ruthless characters on board. I heard that they are very powerful. Each of them has dozens of lives in their hands. They are here to deal with those ghosts."


The two drug dealers smoked together, completely oblivious to the fact that a huge figure, like a ghost they said, had approached silently behind them.

"Are you looking for me?"

Hearing the sudden voice behind them, the two readers still didn't realize that the danger was approaching. They thought it was other readers nearby, and instinctively turned their heads to look back.

As a result, as soon as the two turned their heads away, they saw a cold light flashing in front of their eyes.


Long Zhan held the dagger in his backhand and started working left and right, stabbing the necks of two drug dealers.

Immediately after the dagger was moved down, a quick swivel of the knife came, changing the backhand knife into a frontal knife, and pierced the hearts of both of them.

Lightning-fast speed and butcher-like precision.

The two drug dealers didn't react at all, and in less than a second, they each took two stabs, each of which was on a vital point.

He wanted to yell to warn his companions, but when he opened his mouth, he only made the whirring sound of a broken bellows.

His vocal cords were pierced, and he was already speechless.

He wanted to fight back with a gun to kill Long Zhan, but found that all the strength in his body was dissipating at an extremely fast speed, like a punctured balloon.

At the same time, as streams of blood gushed out from his chest, intense fatigue and lethargy rushed straight to his forehead.

In the end, he only lasted for less than two seconds, and he could only hold his throat tightly, and fell powerlessly to the ground with panic and unwillingness to go.

Quickly Liansha and the dragon battle between the two, at this time the very intimate one is forward, with one person in each of the left and right hands.

Gently put the twitching drug dealer down on the deck to prevent the sound of the body falling to the ground, which alarmed another drug dealer not far away.

After successfully handling the two drug dealers, Long Zhan returned to the side of the boat, stretched out his hand and gave him a thumbs up.

It means it's safe!

He Chenguang and his party, who had received the signal from the Dragon War, successfully climbed onto the ship one by one through the ladder, stepped on the sticky blood on the ground, and started attacking the ship with the customized action plan before departure.

Long Zhan knew that the students had no vbss experience, in order to make up for this deficiency.

After Long Zhan obtained the structural diagram of the cargo ship in the afternoon, he specially formulated the best attack plan for the students according to the layout of the ship.

And on the playground of the school, a simulated floor plan of a cargo ship was drawn on the ground with white ash, and the students were allowed to do drills on it.

Every student has already engraved what he should do in the afternoon simulated offensive drill.

Now that he boarded the ship under the leadership of Long Zhan, he no longer needed orders from Long Zhan for the rest of the attack, and only needed to carry out the drill in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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