Chapter 634
Long Zhan and Sayu drove a police car, mixed in with the police car team, and started killing people. They made the Dhaka police very frustrated. They didn't know what happened, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

As this chaos continues...

The first batch of 1 police cars entered the arena, and the number became less and less as they ran. In the end, only two police cars remained and continued to chase.

At this time, the Dhaka police still did not find out that the remaining two vehicles were the culprits of the disaster.

The chaos created by Long Zhan and Sayu along the way successfully eliminated all the first batch of police cars, which indeed played a certain containment effect.

Let the second batch of police cars have some concerns, and need to be distracted to ask what happened to the police cars behind them, so they don't chase as hard as they did at the beginning.


Although he didn't continue to accelerate and collide, and tried to stop Taylor's Mercedes-Benz in a violent way, he still bit on Taylor's back.

No matter how Taylor ran, he couldn't get rid of them.

It can also be vaguely seen from the performance that the second batch of police cars that came over obviously had better driving skills, and their ability and quality were better than those of the first batch of police cars.

Facing the continuous pursuit of police cars, Taylor can only rely on the White Rose Command to navigate the whole process if he wants to avoid running around like a headless chicken.

But because the urban roads in Dhaka are too messy, the phenomenon of random parking is very serious.

Coupled with communication, there is a certain delay.

Therefore, many of the navigation routes that Nicole pointed out, when Taylor drove the car to find the route, the actual situation was different from what Nicole said.

This situation finally led to the inevitable end after the pursuit lasted for less than half an hour.

"Turn left at the intersection ahead!"

Nicole conveyed the new navigation information to Taylor. When Taylor heard it, he was less than 5 meters away from the intersection. At a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour, he had no time to react and rushed across the intersection in a second.


Taylor knew that he had gone too far, and there was a truck parked right in front of the road, which turned the road into a dead end and was impossible to pass. He had to brake suddenly to lift up a cloud of smoke, and slapped the steering wheel angrily.

When I turned my head to look back and wanted to reverse the car, I found that the situation was more serious than I imagined.

The police car has been falling behind more than 20 meters, Taylor missed the intersection and rushed to the front, the police car behind has come to the intersection.

Big trouble now!

No matter how good Taylor's driving skills are at this moment, it will take some time to go back. By the time he goes back, the police cars must have blocked the intersection, preventing him from entering the road on the left.

The road ahead was blocked by trucks, and the road behind was blocked by police cars. There was no way to go.

Then there is only one way left!

"Ove, put on your seat belt and hold on tight."

While Taylor reminded Ove loudly, put the reverse gear on the accelerator and stepped on it to the bottom, and rammed into the police car behind at the fastest reverse speed.

"It's already on, you drive like a lunatic, my heart is going to jump out."

Ove complained nervously, his hands gripped tighter.

Less than three seconds.



The front of the police car rushing forward at high speed and the buttocks of the Mercedes-Benz car that was retreating quickly collided heavily, and all the glass of the car was shattered.

Mercedes-Benz cars are more durable than Japanese cars, and the rear of the car hits the front of the car has an advantage.

Taylor and Ove, who had been reminded in advance, were not greatly affected by the collision of the two cars at a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour.

The police car behind is miserable.

The front of the thin-skinned Corolla sank a lot, because it was not wearing a seat belt for the convenience of leaning out to shoot, and these second-hand police cars did not have airbags. Several policemen in the car were knocked to the ground in the collision.

Dizzy and moaning on the seat, not to mention chasing in a short time, I can't even get out of the car.

The first police car in front was hit and stopped, and the police cars behind couldn't react in time. One after another, they hit the front car and turned into police cars.

The policemen in the car were also rarely injured, and the scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

Fortunately, the second batch of policemen who rushed over were different from the first batch of chasing them. They were all fully armed, and they looked like the elite of the police.

Proper Dhaka "SWAT"!
With the help of helmets and bulletproof vests, except for the first police car hit by Mercedes-Benz, which was more serious, subsequent vehicle collisions were relatively light.

This injury is not enough to make them lose their combat effectiveness, and at most it will delay them.

When Taylor got out of the car with Ove, he ran into a nearby building similar to Zhulongzhai in "Kung Fu", where each family has 1 bedroom, 1 living room and 1 bathroom, and hundreds of households live together densely. In a residential building.

The doors of the police cars opened one after another, and groups of special police officers ran out from inside.

These special police officers were all trained. They knew the complicated internal environment of this kind of residential building, and they also realized that the enemy they were chasing was unusual.

Instead, a group of two or three people formed a formation and entered the corridor, spreading to various floors and buildings.

Look more professional from here!

However, narrowing down from the whole to the details, you will find that the steps of these special police officers are very messy, the movements of holding guns are not standard, and the teamwork and cooperation are not smooth.

For example, in one group of special police officers, one of the special police officers walking behind walked too fast when he was moving forward, and the muzzle of the gun pierced the ass of the person in front.

If it goes off accidentally, there will be no two anuses.

Apart from these.

In addition, the special police stepped on the heels of the person in front of them in disorderly steps, and when they went up the stairs, the high-level guns swung too much, and the muzzle of the gun hit the helmet of the person in front.

and many more.

There are a lot of small mistakes in various details.

Although their formation is rather chaotic and the number of people in each group is not so scientific, it can be seen that they have all received CQB training, but the training time is not long, and they failed to form a tacit cooperation with each other.

Understand, but not fine.

He is not a rookie in indoor combat, he can barely be regarded as a veteran.

These special police officers must be very ordinary for a big country. After all, the country’s corruption is limited by training funds and equipment. It cannot afford top special operations instructors, and there is no way to pile up sharpshooters with bullets. It is impossible to have a first-class special police force.

But for a small, poor and chaotic place like Dhaka, these special police officers are already the most powerful existence.

Combat power at the ceiling level!

When the surrounding people saw these "beautiful people appearing", they all chose to stay away very cooperatively, and no one took their own lives to join in the fun.

At most, he would stand outside the police car and watch the residential building that was about to fight from afar.

The special police in the car entered the building one after another, and when a circle of ordinary people surrounded the outside, Long Zhan was able to drive over in a police car.

When the onlookers saw another police car approaching, they hurriedly gave way to a passage.

Taylor had already communicated with Long Zhan when he entered the building, and the intercom of the police car he was driving was also reporting the tracking situation.

When Taylor brought Ove into the residential building, the intercom made a report in the form of a suspect.

So Long Zhan rushed over without any hesitation, jumped off the car as soon as it stopped, picked up the gun and rushed into the corridor in front of him.

Long Zhan needs to kill as many special police officers as possible to reduce the pressure on Taylor so that he can get out as soon as possible.

The onlookers saw that what came out of the police car was not a "SWAT" from top to bottom in black, but a tall and somewhat scary "giant", and a foreigner with black hair and white skin.

The expressions on the faces are richer than the last.

No one here knew what was going on, but everyone was curious about the identity of such a giant, and immediately Long Zhan became the focus of discussion.

Just as Long Zhan ran into the residential building, Sayu also rushed over in a police car.

The water tank couldn't keep up with the frying pan, and the steaming police car looked scary, as if it was about to explode.

The onlookers who were eating melons were frightened enough, and a large open space was given up amidst the screams.

With the real-time alarm report from the car intercom, Sayu also knew why the cars were parked here.

After getting out of the car, without any hesitation, he rushed into the residential building with a pistol in his hand and joined the three-way chaos.

Long Zhan didn't know Taylor's specific location, so he chose to observe the terrain first after entering.

Walking from the stairs on the first floor to the turning platform leading to the second floor, Long Zhan looked inside through the balcony and found that the place was bigger than imagined.

Here is not 1 building, but 4 buildings.

Four 11-storey residential buildings form a circle, with a square open space in the middle, just like the central courtyard in a courtyard house.

The whole is like an oversized courtyard house!
Each building does not have an elevator to go up and down, but there are 4 stairs for going up and down, and the corridors of the 4 buildings are still interconnected.

So many stairs, so many corridors, plus hundreds of "suites" for people.

If someone is hiding in the corner of a certain staircase, or in the home of a certain household, it is impossible to find him in a short time.

Fortunately, Taylor's height of 1 meters and his Caucasian skin color can be seen at a glance, which increases a certain degree of exposure.

The special police who chased after them were looking for this information. It was not difficult to find Taylor by searching layer by layer and asking the people who lived here.


Before they found Taylor, the Dhaka special police who were praying mantises didn't know that there was another oriole, which had already been eyeing them.

Long Zhan came up the stairs to the 2nd floor, and walked forward along the passage to the center of the building.

I found that the layout of this building is also "back-shaped", like a small courtyard inside a large courtyard, the structure of a Russian nesting doll.

The patio in the middle leads from the roof to the ground, and each floor has a lot of clothes hanging on the line.

Perhaps because when the building was built, no sound insulation was considered at all.

Whether the residents are watching TV, listening to music, or talking loudly at home, the doors and walls of the house are useless, and all will be transmitted to the outside.

In addition, the back-shaped patio forms a closed loop, which causes all kinds of noises to fill here.

Long Zhan wanted to find out the SWAT through the sound, but there was basically no way to do it. Now the SWAT hasn't found Taylor, nor has he taken the initiative to shoot to reveal the location.

This caused the whole building to be like before the storm, although the noise was loud, the atmosphere was extremely "depressed".

Taking advantage of the large number of people and the advantages of the location, the special police officers searched for a few minutes, and one of the group found something strange, and searched for the residents who had fled in a hurry.

Little did he know that this was intentionally done by Taylor, and the purpose was to catch the bait.

When the group of three special police came to the third floor, they were divided into three groups and began to search for Taylor from house to house. Taylor, who was hiding in a house, started.

Suddenly opened the door and dragged a special police officer into the house, covered his mouth with his left hand to control, and stabbed him in the back with a knife in his right hand.


Three stabs in a row, the knives entered at the same root, and blood gushed out.

Ove, who was standing on the side, looked dumbfounded. His eyes were full of fear for the murderous Taylor, and he wanted to escape but was too afraid to move.

Taylor's set of movements came down very simply, but he didn't expect to still expose his position.

The special policeman suddenly disappeared from the upstairs, which alarmed another special policeman in his team, and he immediately called on the intercom.

The tranquility was broken, and the battle broke out.

"There is a situation on the third floor, go there quickly."

"Attention everyone, the target is on the third floor of Building 2."

"The target may have hijacked our personnel, immediately support them, hurry up."


The Dhaka special police yelled through their mouths, coupled with the emergency calls from the walkie-talkie, the special police scattered in the 4 buildings began to converge on the 2nd building.

The special police officers who heard this information began to act, and Long Zhan and Sayu also learned the information.

Long Zhan didn't know which building No. 2 was, but this didn't affect his actions, because the special police officers were all wearing boots, and the noise of running on the corridor was too loud.

You can find out the exact location just by listening casually.

Long Zhan heard voices from his own building, and knew that there should be a group of special police officers preparing to rush over, and the sound identification made them on their only way ahead of time.

Hiding in the corner of the stairwell, quietly waiting for the prey to come.

There were three Dhaka special police in this group. They didn't know that someone was ambushing them, and they just wanted to rush to Building 2 as quickly as possible.

When they ran up the stairs, the special police officer who was running in the front suddenly fell backwards and flew backwards.

Take a closer look.

It turned out that Long Zhanren attacked first before he saw it. He used his forearm, which was as thick as a calf, as the point of attack, and threw it sideways, hitting the special policeman's face heavily.

Long Zhan's arm was thick and strong, and his muscles were knotted like a big wooden stick.

And it's a solid one.

It was thrown out horizontally by centrifugal force, like someone yanking a big wooden stick, and the attached force was hundreds of kilograms at least.

The Dhaka special police, who are only 1.6 meters tall, could not bear such a heavy blow.

On the way to fly backwards, the hit special police officer was knocked out with the gushing nosebleeds, and fell into a quiet "sleep" in the air.

The two special police officers following him were still on the stairs at this time.

The special police who were sent back by Long Zhan, whose body weighed more than 100 kilograms, became a burden, and fell on the two of them.

As a result, all three of them turned into ground gourds and rolled down the stairs.

Only then did Long Zhan appear from around the corner, two meters tall and condescending like a god of war.

Raising the gun is a merciless kill.

With a distance of more than 5 meters between them, anyone who has never practiced with a gun can hit a few shots, let alone a "sharp shooter" like Long Zhan who piles up bullets.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp."

After a burst of gunfire, the three special police officers turned into three corpses.

At this time, Long Zhan only had the last rifle magazine left, and only a dozen rounds of bullets remained after killing the three men, unable to cope with the next continuous battle.

So Long Zhan ran down from above, ready to lick the box of the three of them.

As a result, he was dumbfounded!

AKM, AKMS, Beretta M12...

At any rate, they are special police officers all in black and fully armed. The three special police officers have three different guns. It is amazing that none of them are duplicated.

It is so complicated to equip members with guns, even the calibers of bullets are different.

so different.

It is estimated that there is only one special police in the world.

Through this, it is not difficult to imagine how serious the corruption in Dhaka is.

So much so that in the special police force, which is the ceiling of the capital's combat power and maintains order and stability, the special police can only make do with their guns, and cannot achieve a unified supply.

Even the special police are so "difficult" to use guns, let alone the army and other ordinary police.

It is estimated that the standard of the gun in hand is that it can ring.

(End of this chapter)

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