The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 71 Synchronized Shooting Tactics

Chapter 71 Synchronized Shooting Tactics
Nine long black mushrooms floated in the night sky, almost merging with the night, and easily crossed the Syrian-Iranian border without anyone noticing.

Under the guidance of the individual GPS terminal, he finally landed smoothly to the designated coordinates.

The southeast of Syria is a world of deserts and deserts. The yellow world can't be seen at a glance. Even if there is a mountain, it is a barren wilderness.

It is not suitable for the growth of crops, and life in this kind of place will be very difficult, so it is sparsely populated.

A village with hundreds of individuals can already be regarded as vibrant, and a gathering place of one to two hundred people can already be upgraded to a small town.

However, for some people such as Long Zhan, this type of terrain is undoubtedly the best landing ground for skydiving.

Because there is no need to worry about hanging on a tree, or accidentally falling into a lake or swamp, or being discovered when it lands.

Long Zhan floated nearly 60 kilometers in the sky, and he didn't see any of his own people around the landing.

Fortunately, there is an individual GPS terminal, and everyone's jumping point is within 100 meters of the predetermined coordinates.

Through the red coordinate points representing the team members displayed on the half-palm-sized screen, Long Zhan quickly got together with Jason and the others.

The first thing that Team B did after completing the rendezvous was to replace the constant temperature suits on their bodies with protective suits.

The unknown poisonous gas leaked from the hospital has poisoned a large number of surrounding animals, and it is unknown whether it has completely dissipated.

Although everyone had a poison gas detector, if poison gas was detected, the team members must have already inhaled poison gas.

Wear biochemical protective clothing in advance to avoid unnecessary accidents.

The second thing is to hide the parachute system, together with the temperature suit that has been taken off, in a hidden place, and then put a GPS signal transmitter on it.

After all, it is a set of tens of thousands of knives, and it is simply unrealistic to carry it with you to fight.

The means of recycling must be done well.

As for whether the logistics personnel can recover the expensive military equipment hidden here according to the coordinates, it has nothing to do with Team B.

After completing the aftermath work after landing, everyone in team B rushed to the destination hospital on foot under the guidance of the GPS terminal in the dark.

This time, the CBRN mission code-named "Nighthawk" officially started.

The hospital is located in the middle of a small town, and the abandonment of the hospital has made the town extremely deserted, and the houses made of sand and soil highlight poverty even more.

The action team entered the town without feeling any popularity at all.

Not even animal sounds.

This phenomenon is very abnormal, Jason and Lei and other official members of Team B have noticed it.

However, they didn't pay much attention to it.

There was a large-scale poisonous gas leak in the hospital before, no matter what the reason was, the local government would definitely move the nearby residents away.

The town and the hospital were in the same area, so it was reasonable that there was no one in the town.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

With the cover of the buildings in the small town like a ghost town, the operation team easily approached the hospital.

The other entrances to the hospital have been completely sealed off, and with only six guards, Team B's offensive method is more direct, adopting a frontal forcible raid.

Assault formations consisted of assaulters and scouts at the front, the fire team at the rear for support at any time, and two EOD and biochemical experts at the end.

This time he will be fighting inside the hospital the whole time, and the sniper grenade has been replaced with an HK416, which has been converted into his other combat status as an investigator.

Formed an assault team with Bullock and walked at the forefront of the team.

As the captain of the commando, Jason needed to grasp all the important information immediately, so he followed closely behind the two-man commando.

The three formed the head of the combat team.

Long Zhan and Sonny followed closely behind the three, providing the strongest fire support for the assault team at any time.

The last remaining Trent walked at the end of the team, and was responsible for protecting the two EODs and Dr. Lucian at all times to prevent these experts from being harmed.

The action team quickly touched the gate of the hospital, and the Arabic words "Aher Hospital" were clearly visible.

At the same time, you can also see the gate more than 20 meters away. There are soldiers with guns standing on the left and right sides, waiting to guard the only entrance.

"Command center, this is b1. We have arrived at the target and found two security guards at the gate of the hospital, ready to start fighting." Jason called the command.

At this time, Eric, Mandy and other command intelligence personnel have set up a temporary combat headquarters in a certain US military airport in Iraq.

It's just that the time is a bit rushed, and all the work has not been fully carried out, and only basic functions can be performed.

Hearing Jason's call, Eric immediately picked up the satellite phone and replied: "The command center has received it, and you can start operations at any time."

"Any news about our Syrian friends?" Jason asked.

"Still connected, once there is news, I will notify you immediately." Eric replied.

"Roger that!"

Jason turned off the call with the command, and then ordered: "Guys, start work."

Ray and Bullock got the signal and started to move together. The cat's waist came to a gap in the broken wall from left to right, and poked out the muzzle of the gun.

Lei, who was on the right side of the gap, whispered, "Upper left!"

Blake, who was on the left side of the gap, said in a low voice: "Upper right!"

The muzzles of the two people locked on the corresponding targets in a crossed manner, and the two laser dots shot out were respectively printed on the foreheads of the two security guards.

The two security guards at the door didn't realize that they had been locked by the laser.

Still separated by a passage of two meters, each stood in the sandbag bunker to which they belonged, leaning on their heavy machine guns, smoking and chatting leisurely.

Ray and Bullock are ready for a "synchronized fire" and the target is completely unaware.

Deputy captain Lei looked through the night vision goggles on his helmet, and then through the holographic sight on the gun, which coincided with the laser light spot to form a double aim, and started the countdown in a low voice.

"Three, two, one!"


Ray had just finished counting down the last number, and Brock, who had cooperated with him for many years, pulled the trigger almost at the same time as Ray.

The two silenced gunshots almost merged into one, and they hit the target accurately at the same time.

The two heads exploded like watermelons.

(End of this chapter)

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