The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 569 Hunter? ?That's it? ?

Chapter 569 Hunter? ?That's it? ? (A chapter of 5000 characters, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month.)
6:59 am.

Visario Café.

"Ding dong~"

The doorbell rang.

A big man whose head almost touched the door frame, and whose shoulders almost touched the door frames on both sides, pushed open the store door and strode in.

There were already many people having breakfast in the coffee shop, and they couldn't help but cast their gazes at the behemoth that came in.

Suddenly there was a shadow above his head, and no one would look sideways.

And as one of the few super-sized men among human beings, Long Zhan has long been used to being watched everywhere he goes, without the slightest bit of discomfort.

Standing calmly at the door, he glanced around the store.

After quickly locking in Dodge's location, he walked straight over and sat across from him.

The tables in this coffee shop are all semi-private rooms, and there are half-person-height partitions on three sides of each coffee table, which can be regarded as protecting privacy.

Dodge looked up at his watch and said, "Your time card is really accurate."

"Punctuality is a good habit." Long Zhan shrugged.

Dodge raised his brows, noncommittal, pushed the food on the table over and said, "You probably haven't eaten breakfast, I ordered it for you."

"Thank you."

Long Zhan was not polite at all, he grabbed it with his hands and ate it.

Although in this mid-range coffee shop, most people eat with knives and forks, but Long Zhan doesn't want to pay attention to this kind of poverty.

No matter how convenient it is, using a knife and fork is too abrasive.

An egg roll, a toast with blueberry sauce, and a cup of espresso are a good match for ordinary people, both refreshing and satisfying.

It's just that for a big man like Long Zhan, it really feels a bit stuck between his teeth.

"Most of the runners I meet, they are very nervous at this time, and usually can't eat the breakfast I ordered, and you are an exception." Dodge said.

"Eat enough to work hard."

Long Zhan smiled calmly, stretched out his right hand naturally, and took the uneaten plate in front of Dodge.

He said with peace of mind: "You don't seem to have a good appetite, let me do you a favor."

Long Zhan has always been a big eater, and his appetite is several times that of ordinary people.

"Haha, then I really thank you."

Long Zhan didn't play his cards according to common sense at all. He knew that he would be hunted down by many people in the next 24 hours, but he was still so calm. Dodge could only help but admire him from the bottom of his heart.

The breakfast was robbed, and Dodge could only drink coffee, and reminded by the way: "You still have 5 minutes."

"One minute is enough for this little thing."

Long Zhan was not in a hurry to eat, and he couldn't match up with Lan Swallowing, but he ate so slowly, the food on the table disappeared quickly.

This can be regarded as one of the advantages of a big man, with a big body and a big mouth to cook food faster.

In the end, it only took less than 50 seconds for Long Zhan to finish the breakfast for two that normal people eat and chat in half an hour.

Throwing the napkin to wipe his mouth on the table, Long Zhan drank the half-hot coffee in one gulp and said, "Okay, let's start."

"Empty your pockets."

Dodge didn't say any more.


Long Zhan knew the rules of the game last night. He took out his mobile phone, wallet, social security card, driver's license, etc. from his pocket and put them on the table.

Dodge took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket, put them on, and put all Long Zhan's items in a transparent plastic packaging bag to seal them up.

The whole process was very professional without leaving any fingerprints.

"stand up."

Then he got up and left his seat and stood in the aisle, signaling to Long Zhan that he would search his body when he got up, to make sure that Long Zhan really didn't have anything on him.

"Not bad, very professional, I like it."

Long Zhan did not refuse Dodge's request, he got up and stood in the passage for Dodge to search.

As a professional fighter, I also like professionals in any field, but what I hate the most are "fakes" that fish in troubled waters.

Dodge searched around and said, "Sorry, this is a necessary procedure."

"Understandable, but you'd better hurry up, I don't like being surrounded by people, making me a criminal in my head, which will affect my glorious image." Long Zhan suggested.

"Don't worry, it's okay. With your big image, at most they will think you are a parolee, and I am your parole officer."

"I didn't expect you to have a talent for making cold jokes." Long Zhan was expressionless, obviously talking ironically.

"In the game in New York, the runner hid a knife in the sock. Although it didn't work, my client was very angry and affected the game experience, so I need to be cautious."

Dodge added: "The customer is God."

"Isn't it just in Detroit? It seems that you are playing very fancy, can you tell me the number, how many people have you got to participate in the game?" Long Zhan asked.

"I'm sorry, I never calculate this. If you infer from the bet amount, it should be more than you think, but if it is to make this world a better place, I will give a very small number."

Dodge was like an old fox, and his words were airtight and ambiguous.

"Okay, sit down."

After finishing the whole search, Dodge patted Long Zhan on the shoulder and sat back on the chair.

He took out his phone and called someone and said, "It's me, the preparation process has been completed, please transfer $5 to the runner's account."

Less than 20 seconds passed.

"Ding Ding~"

A crisp voice sounded.

It came from the table in front of Long Zhan. After Dodge took away all other personal items, only the red phone that Dodge sent to Long Zhan last night remained.

When Long Zhan turned his attention to the phone, he saw two messages on the phone desktop.

The first one is an extra remittance message, which is displayed in the upper area of ​​the mobile phone screen, and the text content shows that 1 US dollars has been credited to the account.

The second message is in the middle of the screen, with a red countdown time added.

When Long Zhan saw it, it was already "14".

"The game has started. After the countdown is over, your location will be exposed to the hunters, and they will track you all the way."

Dodge made an explanation, speaking very fast, and kindly reminded by the way: "If you want to live longer, I suggest you keep moving and go to places with as many people as possible, hunters don't want to sand you in the public.

Because they don't want to spend the rest of their lives with the fake identities we gave them.

Don't trust anyone, don't take it lightly, keep your eyes open and keep your eyes open, that's all I can give you, hope to see you tomorrow.

Go, run, go. "

Just as Dodge finished speaking, the countdown on the phone just reached 0, which meant that the hunters already knew the location and were rushing towards this place.

In the past, at this time, the adrenaline of the prey would soar, and the tension would exceed 150.

Dodge is already mentally prepared, Long Zhan will flee here in a hurry like all the prey in the past.


Long Zhan's actions surprised Dodge, and he didn't react at all for a while.

Because Long Zhan didn't run away at all.

And it seems that there is no intention of running at all.

The old god still sat there comfortably, and shouted to the waiter: "Hi, waiter, can you help me? I also need a blueberry toast set meal."

It took Dodge a while to react, and he asked in incomprehensible astonishment, " don't run?"

"Why should I run?"


Long Zhan's straightforward interview stunned Dodge, who didn't know how to answer the question, let alone what medicine to buy in Long Zhan's gourd.

I had to remind again: "I hope you understand that you are the prey now, and the hunters are rushing over. If you don't leave, you will die here."

"is it?"

Long Zhan smiled, and said calmly: "Didn't you say that they don't like to fight in public? Isn't this a public place?"


Dodge was speechless again, and explained: "The hunters just don't like it, but it doesn't mean they won't attack. They can completely control you and take you to a remote place to do it."

"Okay, I understand, we'll talk about it when I'm full." Long Zhan remained calm.

Dodge finally felt that something was wrong. The prey this time seemed to be different from the previous prey. This hunting game was likely to surprise people.

But for a while, he couldn't think of any difference, and he didn't know why Long Zhan was so calm.

Are those who don't know fearless, or are they overconfident?

After all, muscular men like Long Zhan did not appear in the games organized by the Dodgers. Some of their prey were bodybuilders.

With a height of 2 meters and a weight of 12 pounds, his body shape is even more terrifying than Long Zhan.

But such a super big guy still couldn't make it through the whole process in the end. In the 8th hour of the game, he was trapped by a hunter with a wire rope trap, hung up and stabbed to death in the toilet.

After thinking about it, he couldn't figure out the reason, so Dodge could only say helplessly: "I hope you can survive the first hour."

"Hunters like hand-to-hand combat, and don't like to shoot people in the sand in public. You told me that, and I am best at hand-to-hand combat, so there is no need to be nervous at the beginning. This is my forte, isn't it?"

Seeing Dodge's bewildered expression, Long Zhan didn't hide anything, and gave an explanation for his stay here.


Hearing Long Zhan's explanation, Dodge laughed and said with light in his eyes: "Beautiful, so beautiful, you are better than I imagined.

I admit that I seriously underestimated you. It turns out that your bear-like appearance is just a cover. A calm mind, superhuman IQ, and perfect logical reasoning are your weapons.

I am looking forward to it more and more, how long you can live, and whether you can set a new record. "

As a coordinator organized in the middle, Dodge doesn't care who dies or lives between the hunter and the prey, he cares more about whether the game is exciting or not.

In the past games, the hunters won in the end, which made this game lose the biggest suspense, and the participating rich people are gradually losing interest.

If Long Zhan can break this deadlock, it will bring huge benefits to the Tylenol Foundation.

It is also for this reason that when Dodge sees Long Zhan performing better than he imagined, his eyes will glow with excitement.

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

Long Zhan readily accepted Dodge's praise, but he was not complacent about it.

Because in his view, this is just normal play.

"Sir, your order is here."

At this moment, a waiter came over, first reminded Long Zhan very politely, and then bent down to put the food on the tray on the table.

"You slow down!"

The waiter put the blueberry cheese set meal on the table, smiled and signaled Long Zhan to eat.

The moment the waiter straightened up, a killing intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The switchblade in his left hand under the tray suddenly popped out with a snow-white blade more than ten centimeters long, and quickly pierced Long Zhan's chest under the cover of the tray.

Trying to use the tray to cover up the blade, he pressed Long Zhan's chest to intimidate him, and then took Long Zhan out of the coffee shop to "kill".

But when the dagger was 5 centimeters away from the heart, the waiter gave up his complacency and thought he had succeeded.

Long Zhan, who had no guards from the beginning to the end, suddenly launched a sharp counterattack as fast as lightning.

First come first.

At an incredible speed, his right hand grabbed the hand under the waiter's tray from bottom to top, like iron tongs, making it immobile.

The left hand went up from the outside, taking advantage of the absolute height, grabbed the head of the standing waiter in a sitting position, forced it down and slammed it on the table.


The head hit the table heavily, the sound was very loud.

It sounds good!
Because the table legs are fixed on the ground, the table did not fall over because of this, but the 10 cm table top made of solid wood was cracked.

The sneak attacking waiter will suffer.

Long Zhan's upper body strength is very exaggerated. When he was training in the DG special forces DG green team, he beat a group of first-level special forces to the ground, and thus won the "famous name" of violent boys.

It is very easy to bench press 300 kg, press down a person's head and smash it on the table.

One can imagine how powerful it is.

And the picture that was directly presented in front of my eyes was the waiter who was smashed on the table. With the bang of his head, he didn't make any other movements, and his whole body collapsed to the ground like noodles.

There was such a loud noise from Long Zhan's side that it attracted the attention of the entire coffee shop.

But I don't know what happened here, but there was a lot of discussion on the sidelines. Some people thought it was an assault and brawl, and even planned to call the police.

"The waiter lost his footing and fell, knocking his head on the table and passed out."

Obviously he knocked him unconscious by himself, and he smashed someone else into a severe concussion abruptly, but Long Zhan's eyes were not red when he told a lie.

When the surrounding guests heard that they fell down, they seemed to be the same way, Long Zhan didn't even get up, only the waiter fell to the ground.

They all had expressions of sudden realization.

Some people kindly started to call 999, and some came to help check the waiter, and more people chose to ignore and continue to eat their own breakfast.

Only one person fell unconscious, this melon is too small, there is no fun to eat.

"Simply and neatly, it kills the enemy in an instant, it's amazing."

Dodge witnessed the whole process of Long Zhan's shot, and the nonsense of opening his eyes after dealing with the incident, and couldn't help but praise Long Zhan again.

If it wasn't for the unsuitable situation at the scene, and a waiter fell so badly that he fainted, he would definitely applaud Long Zhan on the spot.

"However, I'm still a little puzzled. You seem to have made preparations in advance and knew that there was something wrong with this waiter. How did you find out? His acting skills are completely fine, and he can even film in Hollywood." Dodge asked.


Long Zhan only said one word, and pointed to Dodge.

"Me? What do you mean?" Dodge didn't understand.

"It's because you helped me."

Long Zhan picked up the blueberry cheese that was not overturned, acting like a normal person, showing no "respect" to the waiter who was still unconscious at his feet.

While eating, he said: "I don't know the hunters who came to kill me, but you do, you are the coordinator, you have seen them.

The waiter's acting skills are really good, he should have been specially trained, I don't see a problem.

But you haven't received special training. Even though you've tried your best to cover it up, my micro-observation ability can still see the problem in your eyes.

When the waiter comes over, there is a flash of anticipation in your eyes, looking forward to the waiter.

According to the normal logical relationship, as the person in charge of a foundation, it is impossible for you to have any emotions towards a mere waiter, and it is impossible for you to have an intersection.

And yet you acted, what that means, the answer is obvious, not hard to guess, right? "

Long Zhan's analysis was very detailed, and he explained every detail. After listening to it, Dodge opened his eyes and smiled helplessly again.

"You have a good plan. You deliberately stayed here and didn't leave. It's probably because of this reason. I didn't expect that I would become a prey's toolman one day after playing this game for so many years, haha."

Dodge laughed, very bitterly.

In order not to continue to be a tool man of Dragon War, which will affect the fairness of the game and cause dissatisfaction among customers who pay to play the game.

Dodge decided to stay away from the big man in front of him, who was increasingly confusing him.

"My work has been completed, the rest is a game between you, I will not get involved, so as not to be used again."

Dodge got up and walked away for two steps, then turned around and said something strange.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. Hunters have a privilege in this game. Once the prey is too strong, they can activate the privilege. May God bless you."


Dodge glanced at the comatose waiter on the ground, recalling that this guy had hunted "honor" twice, but now he has turned into this miserable state, and the sense of anticipation in his heart became more and more surging.

(End of this chapter)

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