The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 635 Meet on a narrow road, only the quickest wins!

Chapter 635 Meet on a narrow road, only the quickest wins!

This kind of old antique that lacks maintenance at first glance and has a service life of more than two digits, Long Zhan will not start using it unless it is a last resort.

Not to mention that the blasting of the chamber is terrible, and the face is covered with iron.

Bullet jams at critical moments are also fatal, and they may be counter-killed by the enemy.

Therefore, Long Zhan gave up the idea of ​​licking the bag. On the premise that there is still a Glock 17 that can be used, it is better not to bring a garbage with a lot of bullets.

"Is this still an elite? Hey."

Looking at the word "elite" written in Bengali on the identity cards attached to the backs of these special police officers, Long Zhan felt that he was insulting the word "elite".

Quickly took out the rifle magazine to check the remaining ammunition, and Long Zhan continued to approach Taylor.

Regardless of the poor equipment and quality of these special police officers, Long Zhan didn't expend much effort at all, and killed three casually.

Not only is the equipment poor, but the personal ability is also far behind.

In fact, they are really the elites of Bangladesh, with a formal special police force called the Rapid Action Brigade, abbreviated as "RAB".

It is an anti-terrorist special police force specially established by the Bangladesh government to select the best from the Bangladeshi army and police force in order to stabilize order and prevent the occurrence of vicious crimes and terrorist incidents.

The size of this force is not small, there are a total of 15 battalion-level combat units below.

Five of them are stationed in the capital Dhaka.

Perhaps it is because the scale of the establishment is too large, and there are 15 special police battalions in a country as big as a sesame seed, which is suspected of being seriously underpaid.

Bangladesh is also one of the poorest countries in the world, with very limited national income.

Coupled with the serious corruption in the country, the small amount of military expenditure has been misappropriated and embezzled. It may be less than two percent of the RAB special police force, resulting in no money for equipment and training.

After various factors were combined together, such a "bubble elite team" was born.

It seems that the scale is very large and bluffing, but in fact it is ostentatious.

Breaks with a poke.

And the weak fighting power of these Bangladeshi elites can be regarded as giving Long Zhan and Taylor a chance, even if they have fewer enemies and more enemies, they can fight.

Otherwise, if it is a real elite special police, a team of dozens of people will be dispatched to encircle and suppress them.

With the poor ammunition of Long Zhan and Taylor's blitzkrieg, as well as the right time and place, they are against the wind, that is, they are not familiar with the environment, and the surrounding Bangladeshis will also ventilate and call the police. It is impossible to escape from here.

The real elite is a really powerful existence, which cannot be compared with fake and inferior products.

It's like Sayu who has been looking for trouble, but any ordinary special forces soldier whose strength is not close to him, he has long been turned into a corpse.

It's impossible to be alive and kicking now, constantly looking for troubles with Long Zhan and Taylor.

Although the RAB special police are bubble special police, their real strength is far from the term "counter-strike elite", but at least they have received some anti-terrorism and anti-explosion training, and they are all real veterans.

This cannot be ignored.

Long Zhan shot and killed three RAB SWAT officers, alarming the rest of the surrounding RAB SWAT officers, and they quickly took countermeasures.

The originally clearly audible running sound disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The speed of entering the combat state is still acceptable.

Long Zhan has no way of knowing the location of other RAB SWAT, not only cannot ambush in advance through sound, but also faces the danger of encountering RAB SWAT around the corner at any time.

For this reason, Long Zhan had to be vigilant, slowed down and approached the residential building on the right carefully.

"Clap clap clap..."

As Long Zhan walked forward with light steps, battles were also taking place in other places in the building, and gunshots would come from time to time.

The time of the firefight was intensive and short, which shows that the battle happened suddenly and ended in a short time.

Typical close contact firefight!

Long Zhan could hear the gunshots coming from two directions, to be precise, two locations, namely the residential building on the north side and the residential building on the east side.

The time for the exchange of fire was extremely short, and it was almost a crushing end to the battle.

Long Zhan can basically judge that these two battles must have something to do with Taylor and Sayo.

With the half-baked level of the members of the RAB special police force, they definitely have no resistance when they encounter elite special forces such as Taylor and Sayu.

The result of the battle will be the same as here in Long Zhan, a unilateral crush without any suspense.


Among the two residential buildings on the north side and the east side, Long Zhan has no way to accurately distinguish which building is where Taylor is located.

Although Taylor can be contacted by radio, Long Zhan guesses that there will be no results.

These houses do not have any markings. The locals can recognize which one is which building.

Taylor, like Long Zhan, came here for the first time, and he must not be able to tell which building he is in.

Even because there were no reference objects available indoors, he couldn't tell exactly which side he was in, and couldn't tell Long Zhan which building he was in.

Unless continuous radio communication is used, each other's position is reported for positioning.

But in this way, there will be a great risk. If the radio is monitored by the technical team of the RAB special police force, the conversation between Long Zhan and Taylor is tantamount to exposing himself and pushing himself into a dangerous situation.

Just to know where the other party is, it is definitely not worthwhile to plant such a big hidden danger.

Thinking that there are only two places to fight, no matter which one is his target, Long Zhan didn't contact Taylor and chose to continue fighting in silence.

We can only keep the original route at the beginning and approach the nearest engagement point of the east building.

Long Zhan hoped that the person fighting in the east building would be Sayu instead of Taylor, so that he could use his own advantages to eliminate this hidden danger in advance.

In case this guy hangs around and makes trouble for him and Tyler all the time.

With the idea of ​​getting rid of the enemy first, Long Zhan carefully walked through a long corridor and approached the stairwell near the east building.

Each building has 4 stairwells, and 4 buildings have 16 stairwells.

Converted to each floor, there are hundreds of stairs.

Long Zhan didn't know if there was anyone at the stairway, but out of the always cautious character of "Reckless Gou Liu", he cut corners almost instinctively and programmed sideways, keeping the body of the gun in a triangular line with the wall, and slowly Slowly approach the stairs.

Avoid walking straight down the aisle, because the eyes are behind the barrel and the muzzle goes out one step ahead of the body.

The enemy hiding in the corner on the other side can judge Long Zhan's position by seeing the muzzle that emerges first, and shoot ahead or reach out to grab the muzzle.


The instinctive and programmed movements of Long Zhan's training successfully resolved a crisis for him.

There was actually a RAB special policeman hiding by the wall. I don't know from which angle he saw Long Zhan approaching. He pretended to be a cat at the corner of the stairs, and was about to surprise him when Long Zhan walked over.

The sneak attack method used by the sixth special police officer is basically the same as the method Long Zhan used to kill the three special police officers just now.


Long Zhan succeeded in a surprise attack just now, and killed three special police officers in less than 5 seconds. Now that the roles have been reversed, whether he can succeed or not is another matter.

Because Long Zhan didn't walk straight over, but approached slowly by cutting sideways.

That is to say, when the muzzle of the gun appears on the stairs, Long Zhan can also obtain the corresponding vision of the stairs. When the enemy sees the muzzle, he will also be seen by Long Zhan.

Therefore, there was no chance for the old sixth special police to fight first. Long Zhan and the old sixth special police who were hiding around the corner saw each other almost at the same time.

The four eyes met, and the battle broke out immediately.

"Clap clap."

The gun rang, two bursts.

Needless to say, the reaction speed of Long Zhan is faster, and the faster shooting speed is certain.

In order not to expose the hidden body, the old sixth special police adopted a low-position gun-holding posture with the muzzle slanted downward, and the gun needs to be raised before shooting.

1+1 effect is greater than 3!

Obtained two dragon battles with enhanced advantages, and easily won this round.

With the faint gunpowder mist coming out of the muzzle of the AR15, the one who fell down was the sixth special policeman who ambushed first, and Long Zhan successfully completed the counter-kill.


Before Long Zhan had time to replenish his gun, a sudden change occurred.


A door next to it was suddenly opened from the inside, and a RAB special police officer appeared out of nowhere.

The RAB special police hid in the house in advance, stood in the half-opened door, and was ready to raise his gun to shoot as soon as he saw the dragon battle.

Facing this sudden crisis, Long Zhan was calm and calm without any panic.

Countless life-and-death battles on the battlefield have long forged Long Zhan's nerves to be harder than steel bars, even with a knife resting on his neck, his face would not change color.

If this RAB SWAT fires through the door, he will indeed be caught off guard.

There is a high probability that Long Zhan will overturn!

Unfortunately, this special police officer did not do this.

Perhaps it was because he couldn't see the outside through the door, didn't know the exact location of Lou Longzhan, and was worried that if he missed the shot, he would alarm others, so he didn't dare to fire rashly.

Maybe it is to be more safe, open the door and lock it accurately to kill the target.

There are pros and cons to everything!

If you are facing someone weaker than yourself, or an opponent with similar reaction speed between the two sides, you can shoot after you see the target after opening the door. With the first-hand advantage of sneak attack, it is indeed more stable and safe.

But if you face an enemy stronger than yourself, the effect will be completely reversed.

Dragon War happens to belong to the latter!
While the RAB special police raised their guns at night, Long Zhan almost didn't have to think about it. Driven by the instinct of war, he used the best siege moves.

And with stronger strength and faster speed, there was a classic latecomer first.

Lifting the long legs of more than 1 meters, under the impetus of strong muscles, with the whistling sound of the wind, kicked at the rifle in the hands of the RAB special police from the angle of the previous probing.


"Da da."

He was impartial and played just right.

The AKM rifle in the hands of the RAB special police was kicked by Long Zhan and flew away. Before the shot, it misfired twice and punched two holes in the door.

Long Zhan's reaction and attack speed were so fast that the RAB special police who were sneaking up were shocked for a while.

Fortunately, he was not a rookie on the battlefield for the first time. The fright that the dragon battle brought him did not make him panic, and he immediately made the best response.

Taking advantage of the unstable center of gravity after Long Zhan's kick, the RAB special police rushed out of the house.

Long Zhan had attacked with one move and hadn't taken it back. At this time, he really couldn't avoid the RAB special police. He rushed over smoothly and grabbed the front handguard of the rifle in his hand.

At the same time, he opened his voice and yelled loudly in Bengali.

Although Long Zhan couldn't understand his Bengali, he faced the size gap between the enemy and us through this RAB special policeman, and dared to rush out to fight him hand-to-hand. He could basically guess what he was shouting.

He must be calling his teammates, asking them to come over and help finish the Dragon War.

The RAB SWAT thought he had caught Long Zhan's gun, making it impossible for Long Zhan to fire, and he could delay until his teammates came over by himself.

Unfortunately, he thinks too much.

The special police officer overestimated his strength, underestimated the horror of Long Zhan in melee combat, and his ability to respond quickly to crises.

Although the other RAB special police support was fast enough, two special police officers appeared in Long Zhan's field of vision within the next two seconds after the special police officers called for help.

The two special police officers checked in the opposite room, less than 15 meters away from each other.

But it still doesn't help.

Relying on his absolute strength, Long Zhan gave up control of the rifle with both hands, and clasped it on the shoulders of the gun-grabbing special police.

With the strength of the back, the dry land pulls the green onions.

The special police officer who snatched the gun was directly lifted with both feet off the ground, and under the effect of Long Zhan's sideways throwing force, the whole person flew out of the fence.

A body weighing one hundred and thirty to forty kilograms was just thrown out abruptly.


Amidst the terrified screams after weightlessness, the special police officer flew down from the corridor on the third floor and hit the ground of the patio more than ten meters below.


The special police who landed on the ground in the posture of dog eating shit, hit the ground and raised a burst of dust, the screams stopped immediately, and there was no more movement.

Only the seven holes bleed, flowing towards the surroundings.

After getting rid of the SWAT who approached at his own discretion, Long Zhan didn't make any other attack moves, but leaped sideways at the fastest speed, and rushed towards the half-opened house door on the inside.

"Boom! Wow~"

The combined impact of Long Zhan's own weight and side attack hit the door, knocking down the wooden door and even the door frame, and his body smoothly flung himself into the room.

At the moment Long Zhan rushed into the house.

The two RAB special police officers who ran out to support saw that their own person was thrown from the upstairs and fell to death. They raised their guns in panic and anger and started automatic shooting.

"Da da da……"

"Clap clap clap..."

The bullets came like rain!
The Type 7.62 and 9 rifles fired [-] rifle bullets, and the UZI submachine gun fired [-]mm pistol bullets, which had a very high hit rate at a distance of more than ten meters, turning the location where Long Zhan was just now into a hornet's nest.

If Long Zhan was still standing there at this time, he would have been hit by at least a dozen bullets.

Not to die but also to be seriously injured.

Even wearing a plate carrying vest is useless.

Fortunately, Long Zhan has very rich combat experience, knows when to attack and when to dodge, and has achieved precise control of a few tenths of a second.

With a simple but effective emergency dodge, he successfully avoided the concentrated fire attacks of the special police.

Long Zhan will inevitably launch a counterattack next.

Holding the AR15 rifle hung on his body with a single-point gun belt, which is more convenient for shooting from left to right, he retreated into the house and ran out through the back door.

There is a corridor in the front of the house, and a corridor in the back, and the front and rear doors can go out.

The houses here are just so special.

Long Zhan came out from the back door to the back door of the neighbor's house, and pushed the door open with a "slight push", and the door bolt as thick as chopsticks was bent into a figure 7.

Looking at the big man who had to bend over to get in, the five members of the family in the house were all pale with fright.


Long Zhan put his finger on his mouth and made a silent movement.

Give full play to the micro-expression ability, and get confirmation from their terrified eyes that they are an ordinary family and there is no threat at all.

Long Zhan walked through the house with a gun to the front hall, and pointed the gun at two enemies about 10 meters away through the window covered with plastic film.

"Da da, da da."

Accurately hit the target with two consecutive rounds.

Long Zhan's shifting speed was too fast, and before the two RAB special police could react, they were still firing at the door where Long Zhan had disappeared. They had no defense at all, and their heads were opened by Long Zhan.

Once again, a 4-member SWAT team was dealt with, and Long Zhan returned from the same path and exited through the back door, and continued to move to the east building through the back corridor.

When a person conducts CQB combat indoors, he wants to play at a certain speed, and the most taboo is a place where dead hands are the most taboo.

Only by changing the place with one shot can the enemy be unable to react.

(End of this chapter)

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