Chapter 651
Checkpoint exit.

The elite soldiers left the armored vehicle and entered the building, just in time for Long Zhan's plan.

The machine guns of the armored vehicles can't break down the building, and can't kill the dragon war hiding in the house, so they can only be forced to give up their greatest advantage and let the soldiers come out and enter the house to find people.

In this way, it is equivalent to the tortoise without its shell.

Long Zhan doesn't need to gnaw at the tough bone of armored vehicles, and can bring the equipment level to the same level.

Eight elite soldiers rushed into the market in a swarm, and when they looked up, there were all kinds of paving blocks blocking their vision, and no one could be seen at all.

Just as the soldiers were about to disperse the search, a grenade suddenly rolled over on the ground.


The sound exceeds 180 points.

The sound wave is like a tornado, sweeping across.

The 8 soldiers who were all crowded at the entrance had no way to escape in time because of the narrow space, and they were all dizzy from the shock bombs.

It's like entering the world of double delay, and the reactions of the body and brain become extremely slow.

Eight soldiers stood densely together. If Long Zhan threw a high-explosive fragmentation grenade and popped it out, it would certainly kill and injure some of them instantly.

People who can be injured by the explosion will also become physical shields, absorbing most of the explosive power.

Soldiers standing in the outer circle have meat shields to block damage, and basically will not be affected much.

Compared with the current "stunning" of all 8 people, the combat power plummeted to almost nothing in a short period of time, and the effect of the high-explosive fragmentation grenade was even worse.

How to use the right grenade on the right occasion, Long Zhan has full experience in this area.

Taking advantage of the "group control" of the eight elite soldiers, Long Zhan, who was hiding, stood up with a rifle and started his frenzied killing.


The 5.56 bullets rained out, spattering blood and flesh on the elite soldiers.

After emptying a magazine of bullets, Long Zhan did not choose to replace the rifle with a new magazine, but chose the fastest rifle replacement.

In less than two seconds, the Glock with a full magazine was replaced, and it poured another round at the soldiers.

These elite soldiers are fully armed. With the blessing of bulletproof helmets and body armor, it is not so easy to kill them.

If you want to kill 8 enemies in a short time, Dragon War needs to fire more bullets towards the enemy in the shortest time.

It is theoretically impossible for faster speed and better quality to coexist.

Long Zhan has no way to do precise aiming. Every shot hits the enemy's unprotected face, so he can only retreat and pursue every bullet to hit the enemy.

Even if the bullet hits the body and is blocked by the body armor, the intense pain caused by the kinetic energy will make the enemy "zoomize".

The pain was so bad that I couldn't breathe, couldn't move.

The battle broke out suddenly and ended quickly.

When the last bullet of the pistol was fired, only the reverberation of the fierce gunshots remained, and the entrance of the market was bright again.

Without the cover of the 8 soldiers, sunlight can shine into the market through the gate.

The sound of firing was gone, but there were more screams.

The armored vehicle outside the door could hear the screams, and could see the elite soldiers all lying in a pool of blood, but they couldn't see where Long Zhan was because they were stuck in the field of vision.

The machine gunner on the gun turret on the roof was anxious, angry and frightened, frantically shaking the muzzle angle to look for Long Zhan.

Sadly nothing was gained.

The driver in the car was even more "smart" and realized that the situation was very wrong, and if he continued to stay, he might suffer.

He gave up and continued to stay on the street at the door, preparing to reverse the car and leave this dangerous area.

The driver's sense of crisis is really good, but he encountered an opponent whose strength is too disparate, and everything is futile in the face of hard power.

The driver just started the armored vehicle and fell back less than two meters.

Long Zhan, who was just killing people in the market on the first floor, appeared outside the balcony on the second floor above, and threw a grenade at the armored vehicle.

This time it's a high-explosive fragmentation grenade!
Long Zhan definitely has the potential to play basketball. A grenade was thrown more than ten meters, but the landing point was very precise, and it just landed in the gun turret on the armored vehicle.

And followed the gun turret to the sunroof inside the car, and rolled into the car clangingly.

The driver turned his head instinctively when he heard the abnormal noise, just in time to see the grenade falling from above, and it happened to land between the two seats in the cockpit.

All of a sudden, his hairs stood on end, and his eyes widened like bull's eyes.

The machine gunner discovered the abnormality one step ahead of the driver. Under the control of extreme panic, he bent over and shrank to pick up the grenade and throw it out.

This is the only way he can save himself.

But just as he retracted his hand into the car, the grenade exploded with a bang.

The flame and power of the explosion of the high-explosive fragmentation grenade were trapped in the narrow, bulletproof compartment and could not spread, which further strengthened its power.

The armored vehicle is fine, the glass is not broken.

The machine gunner and driver in the car were out of luck. Both of them were bloody and black, and they died on the spot without even groaning.

Not to mention the grenade fragments on his body, his internal organs and head were shattered.

so far...

One of the elites of the two teams who was so treasured by Colonel Whitebeard and refused to be easily used, was single-handedly wiped out by Long Zhan.

If Colonel Whitebeard was at the scene, the beard on his face would probably be furious.

After successfully handling the big trouble of the support, Long Zhan raised his head and looked in the direction of the bridge. He heard the gunshots were intense, and the situation seemed not to be good.

In order to rush to support as soon as possible, he jumped directly from the balcony on the second floor.


The roof of the car downstairs was trampled down, and all the windows were shattered.

Long Zhan, who had been cushioned from the impact of his huge weight, jumped out of the car and ran towards the bridge quickly without stopping for even a second.

Compared with Long Zhan who single-handedly wiped out the entire team of elites, by using a little tricks and tactics, it can basically be said to be a unilateral attack.

On the other side of the bridge, Taylor and Sayu were really in a bad situation at this time.

Even with the thick smoke from the car explosion as cover, the bridge is only less than 8 meters wide, and the helicopter still has an absolute advantage in the sky.

The heavy machine gun fire that may come at any time severely restricts the movement of Taylor and Sayo.

With the help of helicopter cover, the six elite special police officers can safely press down on Taylor and Sayo step by step, constantly compressing the living space of the two.

Once the activity space of the two reaches its limit, it will definitely be a disaster.

"Dragon, we need help here."

Facing the increasingly dangerous situation in front of him, Taylor had to call for help from the absolute main force, Long Zhan, and even called out Long Zhan's name directly, which showed that he was really in a hurry.

Fortunately, the satellite communication is encrypted, so it won't have much impact.

"I also encountered a little trouble here. They drove all the armored vehicles over. Fortunately, I have already taken care of it. Now I am on the bridge. Hold on for a while."

Long Zhan and Taylor completed the communication, hung up the phone and increased the speed again.

(End of this chapter)

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