The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 687: The Top Dual Sniper Appears!

Chapter 687: The Top Dual Sniper Appears! (5000 word chapter)
Wick also knows that he is at a disadvantage and is not suitable for long-term entanglement with the enemy. Only by solving Kirill in the shortest time can he avoid capsizing in the gutter.

Therefore, the fighting movements are more aggressive, and the purpose of each move is very clear.

Since Kirill was unwilling to give up the pistol easily, Wick attacked this first, grabbing her hand and slamming it against the pillar.

Clap down a few times.

Kirill couldn't bear the impact on his fingers, and decisively chose to throw away the pistol to free his hands.

And then he kicked Wick on the stomach, and successfully broke free from Wick's shackles, and hammered Wick's face with his fist.

The left fist was blocked by Wick, and the right fist was tricky from bottom to top, hitting Wick on the left jaw.

Naturally, Wick would not let it go when he fell below, he gritted his teeth and rushed up to punch and kick Kirill, and finally managed to choke Kirill by the neck.

Forcibly pushing Kirill back, trying to push him to the edge of the balcony, over the fence and onto the dance floor below.

It turned out that Wick chose a bad angle.

There was a tall wine table beside the fence, which coincidentally touched Kirill's back.

As a result, Wick couldn't push Kirill down, no matter how hard he tried, he could only press Kirill firmly on the high table.

This is the end of the matter, there is no other way.

Wick could only press down with all his strength, trying to press Basel on the table and strangle him to death.

Wick's hands were very strong, and he pinched his neck with both hands, making it very difficult for Kirill to breathe. In just a few seconds, Kirill's face turned red from lack of oxygen.

Kirill didn't just sit still, struggling and trying his best to fight back.

Fumbling with both hands on the left and right, he was lucky enough to find a red wine bottle, and smashed it on Wick's head.

"Crack, clap!"

The red wine bottle shattered into slag, and the red wine and glass slag splashed.

Wick was a little dizzy from being hit by the wine bottle, but fortunately, the obsession to fight controlled his body, so that his hands were still tightly strangled around Kirill's neck.

Kirill saw that this was not going to work, and immediately came up with a more ruthless move.

With half a wine bottle that was so broken that only the neck of the bottle was left, it was pierced towards Wick's neck. The arm was not long enough, so it only pierced Wick's upper arm.

Wick gritted his teeth in pain and couldn't help humming, raised his right knee and pushed it up.


On Kirill's balls.

Kirill's flushed face was almost turned pale by the blow, and the anger in his heart was completely blown out.

Since it's useless to stick a wine bottle on your arm, I'm also stabbing your weakness——

Here comes a "Prick Your Waist"!
Kirill's hand holding the bottle changed its angle again, drew a semicircle in the air, and stabbed Wick's waist and kidney from the side.

The full soft body armor is at the waist, without any protective ability, it is only connected with a braided belt.

This piercing down, the damage is directly full.

Most people can't stand being scratched at the waist. Wick's waist and kidneys were pricked by a wine bottle, and the pain can be imagined.

Wick, who was able to hold on originally, was instantly discouraged by this prick.

Kirill took the opportunity to forcefully roll to the side, and successfully broke free from Wick's hands that locked his neck by taking advantage of the height difference when he rolled down from the table.

Wick was at the end of his strength at this time, unable to pursue Kirill's escape.

But Kirill was on top of the momentum at this time, and immediately turned from defense to offense after falling to the ground. He used ground combat techniques, grabbed Wick's crotch with his left hand, grabbed Wick's collar with his right hand, and pressed his shoulder against Wick's. abdomen.

With a low growl, he exerted his strength and lifted Wick up.
Wick's feet were off the ground and he lost his center of gravity. Coupled with the severe pain from the puncture in his waist, he was powerless to break free from Kirill's wrestling skills.

Kirill, who had successfully gained an absolute advantage, watched Wick stride towards the edge of the balcony fence.

The height of the fence is only less than one meter, and Kirill can easily throw Wick over it.

The balcony is nearly three meters high from the dance floor below. Falling from this height is not a child's play. If you are unlucky, you may break your neck and die on the spot.

Wick realized Kirill's intentions and wanted to break free and save himself.

However, there is not enough energy to spare.

Kirill only wanted to kill Wick, and the opportunity at the moment was so rare that he didn't hesitate, so he came to the balcony in two steps.

Looking at the dance floor under the balcony, Kirill seemed to have seen in advance the tragic death of Wick with a broken cervical spine.


Just when Kirill coordinated his efforts to throw Wick out from the balcony, he unexpectedly found that there was no way to throw it out.

No matter how hard he tried to throw it out, Wick, who was carrying him, did not move at all.

It was as if a rope was pulling Wick.

Kirill felt something was wrong, and wanted to figure out what was going on, so he immediately turned his head and looked behind him,

As a result, when he saw it, he straightened up.

A chill started from the appendix at the tip of the tail, went up the spine all the way to the top of the sky, and finally turned into a chill that made him sweat all over.

It turned out that at some point, Long Zhan, who was rampaging downstairs, had already come behind him.

At the critical moment of the life-and-death struggle with the enemy, when I turned around, I saw a two-meter-tall man smiling at me, who would be hairy all over.

Long Zhan walked like a ghost without making a sound, which frightened Kirill to death.

Realizing that there is Long Zhan pulling Wick, it is unrealistic to throw Wick down, and fighting with such a big man is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

No chance!

Kirill resolutely gave up his original idea, and didn't have the idea of ​​wrestling with Long Zhan with his bare hands. He leaned his body to the right and wanted to leave Wick and run away.

It was a wise choice indeed.

It's a pity that the strategy is wise, but it doesn't mean it will be effective.

Long Zhan's hand was always on Wick's belt, and he dragged Wick back easily with a tug and a pull, and took advantage of the opportunity to lift his foot and kicked him hard.

Before Kirill could run away, his butt firmly caught Long Zhan's big feet.

Long Zhan's violent attack was not so easy to bear. Kirill's buttocks were hit with a huge force, like being hit by a car, and the whole person flew out.


The balcony fence has collapsed.

Kirill, who bumped into his fence abruptly, was thrown out by Long Zhan's kick, drew an arc in the air, and landed heavily on the dance floor below.

Chest first landing is not the most deadly, but it is definitely the most uncomfortable.

The internal organs of the abdomen were squeezed, and the pain seemed to explode. Kirill, whose face was distorted, could only curl up and moan like a shrimp, and could no longer fight in a short time.

Long Zhan originally wanted to take the opportunity to kill Kirill, but he fought all the way up, the situation was similar to Wick's, and he had already run out of bullets.

Looking around, there are still many security guards in the club, and it will be very detrimental to the two of them to continue fighting.

It is even more irrational to jump off the balcony and chase Kirill.

In addition, Yousef had already escaped without a trace, so it was meaningless to stay here to fight, and killing more gangsters would not solve the problem.

Long Zhan made a decisive decision based on the situation.

Put Wick's left hand on his shoulder, and hold Wick's waistband in his right hand to help him walk. When the other security guards didn't keep up, he decisively led Wick to evacuate.

The jump floor was originally on the first floor with a balcony, and Long Zhan took Wick out of the club gate very quickly.

This time I walked through the front door!
After a fierce exchange of fire in the club for so long, Kirill, the head of security, went off the field himself and took action. The security guards who had been guarding the door were also sent in, and no one cared about Long Zhan when they came out.

"Drip drip..."

Just as Long Zhan helped Wick out of the gate, the cell phone in Wick's pocket rang.

Wick put his hand into his pocket and took it out. It was the mobile phone that he had walked by in the sauna room before. An anxious question came from it as soon as he connected it.

"Victor, where is your MD? I'm being hunted down by that bastard, come here quickly."

The caller was Yousef who just ran out of the club, got into the car driven by his younger brother to meet him, and left less than 500 meters away.

Wick just wanted to torture and kill Yousef, but he didn't expect to let the kid run away. He was annoyed and furious at first.

Now hearing Yusuf's voice, the fire in my heart became more violent.

"Victor has already been killed by me. He died a painful death. You will die next. You will die even more painfully. Don't think you can escape. There is a price to pay for everything, and no one can protect you."

After Wick finished speaking, he smashed the phone to the ground, and the broken phone seemed to represent his determination.

When Yousef heard that the number one brother had died, and dozens of security guards at the Red Circle Club failed to get Wick in, and issued a death warrant for him, his face instantly turned pale.

At this moment, he really regretted it, regretting that he shouldn't have messed with such a killing god.

It's a pity that things have come to this point, and regrets are useless.

The battle between them is not over, and only one side will survive in the end.

Vigo, who has been planning secretly all the time, learned that Wick had been tricked by him and broke into the Red Circle Club. In the end, he still failed to kill Wick, but lost dozens of his men.

Fortunately, thinking that there are still "two tricks" to come out, Vigo's mentality can be temporarily stabilized.


Thinking of another unexpected thing, another lunatic who attacked the Red Circle Club tonight, Viggo became extremely irritable again, but he was also helpless for a while.

Through the battle of the Red Circle Club, Vigo has learned that Wick is not fighting alone this time, but has found a super fierce helper.

Not only saved Wick in a critical moment, but even almost killed Kirill.

Thinking of how the strongest number one thug under him was vulnerable to the helper Wick had found, Viggo became more and more restless.

In order to find out the origin of the big man, he had to spend a lot of money to find someone to investigate urgently.

The specific results will not be known until the second day at the earliest, which means that tonight must be a sleepless night for Vigo.


Long Zhan and Wick drove away from the Red Circle Club, and the whining and noisy New York police car arrived late. It can be seen that the battle broke out fiercely, but it didn't last long.

Wick was shot once and was tied with two bottles. In theory, it was safest to go to the hospital.

However, Wick told Long Zhan to go back directly to the Continental Hotel, find the butler Canon at the front desk of the hotel, and apply for the hotel's medical services.

And also booked "laundry service".

As the butler of the New York killer headquarters, Canon seemed to have long been used to people walking into the hotel covered in blood, and received him gracefully and calmly.

Even when Wick and Long Zhan left, they asked if they needed drinks.

And a bottle of bourbon is recommended.

Drinking some spirits after the battle is indeed very pleasant, it helps to release the tense mind and body, and it can also relieve the pain of the injured Wick.

Canon's seemingly unintentional suggestion is actually full of details of the killer industry.

As for the sentence that regular doctors often say, the advice not to drink alcohol after injury is useful to ordinary people, but it is directly ignored in the killer industry.

Wine and guns are always the killer's favorite.

For Wick, spirits are equivalent to painkillers and anesthetics.

Therefore, when the doctor came to suture his wounds, the three wounds were stitched together with more than 40 stitches, including the previous bullet retrieval, Wick did not use any anesthetics, and he was drinking bourbon throughout the process.

The Asian doctor who came for the operation looked like a veteran, and knew that Wick's business was not over yet.

Before leaving, he gave Wick a bottle of special medicine, and told Wick: "Let me give you a suggestion, if you have something to deal with, take two pills of this medicine before you leave, he can guarantee you Bleed, and your bodily functions will not be affected."

Wick didn't answer any words directly, but reached out to take the special medicine handed over by the doctor. This action already represented an answer.

Long Zhan didn't know what kind of medicine it was, and guessed it might be similar to morphine, so he didn't ask further.

However, he was not injured in this battle and did not require medical treatment.

It was determined that Wick's injury was not very serious, and all important internal organs were not damaged, and even if he was a little bit harder, he could immediately go into battle.

Long Zhan was completely relieved, bid farewell to Wick and returned to his room.

I put a tub full of water in the bathroom, called the waiter and asked for a large bucket of ice cubes, poured them into the tub and took a refreshing ice bath.

With the cold water covering the whole body, the fatigue of the battle was perfectly stretched.

Who knows how cool it is to take an ice bath.

Long Zhan and Wick entered the Continental Hotel to rest, and there was a strict no-killing rule that no one could violate. It stands to reason that nothing will happen in the rest of the night.

Long Zhan even picked up his mobile phone while taking a bath, and chatted with the hot female bartender Adi.

Trying to find something interesting to do for this boring second half of the night, to vent out the killing accumulated in the club in a special way.

But under this faction of peace, there is already an undercurrent surging at this moment.

Marcus, who was personally invited by Vigo, has already appeared on the rooftop of the building opposite the Continental Hotel with his killer suitcase.

The location chosen was clearly chosen with a view to the bedroom of Wick's suite.

Marcus, like Wick, is a top killer. Unlike Wick, who likes to surprise and assassinate at close range, Marcus, who is better at close combat than street gangsters, is better at long-range sniping.

The fighting styles of the two are completely different, and they are both top masters in their respective areas of expertise.

Since these two fighting styles do not conflict, they can even be perfectly matched and coordinated.

One far and one near match each other, it is absolutely perfect.

It is also this kind of perfect mutual coordination that allowed Marcus and Wick to complete the astonishing perfect cooperation in the many operations of the killer organization, and the relationship between them has also improved rapidly.

On the day of Wick's wife Helen's funeral, Marcus personally came to the scene to see him off, which is enough to prove that the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

Definitely a fateful friendship!
But it is such a good partner and friend, but now it has become a relationship between assassination and assassination, and Wick has become the target of Marcus.

After picking the perfect sniper spot, Marcus used a telescope to observe from the air.

Seeing Wick who had treated the wound, he completely trusted the old rules of the Continental Hotel. He didn't even draw the curtains. He drank the rest of the wine and lay down on the bed. He closed his eyes and prepared to rest. There was almost no vigilance. .

Marcus, who was originally expressionless, couldn't help but frowned.

Immediately put down the observation telescope, squatted down and hid behind the wall to open the leather bag, took out various parts from it and began to quickly assemble it.

less than 20 seconds.

A bunch of parts that are finely fixed in the foam grooves and placed in the suitcase are formed into a sniper rifle by Musk——

Ruger M77 Mark ‖ Manual Bolt Sniper!

This gun has been with Marcus for many years. With his eyes closed, he can complete all the adjustments and loading before sniping, and lock the crosshair on Wick's head.

The distance between the two buildings is less than 100 meters. With Marcus's precise sniper rifle, as long as the trigger is pulled, Wick will undoubtedly die.

(End of this chapter)

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