The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 672 I Saved Your Life

Chapter 672 I Saved Your Life

The gangster gunmen all use the Surefire style. The flashlight in front of the muzzle is always on, and the light will shine wherever they go.

The advantage is that it can improve their vision, but the disadvantage is that their position will always be exposed.

For Long Zhan, it is tantamount to "guiding light".

Long Zhan encountered three gangster gunmen head-on, and it was easy to judge their precise positions through the guiding lights, and the distance was too close to be suitable for pulling away.

Simply do not retreat but advance forward, quickly shortening the distance between each other.

The moment he got close to the first gunman, he grabbed the gunman with one arm in his left hand, pointed the muzzle towards the ceiling, and then bent over and stepped forward, hitting the first gunman's chest hard with his shoulder .

Relying on the absolute suppression of strength, he used the two-way force of lifting and pushing at the same time to force the shooter back uncontrollably.

In this way, the body of the first shooter can be used as a shield to block all shooting angles of the shooters behind.

It is also possible to forcibly push the shooter back, so that the body of the first shooter becomes a tool for the dragon battle and hits the second shooter behind him.

Because the force of Long Zhan's impact was too great, the huge force made the second gunman unable to stabilize his figure.

The indoor corridor is only so wide, the second shooter who was hit also staggered back, and would bump into the third shooter at the back.

The third gunman was unable to effectively shoot Long Zhan because he was holding his own people in his arms.

Long Zhan controls the gangster gunman with one hand, forcibly suppressing him with his strength and retreating back is "defense", and the remaining right hand takes over all the attacking tasks.

The muzzle of the gun was pressed against the abdomen of the first gunman, and the trigger was pulled while pushing forward.

"Chirp chirp~"

Three consecutive shots, all hit the chest and abdomen.

After confirming that the first gunman had no ability to fight back, Long Zhan stepped back, raised his big foot and kicked hard on the chest of the first gunman.

The strength of Long Zhan's foot is very strong, at least hundreds of kilograms of impact force,
The first gunman was kicked back directly, and hit hard on the second and third gunmen who had just stabilized their bodies, knocking them both to the ground.

The three fell to the ground and huddled together, you pressed me, I pressed you, and they couldn't get up for a while.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Long Zhan turned on the tactical flashlight and started the ruthless killing.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp... click!"

The silenced M9 single-shot fires at a very fast pace, and every shot hits the gangster's vitals, and it doesn't stop until the magazine is emptied.

After confirming that the three gangster gunmen were too dead, Long Zhan turned off the tactical flashlight and dived into the darkness again.

While quickly replacing the pistol with a new magazine, he rushed towards the point where Wick should be where there were various collisions and fighting sounds.

Long Zhan killed three in a crushing manner here, and Wick's side was actually not inferior at all.

Because of the defensive shooting system, the left hand needs to juggle various tasks, so there is no way to use the tactical flashlight.

Wick is fully integrated into the darkness, which makes him more concealed in battle.

On the other hand, these gangster gunmen who touched the close quarters have never learned CQB combat at all, let alone what low-light tactics are.

They all foolishly run around with their electric lights on, so as not to be too conspicuous in the dark.

Wick didn't use a flashlight to hide in the dark, so he could use the flashlight light to determine the exact location of the enemy in advance without much effort.

Under the premise of having such a first-hand advantage, combined with Wick's assault killer's sturdy melee ability, it is simply a hand in hand to deal with these gangster gunmen.

Don't take it too easy!
Kill one shooter across the glass curtain wall of the hall, suddenly fall to the ground and show up to kill one, and go around to the back to kill two in a row with a set of handsome operations.

In just a few minutes of fighting, Wick killed as many gunmen as Dragon War.

It seems to be killing more than anyone else in the air.

Wick killed a lot of people, but after all, bullets are limited.

He didn't have time to lick the bag like Long Zhan, disassemble the pistol for inspection before using it, so after killing the eighth gang member, the only magazine was emptied.

The most terrible thing is that Wick's gun is out of bullets, but there are still two gunmen who came over and haven't killed them.

The two gunmen were much smarter than the previous ones. Wick saw the light of the flashlight appearing next door through the door, but the flashlight disappeared soon after it was turned off.

Apparently the two gunmen realized that their flashlights had been killing them.

There is a wall between the two sides, and two smarter gunmen may rush over at any time, and Wick knows that his situation is very dangerous.

The gun in his hand is out of bullets, and the guns of other gunmen have fallen too far, and it is too risky to run to get them.

He simply changed into a dagger, ready to fight in close combat.

Wick squatted and leaned against the corner of the wall, ready to wait for the two gunmen to touch them, and take the opportunity to rush out and kill them with a dagger.

As a result, the gangster gunman next door thought the same thing, bent over from the corner, and came face to face with Wick.

With sharp eyesight and quick hands, Wick reached forward with his left hand, grabbed the gangster's wrist, and forcibly pulled his muzzle out to prevent him from shooting himself.

The gangster's reaction was also quick, and he grabbed Wick's right hand holding the knife.

He even tried to hit Wick's nose with his head. Fortunately, Wick's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he avoided the fatal blow with a tilt of his head.

Just use this set of offensive and defensive reactions of the gangster shooter, and put it at the proper boss level in the game.

Mutual control has been formed between the two sides, and neither weapon can cause damage to the other party. On the surface, it seems to be evenly matched, but in fact it is extremely unfavorable to Wick.

To know.

There is also a gangster gunman behind the wall, who can run out to support in less than two seconds. If Wick is under control, he is likely to be killed.

The other gunman was indeed not idle. When Wick and the gunman were strolling together, he also appeared by the wall.

While his accomplice was in a stalemate with Wick, he was about to aim the gun at Wick's head.

When he aimed his gun at Wick, Wick would be dead.

Just at this critical moment.


The silenced gun went off.

Wick's heart twitched, thinking that the gangster gunman had opened fire, but he didn't feel any pain, and his body didn't feel any strange.

He raised his head and looked towards the opposite side, pointing his gun at his gangster shooter, who was falling to the ground instead.

"I saved your life, man."

Hearing the familiar voice from not far behind, Wick, who was still puzzled, reflected, and the only trace of worry was completely dissipated.

On the other hand, the gangster gunman who was fighting with Wick was able to see the huge shadow in the darkness from an angle, trembling all over his body and feeling terrified.

Right now, this Wick can't handle it, and there is another two-meter-tall guy, how can he play this shit?
The gangster shooter panicked.

Realizing that the only possibility of survival is to get rid of Wick in front of him as soon as possible, and then use a gun to kill the big guy who comes out.

Otherwise, when this big guy came over, three of him would not be enough for others to fight.

The gangster gunman began to desperately try to survive, and Wick, for the sake of face, did not intend to continue to waste.

"Thanks, I'll get it done soon."

Wick was competing with the gunman, and it was difficult to hold back his voice.

Wick was about to take care of the gunman, but he didn't expect a gust of wind to blow past him, and then his hand became lighter.

(End of this chapter)

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