Chapter 661 Bad news! !

Long Zhan's money is still hidden in Afghanistan, and it is necessary to get the money back before laundering it.

I can't figure it out for a day or two!
Therefore, before that, Long Zhan needs to deal with a series of follow-up matters that occurred in rescuing Ove before he can go.

Send the Sayu family to the United States, and let Tucker take care of the arrangements there.

After helping Jasper a lot back and forth, Long Zhan also needs to fulfill his previous promise to get him and his wife to the United States.

During this period, it was inevitable to trouble the black fox again, and went to Mumbai to fight the landlord with her to express his gratitude.

Spend huge sums of money to invite members of the White Rose Mercenary Group, including the leader Nicole, to eat, drink and have fun, to establish a good relationship with the mercenary group in advance, and to prepare for the follow-up plan.

By the way, I also took advantage of the eating, drinking and having fun during this period to further consolidate and deepen the relationship with Nicole.

Try to take her down as soon as possible!

That is, during the period of mixing with the members of the mercenary group, Long Zhan accidentally learned the reason for Taylor's "sinking", so he got a new job.

Whenever he is free, he finds his old buddy Taylor to drink and reminisce, and use the happy time to secretly untie his knot.

After finishing this kind of miscellaneous things, more than a week has passed without knowing it, and it's time to get down to business.

The work of money laundering starts here.

The work done by mercenaries is usually more black work, and most of the money they receive is also black money.

In order to launder the money and use it for nothing, Nicole has been leading the White Rose Mercenary Group for so many years, and has long been familiar with the money laundering business.

Therefore, the whole process of laundering Long Zhan's money is much simpler than rescuing Ove.

In addition to going to Afghanistan to get the money back to India, because Afghanistan is an extremely unstable theater environment, the entire operation process is a bit complicated, and it took several days to get it done.

In order to ensure that there would be no accidents on the road, Long Zhan also specially called Taylor to go with him.

After the subsequent money arrived in India and was handed over to the money laundering organization, Long Zhan didn't need to worry about it at all.

In less than 24 hours, Long Zhan’s US dollars and Euros were converted together, equivalent to more than 900 million US dollars of black money, and they were laundered into legitimate funds with legal sources and well-documented records.

The method of money laundering is so magical that Long Zhan was taken aback.

The money laundering organization opened hundreds of different accounts for stock trading through the purchase of a large amount of personal information, unsealed the money that Long Zhan brought back from Afghanistan, and deposited a small amount of cash ranging from 1 to 5 in each account.

The money is invested in the stock market through traders, not seeking to make money but not to lose money. The continuous cycle of buying and selling makes the source of this money extremely complicated.

There is no trace of the outside world at all.

Then he also opened an account with Long Zhan's overseas account, and asked Long Zhan to deposit 100 million US dollars in it.

Then came the magic moment.

The money laundering company invested Long Zhan's 100 million US dollars, all of which were legal funds, in a junk stock that no one wanted and not many people paid attention to by means of agency financial management.

Buy 100 million US dollars at a very low price.

At this time, hundreds of accounts started to operate, and they kept buying this junk stock.

Everyone knows about stocks. If someone buys them, they will go up. Hundreds of accounts have tens of millions of dollars, which is enough to pull up junk stocks.

When this junk stock has risen nearly 10 times, it begins to approach the limit of this stock.

The money laundering company began to sell Longzhan's shares, starting from the highest point of one or two yuan, until it fell to the original point, and kept selling from the beginning to the end.

Long Zhan's investment of 100 million US dollars, after deducting various handling fees and commissions from money laundering companies, turned into 800 million US dollars in one day.

All the stocks in Long Zhan's hands were sold, and the stocks of the hundreds of accounts that entered the market later remained unchanged and became worthless.

Everyone lost everything.

It looks like the leeks were cut by the banker, but it is actually a scene played by the money laundering company, changing one's own money from the left hand to the right hand.

What could not have been used in the first place became legitimate income.

Because the intention of the money laundering company is unknown, the trading speed is very fast, and the ups and downs are completed within a day, and outsiders can't even notice it.

This time, money laundering worth nearly tens of millions of dollars did not attract the attention of any law enforcement agencies.

Long Zhan saw this miraculous operation, and saw that the extra 700 million in the account was legally used to earn income from stock speculation, so he had to sigh——

"Professional is different!"

After the money was laundered, the process went very smoothly, and Nicole was a real person who kept her word. She said she didn't want Long Zhan's intermediary fee, but she didn't care that Long Zhan asked for a dime.

Including the money fraudulently obtained from the old Ma Hajan, Long Zhan's account has reached as high as 2200 million in the past half a month.

It took more than 2000 million in half a month, and it was in US dollars.

have to say.

The speed at which Long Zhan made money was already terrifying.

Although it cannot be compared with the world's top 500 companies, such giants that earn tens of billions or hundreds of billions a year, they have already surpassed the average medium and large companies.

of course.

It can only be counted for half a month, and it will not work on a yearly basis.

After all, there are not many opportunities for such a big drug lord who can blackmail and control a country's drugs, so that he has to do bloodletting, and it is impossible for Long Zhan to meet him all the time.

It's amazing to meet once or twice a year.

The long-delayed matter of money laundering was finally completed. Long Zhan's trip to South Asia finally came to an end and he began his journey back to the United States.

Originally, Long Zhan asked Taylor to go with him to help him develop the company and make the company bigger and stronger together.

However, after saving the country through the curve of Long Zhan, Taylor is no longer so guilty about his son's death, but there are still hurdles in his heart.

He chose to return to Australia to spend some time with his son.

Taylor insisted on going back to "guard the tomb", which was the last farewell to his son. Long Zhan couldn't keep him, so he could only bid farewell to Nicole and the members of the White Rose Mercenary Corps, and boarded the flight to the United States alone.

After more than ten hours of flight, we arrived at Salt Lake City International Airport smoothly.

In the half month since Long Zhan left the company, the company's external business contracting has not changed much, and it is basically developing according to the route arranged by Long Zhan.

However, the headquarters base has undergone a 180-degree change, from deserted to bustling.

Under the full operation of Tucker, the company's latest series of new training courses, such as "IDPA ​​(International Defense Pistol Training)", "IPSC (International Practical Shooting Training)", etc., can strengthen shooting skills, and you can also participate in Professional courses for competitions.

Because they are all retired special forces as instructors, they have gained a lot of fame in the circle, and there is an endless stream of customers who come to apply for membership.

It was also through the gimmick of special forces that the "wargame club" officially organized by Giant God Company quickly developed to hundreds of members.

These customers who have already applied for membership often bring their friends to play live CS, field games, survival simulation competitions and other games together.

Among them, the most famous project is undoubtedly organized by the club. It will only be held every weekend. It can allow 100 people to participate at the same time. It is a real large-scale war simulation competition for 100 people.

In fact, it is the live-action version of eating chicken!

Affected by the global popularity of chicken eating games, the weekly real chicken eating competition held by the club attracts thousands of people every weekend, and the entire collective base is like a concert venue.

Because Jushen Company specializes in game planning, sideline referees, instructor training, and its signature large-scale real chicken eating competitions and so on.

Customers brought by friends to play for the first time, basically as long as they play one or two games in the base, 1% of them will become new members of the club.

One with one, word of mouth, more and more registered members.

Originally, it was only used as a sideline business to attract individual customers. Because the business has become more and more prosperous, it has become the bulk of the company's income.

The regular membership fee is US$998 per quarter, the senior membership fee is US$1998 per quarter, the VIP membership fee is US$3998 per quarter, and the super VIP membership fee is US$9999 per quarter.

Not to mention the money earned from coming to the club to eat, drink and live, and buying various equipment, the company has already earned more than 100 million yuan from the purely earned membership fees.

Developing more than 500 members in less than three weeks is simply more terrifying than absorbing members through MLM.

The development of the company's side business is so booming, which Long Zhan never expected. According to this progress, it will take less than two months.

This base, which covers an area of ​​800 mu, will definitely not be able to accommodate the skyrocketing number of members.

At that time, in order to solve the problem of insufficient space, there are only two ways to go, either to expand the base, or to find a new base.

And no matter which way you go, you need a huge amount of capital investment.

Although the company's business is expanding under the boom, this kind of investment is a benign investment. The more you invest now, the more you will earn later.

But as far as the current time period is concerned, Dragon Diamond is under even greater pressure to make money.

What is hard but happy?

Maybe this is it!
Long Zhan made more than 2000 million yuan from this trip, which can just relieve his current elation.

The high-level executives of companies such as Tucker and Starscream were convened, and after two days of discussions in the conference room, important measures for future development were finally determined.

For the better development of the company in the future, we must try to separate the individual business from the group business.

To achieve this, two things need to be done.

The first is to find a way to expand the headquarters base, that is, to find a way to buy other land around the current headquarters base and expand the territory of the headquarters base.

Only in this way can clubs with booming development be satisfied and more venues can be provided to customers.

The second is to go to other places, find another piece of land with a suitable location, and build a brand new professional military training center.

This base is specially provided for the training of military and police personnel, and can also undertake large-scale production contracting contracts of the army.

The 2200 million US dollars obtained by Long Zhan, plus the remaining 1000 million US dollars in the company's account, add up to nearly 4000 million US dollars.

Expanding the existing headquarters base is not a big problem, but building a new large-scale training center is a bit difficult to do both.

At present, we can only take one step at a time, fill in the money we earn and develop slowly.

The rest can only rely on Long Zhan to figure out a solution.

Starscream knew that the company was in urgent need of money, so after fighting Long Zhan at night after the newlyweds fought Landlord, he lay in Long's arms and brought up the old saying again.

As long as Long Zhan nods, within a week, Starscream will bring Long Zhan 2000 million US dollars.

Starscream was kind, but was rejected by Long Zhan.

The reason is still the same!
Although Starscream felt a little uncomfortable, he could understand the cold war's approach.

After all, just a few days ago, because the official club of Jushen Company was booming, the number of members was increasing sharply every day, which attracted the attention of outside investors.

An investment company found Tucker and expressed willingness to invest 3000 million U.S. dollars, as long as it holds 49% of Jushen's shares.

Tucker knew that Long Zhan would not agree, so he refused without hesitation.

The investment company did not give up on this, they were very optimistic about the company Longzhan, they kept increasing the price all the way, and finally raised it to 5000 million US dollars.

Some people are willing to pay 2000 million to buy half of the company that was acquired more than 5000 million yuan more than a month ago.

It has more than quadrupled.

Most people will not say no.

However, when Tucker called Long Zhan, the reply he got was a flat refusal.

Let alone 5000 million to buy 49% of the shares, even if it is to buy 4.9% of the shares, it will not work, and refuse any capitalist vampire's hand to enter the company.

Long Zhan knows very well that in business, he cannot compete with capitalists who formulate various business rules.

Once the capitalists are allowed to enter the company smoothly, the direction of the company will no longer be controlled by the founders, and the capitalists have many ways to plunder.

If you want to avoid your own company running well, one day it will suddenly no longer be your own, and the founder will be excluded instead.

The best way is to refuse, to refuse any capital injection.

none of them!

The goal of Long Zhan is unswerving, either set foot on the top of the world, or die on the road, and will never be shaken by the huge benefits in front of him.


To determine the company's next development direction, Long Zhan stayed in the company for another two days.

During these two days, he has deeply integrated into all aspects of the company, and even joined various game competitions of the company as a customer.

Long Zhan's perfect performance in games and competitions has attracted a wave of fans for him.

Indirectly added heat to the company.

Sayu, Jasper and their families, Long Zhan also arranged suitable jobs for them based on actual needs during these two days.

Familiarize yourself with the PMC in the headquarters base first, and then mobilize them when there are new tasks.

After two days of in-depth research into the bottom of the company, Long Zhan, according to the plan he made at the beginning, needs to take on as many tasks as possible to make money in the remaining month or so.

But before Long Zhan had time to contact Kobe, he suddenly heard a bad news.

Stella is injured and is being treated in the hospital.

It wasn't Stella who called, but the police from the Beach City Police Department. They don't know exactly what happened, and they are actively investigating.

Because in Stella's address book, there is a phone number that is very intimate. I thought it was Stella's relatives, so I called.

Long Zhan didn't explode when he heard the news, nor did he yell in a hurry.

But very calm.

Calm to scary!
Just replied with a few simple words: "Well, yes, I see."

At one point, the policeman who called thought he had made a mistake, but just called Stara's ordinary friend, so he found another number and called again.

On the other hand, Long Zhan, who was as calm as an outsider on the phone, strode away from the company the second he hung up the phone.

After driving all the way and snatching several red lights, I came to a private airline company, spent a lot of money to charter a private jet and went straight to the beach city.

(End of this chapter)

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