The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 555 Magic revision, compact Y-array

Chapter 555 Magic revision, compact Y-array

The 12 students were divided into two groups of left and right AB with 6 people each, and the free man Long Zhan was in the middle and rear, forming a tactical formation specially designed by Long Zhan for the students——

Magic modified compact Y-array!
It can be understood as the word "pin" upside down.

The compact Y-shaped array comes from Lute, which is a conventional squad platoon special warfare technology.

Usually, the platoon is used as a combat unit, and the tactics used in "fire suppression" advance forward. Its main advantage is that the advance speed is fast and it can form fire suppression on the front.

If the full set of this tactic is copied, it is definitely not suitable for this VBSS operation.

The space on the boat is far less open than on the ground, and it is impossible to spread out the team by copying it as it is, and it will be crowded and limit the performance of the students.

Naval battles and land battles are both battles, but there are still big differences in details.

In order to increase the success rate of this operation, Long Zhan made small adjustments to the fact that the students who participated in the operation were all Lu Te, who were very familiar with the compact Y-shaped array, and then incorporated the various characteristics of boarding operations at sea.

The three squads of the original "compact Y-shaped array" were arranged in the three positions of left, right, and center rear respectively, forming a coordinated formation of Y-shaped layout.

It was changed to a group of horns on the left and right sides, and they went hand in hand to block all shooting points in front.

Only one "free man" is placed in the middle and rear, which saves a lot of combat space and frees it up for the "magic revisions" of the left and right teams.

In this way, the Y-shaped array tactics can be maintained and the advantage in firepower suppression can be maintained at the same time.

By compressing the number of people in the center team, the left and right combat teams can have more space, and the full-scale splint with limited space can also fully release the combat effectiveness.

Even if the combat space on the ship is small, it will not have much impact on the combat effectiveness of the students.

And Long Zhan puts himself in the position of a free man, and can also rely on his extraordinary "heavy fire suppression ability" to fill the "loophole" of the left and right double clamps.

At the same time, as the commander of the assault team, sitting in the middle of the town can also better observe the enemy's situation, and then issue the most effective and reasonable orders.

Is this "compact Y-shaped array" modified by Dragon Warrior suitable for other people to use in VBSS operations?

Cannot be guaranteed.

After all, the group in the middle has become a single person, and one person has to take on the combat mission of multiple people. If the game is not played well, this change will lead to the failure of tactics.

But what.

It is absolutely no problem to put it in Long Zhan.

Because as one of the top machine gunners in the world, it is currently known to be the only one with the largest body size among the machine gunners who are qualified as a first-level combatant.

Long Zhan's ability in terms of firepower output is an absolute supermodel.

he alone...

Can top an infantry squad.

He Chenguang and other students have "customized" tactics, and with the "Tiantian belt" master like Long Zhan flying, the readers on the cargo ship will suffer.

To describe it in 4 words is——

With the students covering each other and pushing forward, all the drug dealers who rushed out to resist were killed by the students' guns, and some even didn't even have a chance to shoot.

Blow your head and die!

The main cabin hall under the bridge.

Fonseca and his bodyguard, as well as Cuenca, a middle-aged white man, and his two assistants and bodyguards were sitting on the sofa drinking red wine.

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."

Hearing the sound of intensive firing from outside the ship, and the screams of his men being killed, Fonsecan shook his hand holding the wine glass as he got closer to the bridge.

He usually didn't blink his eyes when killing people, but now he suddenly panicked.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer to the bow of the ship, which proved that the dozens of drug dealers he deployed outside could not stop the enemies who came to the ship.

If the "ghosts" really rushed into the boat, Fonseca knew that he would not be able to get out alive.

People are afraid of death, and so are drug dealer leaders.

Seeing that the enemies had already been killed, Cuenka had no intention of doing anything, and Fonseca, who couldn't bear it anymore, had to remind: "Mr. Cuenka, they are already here, your people should also take action. "

"Is it that scary to panic you?"

Kunka was very confident in his people, shaking his red wine glass unhurriedly and said: "My people are already in place, as long as they dare to enter the cabin, then it will be their memorial day, and it will be done easily."

"Well, I hope what you say is true."

Cuenca was so calm and composed, Fonseca's anxiety eased slightly.

Thinking that General Ross didn't listen to him, didn't come alone, and even sent someone to rescue, Fonseca suddenly became angry.

"That damned old thing dares to play tricks, I must make him look good."

Fonseca angrily picked up the phone and called, and yelled as soon as he got through: "Fuck off, you are provoking my patience, don't think that the group of salted fish and rotten shrimp you sent can save people from me .

It's useless, they will all die here, I limit you to show up within 20 minutes, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel, and you will never want to see your daughter again. "


Fonseca didn't wait for the other party's reply, and hung up the phone directly.

"Mr. Fonseca, I will take care of the outsiders. Don't mess up your own affairs. You must send someone to watch over the hostages." Kunka said suddenly.

"Don't worry, someone is watching."

After Fonseca answered impatiently, the anxiety in his heart made him bow his head again, and ordered: "Will, go down and bring that woman up."

"Okay, boss."

The bodyguard with the ponytail nodded, and left the hall and walked towards the bottom cabin.

The fighting outside was very fierce at this time, but the bottom cabin of the huge freighter was very quiet, only the dark yellow wall lights were flickering.

It seems to be a paradise isolated from war.

The bodyguard with the ponytail was in a relatively relaxed state. He didn't even take out the gun on his waist, and just walked along the passage in a swaggering way.

Soon they came to the top of the passage, outside a locked heavy cabin door.

Through the two palm-wide glass windows above the hatch, you can see the engine room inside, and Lina, who is bleeding from the corner of her mouth, is tied to a post.

There is also a drug dealer near Lina, sitting bored on the stairs holding a rifle.

The bodyguard with the ponytail peeked in from the window, then patted them and shouted: "Open the door, the boss asked me to bring you up."

The reader inside went to the door to have a look, and found that it was the bodyguard next to Fonseca.

After confirming that there was no problem, he opened the door.

At the moment when the cabin door opened, a 1.8-meter-high man suddenly fell from the passageway directly above the head of the bodyguard with ponytails.

Holding a sharp dagger in his hand, he stabbed the ponytail bodyguard's neck with the force of the fall.

If it is an ordinary person who has not received any training, he will definitely not be able to react to this sudden change, and the carotid artery will definitely be severed in the next second and die tragically on the spot.

However, bodyguards with ponytails are not ordinary people, and ordinary people cannot be the personal bodyguards of drug dealer leaders.

At the moment when he felt something strange on the top of his head, Ponytail turned into a professionally trained body of a bodyguard, gave him the strength to react, and took a half step to the side in time.

And while dodging to the side, his hand also reached out to his waist to draw a pistol.

Relying on the quick reaction brought about by this usual training, the ponytailed bodyguard avoided a fatal blow. The dagger that was supposed to be stuck in the neck only cut the skin.

The 1.8-meter strong man who didn't succeed in the sneak attack twisted his body in the air to adjust his angle, and rushed to the ponytailed bodyguard again the moment he landed.

He had to lunge forward because the ponytail bouncer had drawn his pistol.

Just slow down by 0.5 seconds.

He would be killed on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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