The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 626 Maggy's Clever Use of Guns!

Chapter 626 The Clever Use of Magpul's Guns! (5000 words ask for a monthly ticket)

Taking the door frame as the reference point on the inside and outside sides, by switching the left and right positions to shift the angle, the fan-shaped area on the opposite side that can be seen without stepping over the door frame forms an hourglass-shaped field of vision.

As long as you are within the range of the fan-shaped funnel inside and outside the door, you may be killed by the enemy on the opposite side.

Hence the name funnel of death.

Also known as the Deadly Funnel!

"Brother Hammer" Taylor has received professional CQB and knows that he needs to avoid the death funnel area when breaking the door and killing the enemy, so he chose to stand with his back against the wall.

The walls on both sides are the blind spots of the deadly funnel.

In this way, even if the people in the house know that the visitor is an enemy, they will not be injured if they chug at the door.

The terrorists in the house are not so professional.

Even though the leader heard the knock on the door, he realized that something was wrong, so he didn't open the door immediately for the sake of caution.

Because they enter the door by themselves, they never knock on the door, they only shout at the door.

However, the boss's vulgar military qualities made him completely ignorant of what a death funnel is, and he chose a "habitual behavior" that most ordinary people would do.

That is to first reach out your hand to signal the subordinates to be quiet, and the subordinates also cooperated to pick up the guns.

Then he walked lightly to the door, bent his ears to listen to the situation outside the door, but after listening for a few seconds, he didn't find anything, so he turned his eyes to the crack of the door again.

Fortunately, there is no cat's eye in this broken door, otherwise I would definitely go to see the cat's eye.

The slit of the inferior wooden door is quite large, and part of the outside can be seen through the slit.

The terrorist leader was completely unaware that his method of observing the situation outside the door was exposed in the death funnel area from beginning to end.

In addition, there is no waiting in the corridor outside the door, and the light through the hollow walls on both sides is very limited, resulting in a relatively dim environment.

As for the room where the terrorists lived, because there were several large windows, the midday sun shone in sufficiently, and the room was very bright.

In broad daylight, there is an invisible difference in brightness between the two.

In two adjacent environments with a difference in brightness, the light will cast from the bright place to the dark place, thus forming a visible light and shadow on the dark side.

If there is an object in the middle of the light projection process, the light and shadow will also be partially blocked.

By observing the changes in light and shadow, you can judge the situation on the other side.

The leader stood at the door and looked into the crack of the door. The light that would have been leaking through the crack of the door was blocked, forming a very obvious shadow in the corridor.

This undoubtedly exposed his position.

In a battle that concerns each other's life and death, any detail will determine the outcome, not to mention exposing such a serious mistake in one's own position.

The leader quickly paid a heavy price for his "unprofessionalism".

The terrorist leader didn't see anyone outside the door, so he put his head back and took out his mobile phone, ready to call and ask the escort team that had just left.

His head moved away from the crack in the door, through which the light could shine on the corridor outside the door again.

Just this moment.


Two gunshots came suddenly.

There were two holes in the door made of wooden boards, and the head of the terrorist, who was less than 30 centimeters away from the wooden door, had a bullet pierced into his chest.

The 7.62mm intermediate power bullet exerts its unique powerful stopping power.

Full-power bullets are fired at such close range, because their penetrating power exceeds the standard, usually only one shot has two holes, and the actual damage caused by the penetrating wound is not large.

The 38 big covers of the little devils in World War II are typical representatives.

Small-power bullets such as 9mm Par bullets have limited penetration and stopping power due to their low kinetic energy. When they hit the body, the basic kinetic energy and penetrating power are almost consumed, and the bullet will be stuck by muscles and bones.

In history, people who were shot by dozens of rounds and survived were basically hit by these two bullets.

The intermediate power bullet is precisely because under this circumstance, the specially developed intermediate bullet has the strongest stopping power on the human body.

With the strongest stopping force combined with the weakened penetrating force, the bullet will deform when it enters the human body without enough penetration, but it still has strong kinetic energy, forcing the deformed and rolling bullet to move forward.

The process of rotating and rolling will release a huge amount of kinetic energy, so the terrifying "cavity effect" is formed.

one shot down...

The hole in front of the bullet entrance is only peanuts, and when it passes through the human body and flies out from behind, a hole the size of a bowl will be blasted out under the cavity effect.

Even if the bullet hole is a little smaller, the meat inside has been shredded by the bullet and turned into dead meat sticking to the body.

In the process of dressing the wound afterwards, the meat must also be cut off, otherwise the meat will rot inside and become infected with pus.

Part of the reason why AK47 is so popular in the world is that it is durable and has a low failure rate.

The other part is to rely on the middle power bomb.

A gun that can kill people with one shot, and a gun that can kill people with a few shots, everyone will choose the former on the battlefield.

The terrorist leader, who had been shot twice in the chest, had two fist-sized holes in his back.Before he even had time to hum, he collapsed to the ground like noodles.

The blood and minced meat brought out by the warhead sprayed bright "spray patterns" on the ground.

The accident happened so suddenly that the other terrorists in the room were all stunned, all staring at the leader who fell on the ground.

At this point when the terrorists were shocked, Taylor, the hammer outside the door, kicked the door open.

The terrorist standing behind the door on the left was the second to suffer. He was hit in the head by the door panel that bounced back with huge kinetic energy, and fell to the ground with nosebleeds.

Brother Hammer, who had dealt with two people in a row, stepped across the door frame before the enemy could react.

The goal is clear, and the priority is to get rid of the enemies in the funnel area.

He killed the gun-wielding target directly in front of him with two shots, then turned the gun sideways and turned the muzzle to the right, and killed another target with two shots.

Clean and sharp, without the slightest sloppy.

Magpul holds a gun with Mozambique shooting, plus a low-position gun (Low-Ready, low-position preparation) with the best vision.

In less than two seconds after Brother Hammer entered the field, with his excellent CQB melee skills, he easily dealt with two gun-wielding terrorists.

Brother Hammer in the house started the battle, and the sound of gunfire was like an action call, completely opening the curtain of the battle.

A dozen or so terrorists outside the house, as well as terrorists on the first floor, heard gunshots from the second floor, and immediately prepared to go up with guns to support.

However, they had just made a move, and they also ushered in the favor of the god of death.

"call out--"

A bullet flew from a distance.

A terrorist who had just jumped out of the pickup truck and was about to run into the house for support had a hole in his chest and fell into a pool of blood.

A terrorist next to him was still thinking about fighting back, looking up to find out where the enemy was.

"call out--"

Another bullet flew by.

This shot hit a fixed target more accurately. The bullet tore off half of the terrorist's sky cover, and the white and black covered the car window behind him.

"Snipers, there are snipers, hide quickly."

A strong young man in a white undershirt, who seemed to be the little leader of the group, hid behind the car and calmly issued a warning.

The remaining 10 or so terrorists all started looking for a bunker in panic.

However, the sniper rifle used by Gaetan was so quiet that he couldn't hear any gunshots at all, so he couldn't tell exactly where the bullets came from.

Except for two or three terrorists who were beside the killed terrorist, they hid behind the opposite vehicle through the position where the body was shot.

Most of the others were hiding indiscriminately, randomly finding a place on the car body and hiding.

Looking at his ass facing his enemy, Gaetan smiled cruelly and sarcastically, and continued his killing dance.


One shot after another, one life per shot.

The sniper's terror suppressing force was pulled to the ceiling at this moment.

The scene that was already a mess, now became even more chaotic.

Just before the target house less than 10 meters away, under the threat of Gaetan's deadly sniper rifle, the distance of 10 meters became a road of death.

No terrorist dared to step on it again, and could not provide any support to the house.

Belonging is hard to protect yourself!

Taking advantage of the open space outside the target house, all the terrorists were suppressed by Gaetan, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

Long Zhan, who had been lying in ambush for a long time, took the opportunity to climb over the wall and enter the courtyard.

The yard used to dry clothes is not big. It is in the area near the entrance, and the earthen wall blocking it is not high, and the highest point is only more than one meter.

However, in this chaotic situation, the target building was successfully isolated from the open space outside.

Long Zhan was facing the same situation as Taylor at this time, that is, how to open the door and break into the first floor full of enemies.

Even compared to Taylor's situation at the time, it was more difficult for Long Zhan to enter.

Because Taylor stole a wave of chickens by sending information, some of the enemies in the house didn't even have their guns loaded, and they were still in a state of doubt and curiosity.

What Long Zhan is facing now is that the battle has broken out, and the enemies in the house are ready to fight.


Although the difficulty is higher, it cannot stop Nenglong Zhan.

Brother Hammer is only from a T2-level army, while Long Zhan is from a T1-level army. The more mysterious and stronger DG has received more rigorous training.

Brother Hammer's physical fitness in all aspects is also incomparable with Long Zhan's perverted body.

Talk about violence.

Long Zhan is even more like me.

Now that the battle has broken out, the terrorists on the first floor must be rushing to the second floor. There is not much time left for Long Zhan, and he needs to enter the arena faster.

Therefore, Long Zhan's intrusion method is more direct than Hammer Taylor.

of course.

Violent as always.

Standing between the window and the door against the wall, he took out a defensive high-explosive grenade from the Vulture brand grenade pouch on the lower edge of the vest, pulled off the safety guard and stuffed it in through the hole in the plastic film of the window.

"Ding dong..."

The grenade fell into the ground in the house, bounced on the ground and rolled towards the middle of the house.

At this time, there were only 8 terrorists left in the room, and others had already rushed to the second floor for support. These remaining people had just taken out their automatic rifles from the box and loaded them while watching the football game. The bullet is loaded and ready to go to the second floor.

Because the gunfire upstairs was too intense, these people were very nervous.

All yelling and yelling as weapons are ready.

The sound of the grenade falling on the ground was blocked by their ghost fire howls, and most people didn't notice that there was a small thing in the house.

Only a terrorist near the window behind the door saw the black lump rolling towards his feet.

After all, Dhaka is not a war-torn area. The opponents of the terrorists are basically hostile gangs, or they just bully the common people. Using guns is already the limit.

Explosives such as grenades are rare, and many people even use them for life.

This terrorist was just an adult, he was very unfamiliar with grenades, he had only seen them on TV, and he was stunned for two seconds before he could react.

The moment he recognized it, the hairs all over his body stood on end in fright.


While the terrorist yelled, he instinctively ran to the side to avoid it.

It's a pity that he just ran two or three steps away when the delayed fuze of the grenade expired, and with a bang, hundreds of supersonic small steel ball fragments were blasted out.

for a while.

There was a steel ball rainstorm in the room.

Unless the small steel ball of the grenade hits the fatal point, it is basically difficult to kill people on the spot immediately, but the pain is doubled and superimposed.

After all, there are so many small beads.

The terrorists who were dazed by the sound of the explosion had their bodies washed again by steel balls, crying and howling in pain.

There were screams, like hell.

Realizing that an enemy was about to break into the house, they wanted to pick up their guns to fight back, but the dizziness caused by the explosion and the severe pain in their bodies greatly reduced their reaction speed.

No matter how much the mind thinks, no matter how much it commands, the body will not obey at all.

In addition, the dust and gunpowder smoke from the explosion could not dissipate in the room with closed doors and windows, blocking their sight and forming the effect of a pseudo-smoke bomb.

Even if they want to find someone, they have no idea where the enemy is.

At the moment when the terrorists were collectively dizzy and couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north, Long Zhan kicked the door open with a violent kick.

Under the strength of this foot, the hook-type door lock is even more fragile than tofu.

The way Long Zhan kills the enemy next is also very different from Taylor's way of killing the enemy, which is more professional to a certain extent.

Long Zhan did not rush into the house like Taylor, but stood outside the door.

Adjust the shooting range by moving left and right, and kill the enemies within the range of the death funnel with a single click before officially stepping into the house to expose your body.

The shooting action did not use the usual one, and he designed a "variant CAR shooting system" suitable for his own use.

Instead, it uses the same collocation as Brother Hammer, that is, the left hand holds the handguard forward and the thumb is on the barrel of the Magpul gun with Mozambique shooting.

The reason is to use this design method instead of the most accustomed variant CAR.

The main reason is that the situation requires it.

The directionality of Magpul's gun is better, and the muzzle can be more stable.

Wherever the body turns, the gun will follow.

Therefore, the maximum control of the gun can be obtained, and at the same time, fast steering and fast switching purposes are required, and it is more practical for occasions where both are combined.

Can make shooting more accurate and faster.

Taking advantage of the short stun time of the explosion, Long Zhan now needs to quickly kill the enemies in the house, and it is undoubtedly more suitable for Magip to cooperate with Mozambique.

simply put.

There is no absolute best for any tactic, only a more suitable tactic tailored to local conditions.

A top special soldier who is proficient in various tactics can switch various tactics in the corresponding situation, thus casting the word "top".

The general special forces can only use one or two of them, and they are relatively rigid in use.

The gap also came out.

"Papa, papa, papa..."

Dragon War switched targets very quickly, and like Taylor, he chose the optimal Mozambique two-shot burst, killing more enemies as quickly as possible under the premise of ensuring knockdown.

In less than 5 seconds, Long Zhan killed 4 enemies in a row.

But Long Zhan didn't rush into the house, and in the crazy scene that followed at this moment, he perfectly demonstrated his foresight.

After a few seconds of buffer time passed, the remaining terrorists in the house had recovered and had the ability to shoot back.

However, the smoke from the explosion did not dissipate, making it impossible for them to tell where the enemy was.

Faced with the collapse of their companions one by one, coupled with the change of mentality affected by the injury caused by the bomb, the remaining terrorists were completely panicked.

Also lost his mind.

In their eyes, there are only enemies left in front of them, and there are no teammates.

"Da da da da da..."

The two terrorists fired at each area of ​​the room indiscriminately with guns, and the bullets flew around in the room for a while.

If Long Zhan is in the house at this time, there is a high probability that he will be hit by bullets or stray bullets.

He was so ruthless that he would die, and he was talking about this time.

Once people go crazy and give up all the rules, they will explode with unprecedented fighting power, and even the old hunter may overturn.

Fortunately, Long Zhan is a standard "reckless style", and never forgets "wretched" under the fierce violence.

The two terrorists swept through the gunpowder smoke, successfully smashed each other into a sieve, and knocked the rest of the terrorists to the ground.

When the gunshots of the two disappeared from the house, the first floor had become completely quiet.

Not even a scream or a moan.

"Even killing his own people, he is worthy of being a terrorist. It is indeed terrifying." Long Zhan watched the blood flow into rivers in the house, secretly startled.

Some praise for my foresight!

Long Zhan raised his gun and aimed at the door on the left two times in a row, killing the enemies who might be hiding behind the door, and then stepped through the door to officially enter the first floor.

Immediately afterwards, he did not rush to the second floor, but shot the heads of the corpses on the ground one by one.

This may seem like a waste of time, but in fact this step is very important. It can prevent the next person from taking hostages down the stairs and being attacked by the not-so-dead sixth child.

After completing the replenishment of each corpse, Long Zhan replaced it with a new full magazine.

The magazine with two rounds left was not lost, and it was put back into the vacated Condor pouch.

The number of magazines carried in this mission is too small, and the rest are some shotguns. Before the mission is completed, Long Zhan dare not be careless, and must try to keep all available resources.

After reloading the new magazine, Long Zhan heard the crackling upstairs, and there was no lack of the sound of Taylor shouting during the fight.

"Why is there still fighting sound above? Hasn't Taylor resolved it yet?"

After Long Zhan entered the arena, the battle was resolved, but Taylor, who started the battle first, was still fighting, which made Long Zhan realize that the situation upstairs was more complicated.

The original idea of ​​rushing directly to the second floor was transformed into a more cautious standard single-player CQB touch the floor.

Do your best to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

However, less than 5 seconds later, when Long Zhan was about to come out from the first floor to the stairwell, what happened next proved that Long Zhan's decision was correct, and his caution saved his life.

(End of this chapter)

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