The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 625 Lore-Suddenly twisted!

Chapter 625 Lore-Suddenly twisted! (seeking a monthly ticket)

The location angle of Dragon War is very good, it is located in the alley to the left of the target house.

It can not only communicate with the sniper Gaetan who is already in position, but also can quickly approach the target building within a few seconds.

The reason why it is not directly in front of the target house is to look for the corresponding position and wait for an opportunity to attack.

The main reason is that outside the main entrance of the target building, there is an open field, two cars are parked on the field, and there are seven or eight terrorists around.

If Long Zhan approached rashly, he might be discovered by the opponent.

After all, Long Zhan's figure is too eye-catching.

Hiding in a remote alley 30 meters away, you can not only observe everything in front of the main entrance of the target building, but also be able to rush there in the shortest time.

Taylor was hijacked by two terrorists and just appeared on the stairs on the second floor.

Long Zhan passed the hollowed-out wall in front of the stairs, and found the three of them immediately, and quickly analyzed that it was time to make a move.

Why choose to act on the stairs instead of waiting for someone to come out of the house before acting.

Dragon War mainly depends on two points.

First of all, the location of the stairwell is very special. It is in the blind spot of the terrorists on the first and second floors. In addition, the terrorists are listening to music. As long as the volume is controlled during the battle, the terrorists on the second floor will not be disturbed at all.

Taylor was able to break through the control to get free under a relatively safe situation, and successfully obtained the weapon.

Secondly, after Taylor came out of the house, even if he successfully killed the two terrorists guarding him, he had to find a way to re-enter the house again.

There are dozens of terrorists in this stronghold, and it is very difficult to force their way in from the outside.

The main reason is that the safety of the hostages can no longer be guaranteed!

Relatively speaking.

Taylor can avoid this big trouble if he directly launches an attack inside the house.

Long Zhan fights from the outside to the inside, and there are sniper fire support in the distance. The strategy of combining inside and outside can catch the enemy by surprise.

Before they can react in time, they can quickly rescue the hostages.

The difficulty of rescue will be greatly reduced.

The details of this kind of battle were discussed in the pre-action meeting at the beginning. Because we don't know where the kidnapper's lair is and what kind of structure the building is, there is no way to make deployments in advance, and we can only rely on the operatives to respond on the spot.

Taylor was covered with a hood, and he couldn't know the external situation at all, and he couldn't make any judgments at this time.

Long Zhan and the sniper Gaetan in the distance must shoulder this responsibility.

Become the "starting gun" in live battles.

Compared with Gaetan in the distance, Long Zhan can get more information at close range, and he has virtually become the final decision maker.

Long Zhan decided that the stairwell was the best action point, and immediately rushed out of the alley with a gun, and quickly approached the target building.

"Taylor has appeared. This is a good opportunity. Group A starts to move. Pay attention to my position."

Long Zhan finished speaking on the radio on the way out, and then raised his right hand, signaling to Gaetan, who was sniping on the roof in the distance, to shoot and kill the enemies escorting Taylor in the house immediately.

Gaetan is an experienced sniper and has already been prepared.

Seeing Long Zhan's gestures and the movement of running out, he immediately pointed the crosshairs of the sniper rifle through the gaps in the hollowed-out wall bricks, aiming at the gray shirt terrorist who could only walk behind because of the narrow stairs.

He decisively pulled the trigger.


The medium-sized silencer is equipped with a special subsonic bullet, and the sound in the vicinity is a little louder than the coughing sound, and the sound cannot be heard at 50 meters away.

There is no sonic boom in the bullet flying in the air, just like a silent ghost going straight to the target.

Subsonic bullets fly slowly, but under Gaetan's precise marksmanship, even if they are separated by more than 100 meters, they are still flawless.


The bullet was on target.

The gray shirt terrorist's head was pierced, blood spurted out, and his body immediately fell down like boiled noodles.

The sound of the skull being crushed was quite loud, comparable to being slapped.

The terrorists on the 1st and 2nd floors are all watching the most popular cricket match in Bangladesh at the moment. The sound of the TV is loud, and there are constant discussions among many people watching the game.

Terrorists in a noisy environment will definitely not be able to hear this sound.

But the person next to him could hear it clearly.

Gaetan killed the shirt terrorist with one shot, and the trio disappeared from his sight, leaving him unable to offer any further assistance.

At this time, Long Zhan was still on the way to attack, and later he had to kill the terrorists at the door, break through the target building and deal with the terrorists on the first floor before he could reach the stairwell where Taylor was.

There are more things to do in a short time, and there is no way to help Taylor.

This means that at this critical moment, whether he can survive depends on Taylor's ability.

At this life-or-death moment, Taylor gave full play to his strength as a SEAL elite and made a textbook-level quick response.

Taylor heard a strange noise, and this familiar voice made him react instantly.

My "accomplice" did it!

The terrorist in red who was walking in front also heard it, but he didn't know what happened, he had never heard this kind of sound before.

He was just startled by the strange voice behind him, and instinctively wanted to turn around and take a look.

The cognition between the two parties is not at the same level, and the responses are not at the same level.

The result is doomed!
The terrorist in red turned his head and found that his companion was lying on the ground, bleeding out from the explosion on his head, and only then did he realize that something was wrong.

When a normal person encounters such an emergency, the first reaction is usually to scream loudly.

Yet terrorists are not ordinary people.

As a "soldier" who has been with guns all year round, he will put all his confidence in the gun in his own hand, not in helping the outside world. The gun in his hand must be the one he believes most.

This caused him to encounter an unexpected situation, and his instinctive first reaction was to shoot to control the scene.

Instead of shouting for help, call for help.

If the terrorist in red detects it in advance and is familiar with the sound of a sniper rifle headshot, he will know what happened without looking.

If he starts preparing to counterattack before turning around, then he does have a chance.

It's a pity that a low-level gangster like him has almost no access to top-level sniper rifle headshots, and he doesn't know what the sound of a sniper rifle headshot looks like.

This made him miss the most critical second.

When the terrorist in red found something wrong, he immediately wanted to open the safety of the automatic rifle in his hand, pull the trigger and load it, trying to kill Taylor in front of him.

It's too late.

too late!
Taylor, who knew what was going on in advance, even with a hood on his head, had enough time to make a self-saving response.

He also really had the best "reaction".

Regardless of three seven 21, it is a forward pounce.

Through his own greater weight and impact force, he slammed into the red-clothed terrorist who was one step lower than him and walked down beside him.

Forced the red-suited terrorist to lose his balance, the two tumbled down the stairs together.

Without the enemy's vision, you can't judge where the enemy's hands are, where the vital points are, and where the gun is.

I can't see these things, I only know the approximate specific location of the enemy.

The best way to save your life is like Taylor's. I don't care where your hands and guns are, let's take a whole blow first.

Once a person loses his balance and falls to the ground, he will form a certain degree of body stiffness.

This can buy Taylor more time.

Not to mention rolling down the stairs, it would give Tyler more time to react.

Although Taylor's first move of "Invincible Hot Wheels" that injured the enemy and us might injure himself, it successfully muddied the scene.

While rolling down the stairs, he managed to remove the headgear.

Step two is done.

With the vision regained, Taylor's advantages as a retired SEAL special soldier can be fully utilized, completely changing from passive to active.

Taylor's attack style is simple, deadly and prevents the enemy from calling for help.

The moment they rolled down the stairs, the Red Wing terrorists were still in a state of confusion, dropping their guns and completely losing their defense.

Taylor didn't care about being hurt by the stairs all over his body, turned over and knelt down on the red-clothed terrorist.

The terrorist in red is only 1 meters tall, and his malnourished body may weigh 6 kilograms. He is suppressed by Taylor, who is 110 meters tall and weighs more than 1.9 kilograms. The two sides are not in the same order at all.

In addition, with Taylor's hands tied, he used the most suitable "sudden twist" move, and the red-clothed terrorist had no ability to resist at all.

(込, read yu.)
Sudden twisting is a twisting technique in judo. It uses both hands to use the enemy's collar or tie to squeeze the opponent's neck to strangle the person to death.

It is also a relatively simple technique in the strangulation technique!
Taylor's hands are tied and he can't attack effectively. If he wants to kill the enemy and make the enemy unable to call for help, the sudden twist is the most perfect move.

The terrorist in red was strangled by the strangling technique, and his body was completely controlled again.

In less than 10 seconds, his face was flushed and blue veins popped up, and finally his brain was deprived of oxygen and passed out, and he collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Taylor, who successfully killed the enemy, followed by the last "get out of trouble" action.

Bite one end of the cable tie in your hand with your teeth, and use your hands to tighten the cable tie as much as possible, and lean against your hands tightly.

One of the reasons for this is to fix the strap and avoid any slippage between the wrist and the strap during the subsequent struggle to free the strap, causing the sharp edge of the strap to cut the wrist.

The other is also to better transmit the force to the cable tie when the next force is exerted.

The tighter the two are attached, the greater the friction and the more efficient the energy transmission will be.

Physics Basics!

After completing the first step of tightening the cable ties, Taylor immediately raised his hands and exerted force on his abdomen to harden his abdominal muscles as much as possible.

Then the arms of both hands retracted downwards and backwards at the same time, allowing the forearms and the bound wrists to collide with the hardened abdomen.

The momentary striking power will be transformed into huge tension.

Similar to the role of leverage.


It took Taylor just one impact, and the strap on his wrist snapped in an instant.

In the short video, someone puts a cable tie on their hands, and all of them can be broken with a strong force. The corresponding principle is used, but a support point is changed, and it is replaced by bending the elbow to achieve explosive muscle tension.

Taylor's trick works when the hands are tied to the chest.

If your hands are tied behind your back, you need to change another way to break free.

You can squeeze the body against the wall, or find a small gap hole, insert the protruding end of the cable tie into it, fold it up and fix it, and then move your hands to achieve the same purpose of tightening the cable tie.

Then bend down and lift the buttocks up, push the big arms of both hands forward, let the hands hit the position of the tailbone on the back of the waist, and the tie can also be broken away.

The tension that can be obtained is not as good as tapping on the abdomen, but it can be solved by tapping more times.

Taylor, who has successfully escaped and gained freedom, knows that the enemies on the first floor will be dealt with by Long Zhan. You are still waiting for his signal to start the general attack.

Before the operation started, Long Zhan had warned,

In order not to alarm the enemies in the house, so that Taylor can have better combat conditions, only when Taylor shoots first in the house, Long Zhan will break into the first floor from the outside.

How can we successfully enter the 2nd floor, do not let the terrorists have time to react, quickly end the battle and rescue the hostages.

This became a question for Taylor to consider.

During the conversation with the boss just now, the information collected about the house played a big role at this time
At this moment, there was no sign of any intention in the rooms on the first and second floors, and no one came out to check. The loud music and TV sounded, which proved that they hadn't noticed the fight in the stairwell.

This is the most perfect opening situation, giving Taylor enough space.

Subtracting the two terrorists who had already been killed, Taylor knew that the kid on the second floor had been excluded, and there were still 2 terrorists with the ability to threaten.

Six of the eight terrorists had guns, two of them holding machetes.

It is simply impossible to deal with such 8 enemies in an instant with bare hands. If you want to do this smoothly, you need the help of a gun.

The most urgent thing for Taylor now is to get a gun.

Fortunately, this is not a problem.

In order to ensure that Taylor can be escorted to withdraw money smoothly, the two escorted terrorists both carried guns, which perfectly filled the vacancy in this regard.

When the red-clothed terrorist fell down the stairs, the dropped gun fell beside Lake.

It can be fully distinguished from the all-inclusive front sight guard and folding buttstock. This gun that looks like an ak47 is actually a 56-1 submachine gun.

Foreign trade version without bayonet!

And it can be seen from the receiver that this is a "super old antique" that has been produced so far and has been in service for at least 50 years.

The "big brother" next door exported this weapon in large quantities in order to make money for development in the last century. Different tools were used in the early and late stages of the receiver.

In the 67-56 submachine gun before 1, the casing of the entire gun was the same as the Ak 47, and it was manufactured using milling technology.

In 64, some experts from "Big Brother" came into contact with the AKM produced by the stamping process.

Stamping casings are cheaper than milling casings, which was very tempting for the "big brother" who was eager to develop and short of money.

However, there was a problem with the relationship with Maozi at this time, and it was impossible to obtain the production license of AKM like AK47.

"Big Brother" did not give up at this point. After some hard work, he successfully cracked the technology of the stamping process and applied it to the subsequent production of weapons and equipment.

With a cheaper stamping receiver, plus the removal of the Mitsubishi bayonet that has no major effect, the cost of 56 punches has dropped all of a sudden.


The market also opened up at once.

Not only does it have a huge stock in Africa, it is also widely used in Southeast Asia, and it can be seen in various battlefields so far.

Taylor didn't have that much research on the gun, but he could tell it was old.

You can understand it at a glance.

Milling is such an old craft!
Frowning, he walked up the stairs in three steps and two steps, and looked at the white shirt terrorist who was headshot by a sniper rifle. His weapon was also an antique.

Taylor had no choice but to make do with it.

He unloaded the magazine from the gun, took a look and put it in his trouser pocket.

Pick up the old antique five-six punch that was brought up, unload the magazine to check the number of bullets inside, and confirm that the magazine is full and reload it.

Looking down from the top of a normal magazine, only about five or six bullets can be seen.

There is no way to tell if the magazine is full or not.

Taylor's main judgment is actually weight, and the only glance is to determine whether it is loaded.


That's close to a pound!

For experienced veterans, among the most familiar items, there is definitely a magazine weight that can easily distinguish between half magazines, full magazines and empty magazines.

As for looking at the magazine to judge whether the bullet has been loaded, it can be regarded as a veteran experience.

In the conventional 30-round double-row supply magazine, the bullets are arranged alternately on the left and right. When the magazine is full, the top bullet must be on the left, and if there is one missing after loading, it will be on the right.

So will there be one less seed in it, which will lead to misjudgment?

But this probability is very low.

Especially on firearms that may have one more bullet, which can determine your life or death.

Most people have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and they are perfectionists in their bones. In a magazine that can hold 30 rounds, no one can bear it if only 28 or 29 rounds are loaded, and they will definitely find a way to fill him up.

Even some extreme ones will be 30+1.

After loading a round, take out the magazine and put another bullet in it.

Tyler checked the magazine and found the bullet was on the left, knowing it wasn't loaded.

This is also the expected situation. In order to avoid accidentally firing and injuring yourself, as long as you are not in a combat state, you will return the gun to the safety.

Taylor has always been in a passive state, and the terrorists did not feel the danger, so it was naturally impossible to load the gun.


Pull the trigger and the bullet is loaded.

Although Taylor didn't quite trust the gun and didn't know if it might go wrong in use, it was the only weapon he could get at the moment.

If you don't believe it, you can only believe it.

Leave the rest to God.

Glancing outside through the hollowed-out wall tiles, more than a dozen terrorists in two cars came into view, but Taylor didn't panic at all.

Handing these people over to his teammates with confidence, Taylor has only one goal left——

Rescue the hostages!

Back to the second floor along the stairs with five or six punches, Taylor came to a closed wooden door, listening to the familiar sound of cricket match and noise.

Through the sound of the TV and the color and texture of the door, Taylor knew that the person he was looking for was inside.

The location is confirmed, and the action begins.

Taylor leaned against the wall by the door, avoiding the deadliest "death funnel zone" in the CQB operation, and punched the door across the door with a gun in his left hand.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh."

There was a loud knock on the door.

The original noisy noise in the room disappeared instantly as if the close button was pressed.

(End of this chapter)

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