The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 673 Professional "scavenger"!

Chapter 673 Professional "scavenger"!
The gangster gunman who was originally controlling his knife-holding hand, who had been fighting with him, suddenly dropped his hand and flew backwards.

less than a second...


There was a crashing sound like a lightning strike, even mixed with the sound of bones breaking.

Long Zhan's big left hand grabbed his entire face and forcibly dragged the gangster gunman, who flew out, slamming his head on the opposite wall.

Not only were the handicrafts hanging on the wall broken, but even the wall was pitted in the collision, with cracks around it.

Can be imagined.

How terrifying is the blow of Long Zhan, how miserable the back of the gangster's head is.

"You have to pay for the decoration."

After witnessing this super abnormal and violent scene, Wick had nothing to say about the strength of Long Zhan, and he said a rare cold humor.

"I don't think this hole needs to be repaired. It's good to keep it as a wall decoration."

Long Zhan threw the shooter, who had softened into a puddle of mud, with the back of his head sunken, on the ground, and replied with a very cold joke.

"Maybe, I'll take your suggestion."

John Wick put away the dagger again, picked up a Glock 17 pistol from the ground, and while checking it quickly, he said: "Check it out, give me the upper floor, and give you the lower floor, OK?"

"no problem."

Long Zhan nodded in acceptance.

Replaced with a new full magazine, and began to investigate whether there were any remaining gangster gunmen.

The two had just checked the villa up and down, and they hadn't had time to take a drink of water to catch their breath, and there was no time to deal with the corpses all over the floor.

The blue-green lights were far and near, and finally stopped outside the villa.

"Ding dong, ding dong."

The doorbell of the villa's gate was extremely loud in this dark villa.

"The police are here, you stay inside, and let me deal with the outside."

Wick is very experienced in dealing with this aspect, and told Long Zhan not to show up to avoid unnecessary trouble, and strode towards the gate of the villa.

Put the hand holding the gun behind your back to make sure you can shoot immediately if there is a problem, and open the door halfway with your left hand.

Seeing that the policeman outside was a familiar face, Wick moved his finger on the trigger and greeted in a very relaxed tone: "Good evening, Jimmy, is there anyone complaining about the noise?"

"Yes, noise complaint."

The policeman obviously knew Wick, and his expression was serious but not hostile, nor frightened, but consciously cooperated with Wick's lies.

After all, even if the door is only half open, Police Jimmy can still see the dead bodies all over the house.

Seeing Jimmy staring at the corpse in the house, Wick didn't give any explanation, still blocked the door and didn't move, staring at Jimmy in front of him.

I don't know if I was frightened by so many corpses, or I couldn't hold up Wick's killer eyes.

Jimmy felt a little hot for no reason. He couldn't help taking off his hat and loosening the neckline of his tie a little. He took a deep breath and asked, "Are you back to your old job?"

As soon as this sentence was asked, it was completely confirmed that Jimmy and Wick were old acquaintances.

"No, just tidy up something." Wick opened his eyes and said nonsense, his face not red and his heart beating.

"Okay, I heard that you lost your car recently, and you really need to tidy it up. Then you can deal with it, and I won't bother you."

After Jimmy finished speaking, he turned and left without leaving the water.

"Good night, Jimmy."

Wick said hello and was about to close the door. Jimmy turned around and reminded: "Don't make too much noise, it's a good thing for you and me."

"Of course." Wick was noncommittal.

Jimmy didn't say anything more, he made a Goodbye gesture, turned around and walked back to the police car, and told the other police officers to get in the car and leave.

Long Zhan witnessed the whole process in the house, saw that Wick sent the police away so easily, and gained a new understanding of Wick.

Just because of his connections in the police, he is completely worthy of his title of night devil.

Sending the police away is the beginning, and the way Wick handles these corpses next shows one of the biggest characteristics of the killer field.

A mysterious private phone call made, and a dinner reservation for 16 people was made.

This is jargon!

The professional "scavenger team" makes its grand debut.

A black professional waste disposal vehicle, led by a 70-[-]-year-old man with completely white hair, brought seven or eight strong men with mops, rags, buckets, detergents and other tools.

The tool is professional and the speed is fast.

The corpse of the gangster gunman was wrapped in plastic film to prevent blood from flowing out, and a layer of plastic wrap was placed outside to "keep fresh" to prevent the rancid smell from escaping.

Then they are uniformly transported to the waste disposal vehicle and transported to a professional place for non-trace destruction.

The blood splashed on the wall and flowing on the ground was all cleaned up with professional cleaning agents, even if it was not illuminated with a purple light afterwards.

Bullets, bullet casings, guns brought by gangsters, even broken glass and various debris, etc.

Exactly big and small, all packed and taken away.

No matter who you kill or why you kill these people, as long as you pay enough, I will help you clean up the battle scene, and professional scavengers will not even leave fingerprints.

Long Zhan had heard about it through many channels, but it was the first time that he had actually come into contact with it.

I wanted to make friends with this group of professional scavengers, so I could call them to deal with any mess in the future, so I took the initiative to ask the old man for his contact information, and even asked for Wick, but in the end it was unsuccessful.

the reason is simple.

This scavenger team has a special way of charging. They only accept killer gold coins as the settlement fee, and they do not accept cash or transfers.

Long Zhan didn't join the killer organization, so it was impossible to own killer gold coins.

It is because of this unchangeable reason that even if there is a call from the scavenger team of Long Zhan, they cannot be hired to do anything.

This matter can only be left alone!


new York.

Viggo, who couldn't sleep all night, slumped on the sofa with a dejected look on his face.

All the 16 strongest elites in the gang were sent out to assassinate Wick, but in the end, they didn't even have a splash, and Wick took it all in one go.

This result made Wick unacceptable, but he had to face reality.

The strongest elites under his command are useless, and the remaining ordinary members of the Russian gang are sent there, which must be no different from sending them to death.

Just waiting for Shashen Miemo to come over and watch his son be killed.

Vigo couldn't accept it even more!
In order to be able to kill Wick and keep his son, Vigo had to call his confidants and release the last trick.

First, a $200 million assassination reward was offered, attracting killers from all walks of life to hunt down Wick.

Then he used a tactic of not wanting the child to be caught by the wolf, deliberately exposing the information of his son Yousef in the Red Circle Club, and leading Wick and the killers who received a reward for killing Wick to the Red Circle Club.

The Red Circle Club is the old lair of the Russian side, with a large number of gangsters, plus the killers who receive rewards, it can be called a super dungeon.

Created a "trap" with hell-level difficulty, so I don't think it's safe.

In order to ensure that there are no accidents, Vigo also personally went to the home of Marcus, an acquaintance of Wick who is also a top killer, and invited Marcus to kill Wick.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.

Vigo believes that as long as Marcus makes a move, with Marcus's high degree of familiarity with Wick's behavior style, he will be able to kill Wick.

After hearing Vigo's invitation, Marcus replied without hesitation.

"I will handle it!"

(End of this chapter)

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