Chapter 652 Overturning the Armed Helicopter
In order to be able to rush to meet up as soon as possible, even the police who had just come to support and began to gather at the bridgehead, Long Zhan didn't bother to clean it up.

Perhaps after receiving relevant reports, the helicopter that had been suppressing Taylor and the others suddenly changed direction.

There is no thick smoke from burning cars as a cover, and it can be seen at a glance from the sky. Long Zhan, who is theoretically easy to kill, flew over.

There's really nothing wrong with tackling the easy ones first.


Seeing the helicopter flying towards him, Long Zhan realized that the helicopter was going to treat it like a persimmon, so he swears and quickly dodges.

"Da da da da..."

As soon as Long Zhan dodged behind an off-road vehicle, the bullets from the heavy machine gun swept all the way, leaving a row of holes on the roof of the car and the road.

If Long Zhan had been slow to dodge for a second just now, several of these pits would have appeared on Long Zhan.

Perhaps because Long Zhan didn't expect to hide so quickly, the machine gunner on the helicopter stopped firing for two or three seconds, and then adjusted the muzzle to continue chasing and killing.

Long Zhan judged that it was a "pseudo-heavy machine gun" from the point of impact and the sound of firing.

When the 12.7mm "real" heavy machine gun fires, the gunshots are as loud as thunder, and the bullets hitting the car can collapse the car body.

If it is really chased by a helicopter with a 50-heavy machine gun, the cars on the bridge are equivalent to paper.

Doesn't work.

Long Zhan would never have any thoughts, and would obediently choose to jump off the bridge to save his life. Even if he was chased and shot by the marine police, it would be better than dying on the bridge.

But this helicopter is equipped with a "pseudo-heavy machine". The 7.62mm bullets are too lethal, and they can't even penetrate the plate on Long Zhan's chest.

In addition to carrying more bullets and stronger battery life, it has a better shooting range on the helicopter.

There is no difference between PKMS and AK47!
Long Zhan seized the advantages of the helicopter's heavy machine gun, quickly thought with reverse thinking, and quickly cracked and found a solution.

Dash forward and do a forward roll, ducking to the left of a truck full of muck.

The helicopter fired at the upper right of the bridge, and the bullets couldn't penetrate the muck inside the truck dump, and couldn't threaten Long Zhan who was hiding on the side.

The helicopter can only change an angle and fly directly above to continue chasing and killing.

There is no problem with this solution itself. It can make Long Zhan invisible at the top, and he can kill Long Zhan soon, and continue to go back to target Taylor and Sayu.

But what the helicopter pilot never expected was...

Long Zhan was different from Sayu who was hunted down by him before. The small gun in his hand did not pose any threat to the helicopter, so he could only be passively chased by the helicopter all the way.

Long Zhan has a big guy in his hands, enough to pose a threat to the helicopter.

So when the "underestimating the enemy" helicopter flew all the way from the side to the sky over the bridge, Long Zhan, who was hiding, suddenly took a step to the side and was actively exposed to the helicopter's field of vision.

The machine gunner on the helicopter turned the gun head and fired, holding the weapon to preview the Dragon War, but completed the attack one step ahead.

The M79 grenade launcher slammed and fired a slow but accurate grenade that hit the lower floor of the helicopter.

The powerful blasting and armor-piercing ability of the M433 stray bullet blasted a hole in the bottom plate.

The shock wave of the explosion spread to the whole body of the helicopter, shaking the helicopter violently, and the heavy machine gunner was almost thrown off by the helicopter.

The muzzle of the heavy machine gun that was originally aimed at Long Zhan, the aim was also passively messed up.

The shuttles that originally aimed at Long Zhan all shot in the direction of the bridgehead, frightening the policemen gathered at the bridgehead for a while and screaming at their fathers and mothers.

The helicopter pilot was so frightened that his heart was beating wildly that he quickly adjusted the unbalanced fuselage.

If it doesn't work well, the plane will crash.

Under the pilot's emergency avoidance operation, the helicopter with smoke on the floor flew over the bridge head, drew a large arc in the sky, and came to the sky above the bridge tail.

The fuselage, which had been shaken by the shock, finally stabilized again.

Just when the pilot broke out in a cold sweat and secretly praised his emergency rescue, he didn't expect that he was being targeted again.


It was Nicole who had been staring at it secretly for a long time, and finally found a good time to make a move.

The RPG rocket launcher is not a portable surface-to-air missile. It does not have the ability to track and turn after launch, and the speed of exiting the chamber is actually not fast.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for a bazooka to hit a helicopter at a distance of tens of meters.

Basically, you can only sneak attack within 30 meters.

Nicole was worried that if she shot rashly and missed, the helicopter would no longer have the chance to sneak attack if she was alarmed, so she kept holding back and didn't make a move.

Now the helicopter underestimated the enemy and fired a grenade next to Long Zhan, and foolishly ran to the muzzle of her gun, how could she miss such a good opportunity.

Without hesitation, aim and launch immediately.

"call out"

The rocket flew out with its wake, and after exceeding 50 meters, the engine started, and the slow flight speed suddenly accelerated, rushing straight to the helicopter in the sky.


The machine gunner on the side noticed the danger, and immediately yelled a warning in panic.

When the pilot heard the warning, he turned his head and looked, determined the location of the rocket and prepared to do an emergency maneuver to evade it, but it was too late.


The rocket hit the mid-end of the fin.

The high-temperature metal armor-piercing jet formed by the explosion easily penetrated the support in the middle of the tail and ignited the rear fuel tank of the Bell helicopter's 10 fuel tanks.

The second damage caused by the explosion of the fuel tank broke the helicopter in half from the middle.

Without the tail fin to balance the fuselage, the second half of the helicopter, which burst into flames, began to spin in the air and turned into a big top.

After flying wobbly for hundreds of meters, it plunged into the river with a splash of more than ten meters, and soon sank together with the man and the machine.


Seeing the helicopter being shot down, Colonel Whitebeard turned livid with anger.

In order to kill Long Zhan and his party as soon as possible, Colonel Whitebeard had to take out his old skills and set up his favorite sniper rifle.

The colonel is in a very good position now.

He found a building on the south bank of the bridge, climbed to the Tiantian Terrace above the fifth floor to find a commanding height, and the shooting range covered the entire bridge deck.

The HK SL8-1 rifle it brings, although it is a civilian version of the G36 rifle, has an effective range of 400 meters.

Coupled with the SR-8C of American Optical Company, it can be aimed at a rifle with 1~8 times magnification.

At the commanding height of the rifle on the roof, aiming at the bridge deck less than 300 meters away is enough to kill any person on the bridge.

The colonel's thoughts at this time were simple.

Since the helicopter failed to kill the thugs, he used the "sniper rifle" in his hand to clean up these enemies one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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