The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 568 Income doubled by 28 times! ! !

Chapter 568 Income doubled by 28 times! ! ! (seeking a monthly ticket)

After trying to understand the reason, Long Zhan can understand why the group of wealthy clients managed by Dodge would risk their lives to play a game.

The pursuit of "coolness" is human instinct.

It’s as small as eating a hearty hot pot, so hot as to drink a bottle of Coke, reading a cool article that doesn’t take your brains, and as big as extreme sports where you make a mistake and reincarnate, etc.

All human beings are pursuing sensory and spiritual stimulation, so that they can obtain pleasure and happiness,

It's easy for rich people to do small pleasures, but when they become more enjoyable, it gradually becomes boring, and the body adapts, so they can only find more enjoyable things.

But the hunting game hunts and kills the same kind of taboo, which is not allowed by the law.

When the two buffs are superimposed, one can imagine the "coolness" that can be gained. It can be said that any legal extreme sports cannot be compared with him.

"Has no prey reported to the police? Has no one reported you?"

This is the last doubt of Long Zhan.

"Do you find it useful?"

Dodge smiled confidently: "Without any evidence, the police will only treat them as lunatics. Moreover, you have to believe that we can organize such a hunting game, and we will be able to settle all problems."

"Okay, I believe you can do it, I agree to join this game, what are the rules?"

Long Zhan is also a supporter of the supremacy of money. He believes that in this capitalist society where money can elect the president, money can really do whatever it wants.

"Okay, let's go to the balcony and talk."

Dodge opened the sliding door with a glass of wine in his hand, and walked outside to the balcony to enjoy the cold wind blowing his face at night and admire the brilliant lights of Detroit at night.

He raised his cup and touched Long Zhan, and said formally with a restrained look: "This is a 24-hour hunt, which starts at dawn and ends at dawn.

Every extra hour you survive will lead to more money being wired into your bank account until the game is over.

As long as you survive this day, you can take a lot of money with you, and even if you can't, you can leave a huge fortune for your beautiful girlfriend, and you will have no worries for the rest of your life. "

"You investigated me?"

Long Zhan's expression changed, and his murderous eyes sent chills down Dodge's back.

Hastily waved his hand and said: "Calm down, buddy, this is the basic rule of the game, every prey that participates in the game, I will investigate his information.

I know your adoptive parents left, joined the Marines 9 years ago, left the Army a year ago to become a PMC, I know it all.

It is precisely because of your military experience that you are qualified to join this hunting game.

My clients are not ordinary people. They have enough money to allow them to easily obtain extraordinary and superb hunting abilities. Ordinary prey cannot satisfy their appetite. "

'It seems that I haven't found out my background. '

Long Zhan heard that Dodge did not find out the information that he joined the SEALs, let alone that he was from DG, the top level combat force in the United States.

At the same time, through the news revealed by Dodge, the vigilance has increased a bit.

Wealthy people need to improve their "hunting" ability and stronger sand man ability, which is indeed much simpler than ordinary people, and the speed is infinitely faster.

They can hire the world's top fighters, killers, combat veterans, etc. to train themselves to quickly improve their personal abilities.

And often participate in hunting games, actual combat experience will be very rich.

With these chips in their hands, the hunters participating in this hunting game, regardless of their rich status, are already excellent "killers".

Even if Long Zhan's personal strength belongs to the existence of a supermodel, it will be difficult to deal with it.

After all, the hunter hides in the dark and can choose the best node to shoot independently, while the prey is exposed to the sun and can only counterattack very passively.

This in itself is a serious inequality!

"You have the ability to investigate my personal information. It seems that your work is not just a coordinator, nor is it just a rich client who is a hunter."

Long Zhan doesn't like being at a disadvantage in the chat, and adopts rhetorical questions to regain the dominance.

"Of course it's not just hunters and prey, you are just participants in the game, and there are hundreds of participants outside the game field.

They are all the rich second generation who have too much money to spend, and gamblers who squander money like dung.

The survival time of the prey in the game, whether the hunter will be killed by the prey, the number of people who died in the game, etc., will all be the key to their victory. "

When it came to this point, Dodge didn't make any cover-ups, and opened the skylight to say the whole thing.

Hunters pay to enjoy the thrill of hunting, prey desperately strive for huge wealth, and gamblers enjoy the joy of gambling.

All three parties get what they need!

For Dodge's Tello Foundation, game hunting is the way to get rich, and they can get huge wealth from it.

There are thousands of ways to make money, only you can't think of it, and no capitalist can't do it.

Long Zhan had to sigh: "You guys really know how to make money."


Dodge took a sip of red wine and continued: "My client wants a clean hunt. You need to know that once the game starts, it cannot end early, pause, or change. This is one of the rules."

"Hehe, fair? What a gentleman." Long Zhan couldn't help but mocked.

"Gentlemen? I didn't say they were all men. The hunters could be men, women, blacks, whites, candlemakers, bakers, dentists . . . anyone you can meet."

Dodge corrected Long Zhan's mistake, and continued: "The second rule of the game is that the area where the prey can move is limited to the urban area of ​​Detroit. If the prey leaves the city boundary, it means that the prey has violated the rules of the game.

The third rule of the game is that you are not allowed to call the police, or get yourself arrested and imprisoned in various ways to escape, let alone seek help from the police.

Game rule four, it is not allowed to tell anyone except you.

The fifth rule of the game is that it is not allowed to sand or hurt people in public, and everything can only be done in secret.

Game rule six, the prey is not allowed to bring any certificates, no cash, and no help from the outside world, you can only rely on yourself.

Game rule seven, the weapons held by the prey cannot be more lethal than the hunter.

That is to say, the hunter is holding a dagger, and the prey cannot use the gun, even if the gun originally belonged to the hunter, and the prey snatched it from the hunter.

The eighth rule of the game, we will give you a mobile phone, you must not turn it off and block the signal.

These 8 rules of the game, you must abide by.

Otherwise the game will never end, you will no longer be able to earn rewards, and we will send endless hunters until you are killed. "

The rules of the game are generally fair, at least from the perspective of Long Zhan.

Therefore, he didn't have any opinions, and directly asked the question he was most concerned about.

"What about the money?"

Andrea only said a general figure, and Dodge only said that every extra hour of life would get more money, without mentioning the specific superposition method.

"We will open a Swiss bank account for you, and all the money will be entered through legal procedures, such as lottery winnings, company dividends, stock income, private gifts, untraceable offshore account remittances, etc."

Dodge explained the origin of the money first, so that Long Zhan would not have any worries, and then explained: "When the game starts, 5 US dollars will be remitted to your account.

In the next hour, it will increase to 10, and the hourly fee will increase by an additional 5.

At the 20th hour, it will be increased to 100 million, that is, in the remaining hours thereafter, 100 million dollars will be added.

By the last hour, the highest value will be reached, increasing by 500 million at a time.

It all adds up to…”

"2450 million dollars!" Long Zhan interrupted.

This is more than 400 million more than what Andrea said. Long Zhan's heart was even more excited, his heartbeat began to speed up, and his face began to flush with excitement.

To know……

This is 1.5 million yuan.

If I am just an ordinary wage earner, it will take 20 years to earn 760 a year for capitalists.

But now it only needs to be done for one day, and it has doubled by a terrifying 28 times.

With such a big temptation in front of him, as an ordinary migrant worker or soldier, no one can control whoever puts it on him.

"Your calculation speed is really fast. I feel more and more that you are suitable for this game. You have a brilliant mind, a body as strong as a king kong, greed and ambition from the bottom of your heart, and unscrupulous courage."

The more Dodge spoke, the more excited he was, and he couldn't help gesticulating with his hands and praised: "Perfect, you are so perfect, I can't wait, this hunting competition will definitely become a legendary existence, an existence that cannot be surpassed."

"I am looking forward too."

Long Zhan also started to boil his blood. He couldn't wait for the excitement. He suppressed his inner excitement and asked, "I already know the rules. When will the game start?"

"You take this. Before 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will inform you where to start. You need to be there on time before 7 o'clock."

Dodge took out a mobile phone and handed it to Long Zhan, and finally reminded: "There are a few more things you need to remember, hunters prefer close combat, they like to use various creative ways to kill their prey, we enjoy this process.

You must carry your mobile phone with you at all times, and you cannot call anyone except me.

A sum of money will be credited into the account every hour, and you can see the SMS reminder on it. At the same time, after 15 seconds, the phone will reveal your precise location once, which lasts for 1 minute.

This process is repeated every time funds are credited.Hunters will find you and kill you based on the exposed location.

You don't want to throw it away, or put it on the bus, rule number 8 I already said. "

"OK, got it, see you tomorrow."

Long Zhan is not the kind of person who hesitates. Now that he has made a decision, he will not make any changes. He took the phone and turned to go outside.

"Enjoy tonight, as much as I hate to say it, it could be your last night," Dodge said behind the dragon fight.

"I suggest that you should tell the hunters who participated in this sentence."

Long Zhan left an awesome sentence, drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, and easily squeezed the whole glass and instantly shattered it.

Seeing that Long Zhan crushed the goblet, but did not let the fragments injure his hands, and his strength was perfect, he couldn't help but praised in amazement: "Good skill."

About 20 seconds passed.


"Ah, you bastard."

There was a crisp sound of slapping buttocks outside the door, followed by an angry scream from the female secretary.

"Funny hunk..."

Knowing that Long Zhan was molesting his female secretary again, Dodge couldn't help laughing again, looking at the night scene of Detroit full of anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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