The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 662 "Quick Chase 1"

Chapter 662 "Quick Chase 1"

Long Zhan received a call near 5:2000 in the morning, and arrived in Virginia Beach at noon. It took less than [-] hours to cover more than [-] kilometers, and the advantages of private jets were vividly demonstrated.

I got out of the airport and called an express car, and rushed all the way to the hospital without stopping.

Stella has already undergone the operation and has woken up.

Not long after waking up, she saw Long Zhan, which made Stella very happy, her heart felt warm, and her complexion improved a lot in an instant.

If it wasn't for the fact that the wound had just been sutured and he couldn't move his hands, he would have happily jumped on Long Zhan, hugging Long Zhan's neck and turning around a few times.

Seeing that Stella was out of danger, Long Zhan felt relieved.

Because the police thought they had made a wrong call before, they made many follow-up calls and informed Stella's immediate family members.

Although Stella's parents are still on their way, many relatives and friends have already come.

It was a bit inconvenient for Long Zhan on this occasion, and he made too many intimate gestures that he would do without restraint when only the two of them were together on weekdays.

He could only clarify the matter first and ask Stella what happened.

Naturally, Stella would not hide anything from Long Zhan, and restored the whole incident in detail.

Even with Long Zhan by her side at this moment, when Stella talked about the scene that happened last night, she still felt terrified and fearful.

In fact, it is indeed very dangerous, life and death are just a second or two away.

The reason was that when Stara got up to go to the toilet in the early hours of the morning, she accidentally heard a strange noise coming from the Wick's house next door, as if something had fallen on the ground.

It was also mixed with the sound of people screaming in pain and falling down the stairs.

Stella was originally a warm-hearted woman, and Long Zhan and Wick became friends, and Wick took good care of Stella on weekdays.

When I have free time, I will help to rest the lawn, clean up the swimming pool and so on.

Stella thought that Wick lived alone on weekdays, and her beloved wife had just died not long ago. She was worried that something would happen, so she thought of going to have a look out of good intentions.

As a result, just as Stella walked out the door, she heard the screaming of the puppy and the pounding of the stick.

Soon the screaming of the puppy disappeared, and the sound of the stick hitting also disappeared.

If the sound of objects falling before just made Stella a little worried, then the screaming of the puppy now made Stella vigilant.

Not to mention the neighbor Stella, looking at the entire villa area, everyone knows how much Wick loves Daisy.

For the puppy that his late wife specially left him to comfort his wounded heart, Wick usually kept it in his mouth for fear of melting, and held it in his hand for fear of breaking.

No baby!
It is impossible to beat the puppy Daisy, let alone beat the puppy until it screams.

Based on this information, Stella was 100% sure that Mr. John's house must have been in danger, and there was a high probability that a thief broke into the house illegally in the dead of night.

Due to the widening gap, the number of test homeless people continues to increase. They sneak into the house at night to steal things, and even enter the house with a gun to rob. This kind of thing happens very frequently in the United States.

Especially the rich villa area!
Stella realized that there was an illegal intrusion, so she rationally didn't rush over to try to help, knowing that she was limited as a woman.

I chose the smartest thing to do, pulled out my cell phone and called 911 immediately.

As a result, before the call was made, the garage door of John's house suddenly opened.

On weekdays, John Wick's baby is not good, except for the puppy Daisy, the most cherished baby-the 1969 Ford Mustang sedan, poured out of the garage.

Stella saw three completely strange men through the open car window.

John Wick usually lived a relatively lonely life. Stella had never seen him take his friends home to play with me, let alone drive his most precious car out in the middle of the night without Wick showing up.

"Car thief!!"

This was Stella's first thought, and she turned around and ran home the next second, not forgetting to report the situation to the 911 operator.

It was this decisive turning around and running home that saved Stella's life.

Stella saw these three men, and these three men also saw Stella.

Seeing that the incident was exposed and seen by other people, and this person was still on the phone, it seemed that he was calling the police, and the three people in the car immediately had fierce eyes.

Except for one of them who continued to reverse the car and parked the car on the road, he had escaped.

The other two immediately opened the car door and chased Stella back home.

One was holding a baseball bat stained with blood, and the other took out a pistol and loaded it. Once Stella was caught, the ending would definitely be miserable.

Fortunately, seeing that the situation was not good, Stella started to escape one step ahead.

The two men who came out of the car climbed over the lawn fence. Stella was already very close to the gate of the villa, and she could enter the house after a few steps.

Seeing that he could not catch up, the man with the gun picked up the gun and fired at Stella.


One shot hit.

Stella was shot on the left side of the back, lost her balance and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the direction of the fall was towards the door, and she fell into the door fortunately.

Realizing that the thugs must not be allowed in, Stella got up enduring the severe pain, and quickly closed the door.

Then Bian struggled on the phone, ran all the way into the bedroom and locked the door behind him.

Stella passed out as soon as she entered the bedroom. Stella didn't know what happened next, and she was already in the hospital when she woke up.

The doctor has finished the operation and removed the bullet.

After hearing Stella's dangerous and dangerous description, Long Zhan couldn't help but sweat for Stella, and it was a blessing among misfortunes that he was shot and missed the vital point.

And through what Stella said, Long Zhan can basically guess what's going on.

It must be that John Wick's favorite dog was killed, his favorite classic car was robbed, and the plot of "Quick Chase 1" was triggered.

Stella was pure unlucky.

Woke up at a time when he shouldn't have woken up, because he was too kind-hearted to care about his neighbors, he entered the plot and suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

Long Zhan knew that this moment would happen, and he did various preventive work in advance.

Including but not limited to strengthening the security system of the villa, several sets of surveillance cameras were added, and all doors and windows of the villa were reinforced against riots.

The thugs without special demolition equipment could not break through in a short time.

The reason why the two men who chased and killed Stella failed to continue to hurt Stella.

Long Zhan guessed that they couldn't open the doors and windows, and they didn't bring demolition tools when they came, and they knew that Stella called 911 to call the police.

As a last resort, he had to give up and slip away in Wick's baby car.

After figuring out the origin of the matter, I thought that it would be fine for these gangsters to provoke Wick, the king of hell, but they dared to provoke the woman of Long Zhan.

There was an unknown fire in Long Zhan's heart, and the killing intent in his heart surged up.

(End of this chapter)

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