The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 556 Violent Assault

Chapter 556 Violent Assault

"It's him?"

The burly man in the sneak attack rushed forward quickly, and the ponytailed bodyguard finally recognized the man in front of him through the No. 25 Velcro on the left side of his clothes.

He's seen it before.

It was student No. 25 of the Hunter School, that is, Zhuang Yan who followed.

At that time, the plan to control the prison camp failed, and Fonseca had to flee in a helicopter. He didn't even dare to go back home, so he deliberately hid on the freighter at the pier.

Along the way, they didn't find the helicopter coming down, and there was one person hanging all the time.

It wasn't until the ponytailed bodyguard who was in charge of opening the hatch when the helicopter was about to land that he discovered the solemnity hanging on the landing gear of the helicopter.

Camouflage uniform, yellow skin and black hair, you can tell what's going on at a glance.

The bodyguard with ponytail didn't even think about it at the time, he drew his pistol and aimed at Zhuang Yan.

Papa is two shots.

If Zhuang Yan hadn't let go of his hands decisively and jumped into the sea from a helicopter more than 10 meters high, the bodyguard with ponytail would have killed Zhuang Yan long ago.

At that time, after learning that there was a tail following and the helicopter landed on the cargo ship, Fonseca sent his men to look for it.

It's a pity that there are piers and ships everywhere in the port. A dozen of his men drove two speedboats to search for a long time, but they didn't even see a shadow.

He had no choice but to give up.

Thinking that one person can't afford to make waves, he didn't bother to find it.

Furthermore, everyone including Fonseca thought that if Zhuang Yan came alone and saw so many opponents on the freighter, he would definitely be scared away.

In the end, I didn't expect Zhuang Yan to be so courageous, and I don't know when he sneaked in.

He also found the place where the hostages were being held, and hid by using the pipes on the door as a cover. At this moment, he suddenly appeared and launched a sneak attack.

One dares to go deep into the tiger's den...

Realizing that he had met a ruthless character, the bodyguard with ponytail did not dare to be careless.

Backing away to give the gun more advantage, at the same time shouting at the drug dealer inside the door: "Kill him."

The reader who came to open the door in the cabin was stunned by the sudden change at first, and only reacted when he heard Will's shout.

Immediately pull the gun and load it, ready to kill Zhuang Yan.

Originally, he was going to rush over to fight in close combat and use a dagger to kill the ponytailed bodyguard Zhuang Yan, but when he saw that something was wrong, he had to temporarily change the target halfway.


With a sharp flick, the dagger was thrown out, and it happened to be stuck in the chest of the reader.

The man with the knife in his chest froze as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. The strength in his body quickly dissipated, and the hand that pulled the trigger also became weak.

Zhuang Yan knew that this guy was bound to die, so he didn't have time to watch the reader fall to the ground.

There is no weapon on hand, so there is only one attack method.

Then, in the inertia of throwing the dagger, he switched his legs and turned his body 180 degrees, and in a standing position on one leg, he threw the other leg out.

At this time, the bodyguard with ponytail had already loaded the bullet and aimed his pistol at Majestic.


Majestic's whip kick was very accurate, it just hit the ponytailed bodyguard's right hand, and kicked the muzzle of the gun to half of his body, not aiming at Majestic.


Although the muzzle of the gun was kicked sideways, the fingers were already buckled.

"Crack! Ding~"

The sound of the pistol firing was very loud in the cabin, and the bullets that flew out hit the metal bulkhead at the rear, splashing dazzling sparks even more.

One shot missed Majesty, and the bodyguard with ponytail wanted to adjust the muzzle and fired a second shot.

Solemn didn't give him a chance.

The moment after kicking the pistol away with a whip kick, he used a movement similar to a chain leg. The kicked leg was supported on the ground, and the other leg was lifted up, kicking the ponytailed bodyguard's chest by inertia.


The bodyguard with the ponytail was kicked and slammed into the wall of the passage.

The gun in his hand was also affected by the impact, and he let go of his hand and flew two meters away.


With a gun in his hand, he was repeatedly shot twice by the other party. The bodyguard with ponytail cursed angrily, endured the sharp pain in his chest and threw himself to the right, ready to pick up the pistol.

There is no way for Zhuang Yan to grab the pistol, nor is it possible for the bodyguard to get it again.

He sped up a lunge and rushed over, kicking the pistol flying out with one kick.

Seeing that the ponytailed bodyguard couldn't get the gun, his eyes were flushed with anger. Since he couldn't get the pistol, he would fight to kill the bastard in front of him.

Zhuang Yan kicked the pistol away, and the bodyguard with ponytail took the opportunity to sweep the hall and knocked Zhuang Yan to the ground.

Then the hungry tiger pounced on Zhuang Yan, controlled Zhuang Yan with his legs and buttocks, and grabbed Zhuang Yan's neck with both hands, trying to strangle Zhuang Yan to death.

It was impossible for Zhuang Yan to just wait for death. With an arch of his back, the bodyguard was overturned, and he turned over and rode on the bodyguard again.

Here comes a reversal of polarity.

The two fought back and forth on the ground, and they couldn't kill each other in a short time of hand-to-hand combat. Lina next to her was extremely worried.

She wanted to go up to help, but she was tied up like a zongzi.

It is true that the mud bodhisattva cannot protect himself when crossing the river.

Fonseca in the hall trembled when he heard the gunshots from the cabin, and immediately called through the walkie-talkie: "Will, what happened? Why did I hear the gunshots, please reply me immediately."

At this time, the bodyguard with ponytail was fighting with Zhuang Yan, and he might be killed by the other party at any time.

Even after hearing the boss's inquiry, the ponytail bodyguard couldn't spare a hand to press the headset and report the situation below.

After not getting Will's response for a long time, Fonseca's face, which had just calmed down a little, turned livid again in an instant.

"It must be the mouse."

Fonseca thought of the solemnity that he had not found, and immediately ordered: "You two hurry up and kill the mouse, and you must not let the woman run away."

"Okay, boss."

The two bodyguards received the order, pulled out their pistols, unloaded the safety, and rushed into the hatch leading to the cabin.

Solemn didn't have any weapons in his hands, and he was still fighting Will on the ground at this moment. As long as the two bodyguards arrived in time, they would be in big trouble.

One against three.

And the opponent has weapons.

Let alone saving Lina, Zhuang Yan might not even be able to save his own life.

The only person who was able to rescue Majestic, Long Zhan and the others, had taken full control of the freighter's deck after a few minutes of head-on fighting.

The remaining armed readers either fled into the cabin or hid in the cockpit cabin at the bow.

"On the 26th, you lead a group to continue to control the deck and suppress the enemies in the cockpit. Even if you can't meet them, you can't let them out."

"The second group follow me, we enter the cabin."

Long Zhan issued two orders in a row, and the compact Y-shaped array was split into two.

He Chenguang led 6 students to attack the cockpit, tried to deal with the remaining dozen or so armed pilots, and provided cover for the second group to attack the cabin.

Long Zhan led the 6 students in the second group to enter the cabin through the side stairs.

To enter the battle inside the cabin, you can use the standard cqb battle mode. In order to ensure speed and safety, Long Zhan decided to use the violent cleaning mode.


Started off with a shock bomb.


The moment the glare disappeared, Long Zhan patted No. 13 on the shoulder.

Student No. 13, who served as the vanguard, entered the cabin door first with an M16a4 in hand, lowered the muzzle of the gun and walked down the iron stairs.

"Crack, crack, crack."

Long Zhan followed closely behind No. 13, coming in at the precise point of the three rounds.

The three lamps shattered into pieces, the only light source disappeared instantly, and the moonlight couldn't shine in, making the whole space pitch black.

Long Zhan and his party were all wearing night vision goggles, and the dark environment was more conducive to attacking.

(End of this chapter)

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