The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 627 Specializing in Old 6!

Chapter 627 Specialize in the sixth child!

Although the military literacy of this group of terrorists is very good, the ability of the sixth child is not bad at all.

One of the terrorists who had gone to support the second floor happened to reach the corner platform in the middle of the stairs when the grenade thrown by Long Zhan exploded.

He immediately gave up going to the second floor, and did not return to the room on the first floor.

Instead, I chose to be the sixth child of the stuck point.

Put the gun on the guardrail of the stairs, and take advantage of the height and view of the corner platform of the stairs to lock the door of the room on the first floor from top to bottom.

You can't see the corner of the stairs from the room, you have to go out and look up to see it.

This terrorist is stuck at this point. As long as someone comes out of the room on the first floor and goes to the stairwell, he can use the poor vision to make a perfect first move.

The distance between the two is very close, and the success rate of shots is very high.

If Long Zhan didn't pay attention and walked out with a gun, and the distance from the corner of the stairs to the door of the room was less than 5 meters, the ending would definitely be very miserable.

Fortunately, Long Zhan is not arrogant, even if he is strong enough, he remains cautious.

Under the premise that he was completely unfamiliar with the stairwell, Long Zhan did not rush out hastily, but took an "emergency" method that did not take time.

Grab the back neck of a corpse from the ground, lift him up with the extraordinary strength of his arms, making him look like a living person, and then slowly and quickly lean the upper body of the corpse out of the door several times.

The terrorists on the stairs were already highly nervous, and their nerves were twisted into a string, so they didn't observe so carefully.

Seeing someone coming out, and it was his own, he thought it was his own who had successfully dealt with the enemies on the first floor. He was afraid that the enemies on the second floor would not dare to come up, so he waited and watched at the door, and his tense heartstrings were half loose.

In order to avoid accidental injury, the muzzle moved away from the door and asked loudly: "What happened to you? Is there a bastard attacking the first floor?"

There is nothing wrong with the terrorist's questioning, but too much information has been exposed.

"Is someone guarding outside?"

Long Zhan didn't expect that there were actually people outside, so he broke into a cold sweat secretly. At the same time, his brain was working quickly, and he quickly came up with a solution.

Before the terrorists outside could react, Long Zhan let go of the hand holding the corpse, and quickly cut out of the house with a gun.

Because it has been identified by voice, it knows where the terrorist is.

When Long Zhan cut out of the room, the gun in his hand began to lift up and aim towards the upper right, and locked on the target within a second.

The terrorists saw a big man appearing suddenly, realized that something was wrong, and wanted to shoot and kill.

It's a pity it's too late.

His reaction speed was far inferior to that of Long Zhan. When his muzzle was brought back to the door, Long Zhan finished firing before he could pull the trigger.


A puddle of tofu flowers spewed out of his head.

The terrorist kept his eyes open, turned into a corpse and rolled down the stairs all the way.

Long Zhan was very confident in his marksmanship. When he pulled the trigger, he didn't even check to see if he had hit it. He rushed forward and stuck to the blind spot under the stairs.

In this way, even if there are other enemies in the stairwell, they will not pose any threat to Long Zhan.

As the corpse rolled down all the way, there was no other sound in the stairwell, and Long Zhan also confirmed that there were no other enemies through observation.

Change the gun back to the familiar variant CAR, and start advancing along the stairs to the second floor.

When passing by the corpse of the terrorist that rolled down, Long Zhan didn't forget to shoot him in the head again, and stepped over the corpse after making sure it was completely cool.

In the room on the second floor at the same time.

Hammer Taylor no longer has a gun in his hand. He was attacked from behind by a terrorist with a machete before. He had no time to shoot and had to use the body of the gun to hold the machete. As a result, the gun couldn't hold back and was shot down.

It is precisely because there is no gun in his hand that Brother Hammer can only fight hand-to-hand with the rest of the people, so he is still fighting until now.

Long Zhan shot and killed the terrorist at the corner of the stairs, and Taylor happened to be fighting two terrorists with his bare hands, fighting with one enemy and two.

Kick one of them over with two legs first, and then concentrate on sparring with the other.

In the process of close combat with more than one enemy, it is a very good way to deal with it by letting more enemies fall to the ground while trying to increase the distance.

It takes time for people who fall on the ground to get up, which can reduce the number of enemies they face at the same time.

In order to deal with the machete-wielding terrorists before the fallen enemies get up, Taylor chose to use all the objects around him to strengthen his own attack power.

There happened to be a hard ceramic cup next to it, so Taylor picked it up.

Dodging sideways from the terrorist's machete and slashing forward, the hand holding the cup hit the terrorist's face from bottom to top.


The hard cup shattered in the collision, and the terrorist fell to the ground.

In unarmed melee combat, the lethality of empty-handed fist strikes is limited, because the human hand is made of bones and flesh, which has a certain degree of softness.

Everyone knows that soft things can act as a cushion.

That is to say, when the fist hits the enemy, the fist will have a certain deformation. The deformation means that there is energy absorption, and part of the power will be absorbed by yourself, and there is no way to release it all to the enemy.

According to the law of energy transfer——

Objects with large deformations absorb more energy, objects with small deformations absorb less energy, and objects without deformations do not absorb energy.

There are many examples of empathy.

For example, if you hit someone's belly with your fist, the softer belly absorbs more energy and it will hurt more, but if you hit someone's knee with your fist, your fist will hurt more in turn.

The same is true!

If you want to maximize the power of your fist and release all the power of a punch to the enemy, you need to find a hard enough medium to replace the fist in direct contact with the enemy.

And there is a little trick here, the fist is actually very difficult to hold firmly, basically it is a hollow fist.

A hollow fist means that there is a buffer in the middle of the fist, and the punching force will be softer and absorb more energy. In order to make the fist "harder", you can hold something in the palm of your hand.

No matter what it is, small rocks, mobile phones, keychains, etc.,.

All the little things around you are fine.

As long as you can turn the hollow punch into a solid one, you can increase the power of the punch, and even your ordinary punch can knock the opponent down.

The ceramic cup that Taylor picked up at random, not only filled the palm of his hand, but also served as a contact object.

It fits those two points perfectly.

As for why people can be knocked down with one blow, it is because Taylor's hitting position and angle are very tricky, the kind that can kill people with one shot.

It is well known that the nose is the soft underbelly of human beings, and it is also the softest place on the whole head.

The most important thing is that the bridge of the nose is very special. As long as you hit the nose with an upward force, there is a high probability that the flat and long nasal bridge will be inserted into the brain obliquely, crushing the brain tissue and dying on the spot.

Taylor officially used these two tricks to break the bridge of the nose and insert it into the terrorist's head, resulting in the terrorist's death on the spot.

(PS: In the process of fighting with people in reality, when standing face to face with people, do not use the heels of your palms to punch the opponent's nose.

Mild ones can make people burst into tears and snot, causing the eyes to turn black and make them unable to stand stably. In severe cases, it can be "very punishing". The heel of the palm carries upward force obliquely, and it is easy to break the nose, which is much more lethal than a frontal boxing. times. )
Taylor took down the machete terrorist with ease, and was about to deal with the last remaining terrorist who was thrown to the ground.

As a result, at a glance, the hairs stood on end.

In the blink of an eye, the fallen terrorist's potential exploded, and he even crawled a few meters away, picking up a rifle.

The distance was too far, and Taylor had no time to run over to control him.

There is no way to pick up a gun and shoot it.

The only thing Taylor can do is to find cover, avoid the rain of bullets that will be faced next, and then find a way to get a gun to fight back.

"Bastard, I'll let you die, let me die."

As the last remaining terrorist except for a little kid, he was already insane at this time, and he was even crazier when he got a gun.

Standing up, he shot at Taylor, forming a deadly barrage.

Taylor didn't have a good enough place to hide, so he could only rush to the support pillar in the center of the house in embarrassment, avoiding the first wave of barrage attacks.

However, the bullets followed, and the brick pillars were smashed by the bullets.

It won't last long at first glance.

Taylor quickly swept around within two meters, but couldn't see any guns. The nearest rifles were all two meters away.

If he dared to rush out to pick up this gun, he would be sifted by bullets on the way.

Seeing that the support pillar was about to fail, the fragments shattered by the bullets flew around, even scratching Taylor's body.

At this critical juncture, Taylor would be killed in the next second.

Long Zhan finally arrived at the door.

"Clap clap clap!"

Raising your hand is the standard Mozambique three-shot burst, forming a perfect triangle at close range.

The last terrorist was killed, and the room that had been roaring with gunfire instantly became quiet, leaving only the pungent smell of blood and gunpowder smoke.

Taylor saw Long Zhan appearing at the door, and said very happily: "Old man, you came in time."

This kind of wonderful feeling of having a brother come to rescue you at every critical moment of life and death made him seem to return to the days when he served together.

"It shouldn't be your strength, Taylor in my memory is stronger."

Long Zhan walked into the house, teasing, and along the way, shot after shot without blushing, shooting at the corpses along the way.

Every shot hit the head, and the blood splashed without any expression change.

It's like a ruthless gun-filling machine.

"Older, older."

Being ridiculed face to face by Long Zhan for his decline in strength, Taylor smiled a little embarrassedly, and joked to himself: "I'm getting older, how can I compare with when I was young."

What Long Zhan said in a teasing tone was actually the truth.

The death of his son plunged Taylor into a decadence. Every day he was drunk, dreaming and dying, and he didn't know how long he hadn't had systematic training.

The more advanced the technology, the more perseverance is required.

What's more, the extreme technology of special operations is a test of the body's reaction and skills. Once you slack off, your combat effectiveness will definitely decline.

Tyler knew but didn't want to change, and didn't want to bring up the subject.

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible. I'll bring that kid out. I'll leave the matter here to you."

Taylor changed the topic and walked to the door next to him. Long Zhan sighed secretly and did not follow, continuing to clean up the battle scene.

When Taylor opened the door and walked into the small room, the whole room was filled with dragons fighting and witnessing the whole process.

Seeing Long Zhan's ruthless shot after shot, blowing the heads of the people he once knew, the little kid was so scared that his crotch was wet.

Even though he was holding a super old antique Lee Enfield rifle used by the British Army in World War II, he didn't dare to make any intentional movements.

At this moment, the big dragon war is more devil than devil in his eyes.

Long Zhan noticed the only "little terrorist" who was shivering and cautious under the table, but he didn't pay attention to him.

He can be ruthless to other terrorists, but he will give this kid under 10 a chance.

As long as this little kid doesn't come out to cause trouble, Long Zhan doesn't mind letting him stay there quietly until they leave with the hostages.

As for the old World War II antiques in the little boy's hands, Long Zhan didn't even think about taking them away.

It can be seen at a glance, because there is no "toy gun" with magazines and bullets available for a long time, so there is no need to care about it.

Even if this gun became famous all over the world during World War II, it even gave birth to legendary tactics——

"Crazy 1 Minute"!
And yet...

A gun without bullets is no different from a poker.

What's more, it is an "old toy" that has been used for hundreds of years. I am afraid that the rifled gun has been ground into a smoothbore gun and can only be thrown to children.

of course.

If this little kid wants to be "brave" and run out with his fire stick to make trouble, Long Zhan doesn't mind giving him an unforgettable memory.


Long Zhan repaired the guns on the corpses one by one, then collected all kinds of old and antique rifles scattered on the ground, and picked a relatively "new" rifle from the middle——


This is an automatic rifle with a metal collapsible buttstock produced and exported by the Zastava Arms Company of Yugoslavia in the 70s.

Because it is an imitation of the Soviet AKMS, the standard configuration is the M67 rifle ammunition produced in Yugoslavia, and the Soviet M43 rifle ammunition can also be used.

In addition to the remaining AK47 and 56 punches, the bullets used are all the same caliber, all of which are 7.62×39mm.

Very versatile!
Long Zhan removed the magazines from the other guns, and chose two magazine shells that were better preserved, and the magazines without too many potholes were used as spare ammunition.

Some of the bullets in the other magazines were buckled, and the two magazines and the magazines on the gun, a total of three, were all filled with bullets.

The deformation of the magazine pothole will affect the smoothness of the ammunition feeding, which may cause problems in battle.

Here are the details that need attention!

After Long Zhan completed this series of preparations, Taylor also walked out of the small room with the hostage Ove still in panic.

"Hold the gun, the battle is not over."

Dragon Warrior handed the rifle and ammunition to Taylor and continued: "There are still many enemies downstairs, we need to pass through to reach the car.

You are responsible for protecting him at the back, and I will open the way in front, is there a problem? "

"no problem!"

Taylor took the rifle and magazine, and immediately checked the gun with his left hand as he answered.

"OK, let's go and follow."

Long Zhan replaced his gun with a new full magazine, and finally glanced at the shivering little kid hiding there, and walked out the door immediately.

While walking, he pressed PTT and called: "Group A, here is Group B. The hostage target has been captured, and we are ready to come out. What's the situation outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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