The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 686 3-Angle Spear-Holding

Chapter 686
In order to prevent Long Zhan from coming to support Wick and complete the order of "kill Wick" issued by his boss Vigo, Kirill didn't care about the morals of the world.

The pistol is facing the dragon war, ready to engage in black guns.


One shot past.

As expected of a boss-level existence, Kirill hit Long Zhan's back and right shoulder blade with one shot, causing Long Zhan who was rushing forward to stagger.

I almost failed to stand still, and the dog gnawed shit and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the bulletproof vest successfully blocked it again. If he didn't wear the bulletproof vest, even if the angle wasn't fatal to Long Zhan, he would definitely be injured.

It is a very dangerous signal to be injured when there are many enemies with few enemies.

"Fuck, play dirty."

Long Zhan was shot and furious, and immediately began to evade and move.

It's not that Long Zhan doesn't want to launch a counterattack immediately, but in this situation where the enemy is attacking his back, finding cover first is the correct choice.

If your brain is hot and you just want to take revenge, and turn around to find the enemy's location, you might really die.

Since the enemy can hit your first shot, if you don't move quickly to find cover, the enemy will definitely be able to hit the second shot, the third shot, or even more shots.

Until you turn into a corpse!
"What a quick reaction. How did this bastard come out? He's more difficult than John Wick."

Kirill was amazed by Long Zhan's adaptability, decisive awareness of crisis judgment, and even more shocked by Long Zhan's background. He knew that a person with such outstanding skills must come from an unusual background, and the pressure in his heart became heavier.

In order to eliminate the threat of Long Zhan in time, Kirill ignored the customers who would accidentally injure and escape, and chased Long Zhan and launched a series of burst shots.

The customers who were shot fell to the ground one after another, and no matter how loud the music was, they couldn't cover up the terrified screams.

However, the customer was overturned a lot, but he didn't hit a single shot in the dragon battle he wanted to fight.

The reason why the first shot was able to successfully hit Long Zhan was entirely due to a sneak attack. Now that Long Zhan had reacted and consciously evaded, it would not be so easy to hit Long Zhan.

You must know that Long Zhan is a "super veteran" who has spent more than 10 years in two lifetimes in the rain of guns and bullets.

How to dodge bullets.

He does it better than anyone.

Kirill couldn't hit Long Zhan no matter how he fought. The more he hit his heart, the more anxious his guns drifted, the more he couldn't hit him. In the end, he could only watch Long Zhan enter the private room.


Missing the great opportunity to kill Long Zhan, Kirill yelled furiously. Fortunately, he was able to take the position of the club's security boss, and his sanity was not lost.

He immediately used the walkie-talkie to announce the order, and asked the security guards near the No. 15 private room to go over and intercept Long Zhan immediately.

At the same time, he decided to go out on his own.

Since there is no way to deal with the big dragon battle, try to kill Wick who has rushed up before the two meet, the effect is the same.

Kirill thought so, and he did so.

Relying on his familiarity with the circle of balconies above the stage, the designer sent two men to attract Wick in front, and he hid on the side for a sneak attack.

Wick didn't know that someone was setting up a trap, and he was still hanging behind Yousef to hunt down.

Seeing that Yousef had passed through the entire balcony, and the door at the end of the passage was about to disappear from view, Wick's battle was inevitably more eager, and he didn't have time to check the passing environment one by one.

Using the re-switched defensive shooting system, he killed the two red shirt security guards blocking the way, and Wick was about to speed up and run towards the door at the end of the passage.

As a result, he straightened up and didn't take two steps, when two gunshots came from behind him.

Wick's back and waist were in severe pain at the same time, and the nerve reaction caused caused his legs to twitch, and he fell forward to the ground in the posture of a dog chewing shit.

The bullets on the back were blocked by the body armor, but the waist was not protected by the body armor.

This is the disadvantage of light body armor.

Bright red blood flowed from the back waist, dyeing the white shirt red.

Seeing the successful sneak attack, Kirill was overjoyed. He wanted to shoot again and found that after Wick fell down, the table blocked his view, and the frightened customers running around also formed interference, which prevented him from shooting the fallen Wick from a good angle.

I had to angrily push away the customers who came running, and quickly approached Wick with guns in both hands to replenish the guns.

Wick is indeed a top tough guy, it only took five or six seconds to recover from being shot, and he rolled and hid behind the pillar on the spot.

It is safe for the time being to avoid being approached by Kinnier to fill up the gun.

One hider is not Wick's style, but when he was ready to shoot, he found that the slide was empty and the magazine was empty.

Lifting the hem of the suit and looking at the belt, he found that the belt magazine bag, which was originally full of magazines, was empty and there was no magazine left.


A group of people were shot in the waist, and the pistol had no bullets. The bad luck gathered together. Wick was so angry that he threw the gun to the ground.

Wick chased and killed all the way, and he can't remember how many security guards he killed.

And killing requires consumption.

Not to mention that the main weapon P30L has no available magazines, even the secondary weapon Glock 26 has been turned off long ago, and even the switchblade used for melee combat, it is unknown where it fell out of the knife holder during the fight.

Now that he has no weapons all over his body, Wick can only choose to take the risk and grab the enemy's weapons to use.

After Kirill pushed through the crowd, he found that Wick, who had fallen to the ground, had disappeared. He was a little anxious not knowing where Wick had gone, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace to catch up.

Kinier is a standard triangle gun method, that is, the arms are stretched forward, and the feet are slightly bent forward.

This kind of gun-holding posture is used by the police more often. It has certain advantages in shooting stability, and it is not very flexible. It is also its shortcoming.

The police don't need to fight CQB with the thugs, there is nothing wrong with using the triangle gun method.

But Kirill is a poor choice here.

When he moved forward with the sniper rifle, his head popped up before the gun appeared in his eyes. Wick, who was hiding behind the pillar, rushed out at the right time.

With quick and steady strikes with both hands, he grabbed Kirill's pistol in one go.

On a pistol, there are four hands.

Kirill definitely didn't want to give up his pistol ownership, and Wick didn't want him to break free and hit him with a gun. The muzzle of the gun was forcibly pushed upside down by the two.

The hands of the two could not be free, and the heads and feet of the two became the point of attack.

You hit my nose hard with your head, I hit your crotch with my knee, you push forward, I fall to the right, you trip me with your feet, and I kick you with my legs.

The two big men refused to accept each other, and their moves were all ruthless moves that killed people. They rolled together and fought close to each other.

Kirill is a new force who has just joined the battle. He can become the head of security at the Red Circle Club, so he is naturally a top fighter in fighting.

And Wick fought all the way up from the basement. After fighting for more than ten minutes, Geely was seriously exhausted. The most important thing was that he was shot in the waist, which made him further weak, and his combat effectiveness was less than half of his peak.

The most important point...

There are also a large number of Russian security guards around, who will come to support Kirill anytime and anywhere. The longer the hand-to-hand combat is, the more unfavorable it is for Wick.

Under this situation.

If Wick can't think of a good solution, or there is no external force to intervene, under normal circumstances, Wick must suffer in the end.

Not to mention continuing to hunt and kill Yousef, maybe I have to explain my life here.

(End of this chapter)

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